Hi , guys .
In this video , I wanna talk about the importance of vitamin a in pregnancy .
If you're gonna get pregnant or you know someone , a family member that's gonna be pregnant , sound this video .
Okay ?
Now I don't know how long ago , but there was a change in the RDA , the recommended amount of vitamin a in a in a prenatal .
And that now it's 8,000 , okay , IUs .
But there's a study , I'm gonna put a link down below , that talks about the importance of having at least 20 to 25000 IUs to prevent birth defects .
Now there's 3 forms of vitamin a , active forms of vitamin a , retinol , retinal , and retinoic acid .
There's if you actually have see a prenatal , you'll see usually something called beta carotene .
That is a precursor to the active form , and only a small amount of it is converted .
Okay ?
And the reason why they made this change to make it a 1,000 , which is way too low , is because there's been a lot of toxic effects of vitamin a simply because they were using a synthetic vitamin a .
Okay ?
You never wanna take synthetic vitamin a because it's toxic .
They weren't using a natural one .
So they decided instead of putting the natural , they decided to put either lower dosages of synthetic or do the precursor , beta carotene .
Okay ?
So that's what happened .
So here is some of this the the the birth defects that can occur .
Kidney malformation , dysfunctional ureters where you're urinating and the urine backs up through the kidney , Valvular problems around the , the ureters .
Cleft lip , cleft palate where you have that little nonunion of the lip or the the bone right on top of the , the lip there .
Eye defects , your brain becomes , a condition where the brain becomes located outside the skull .
That's pretty bad .
Short or long mandible , that's the overbite and underbite .
How many kids have dental arch problems where their bite is not correct ?
That could be a vitamin a deficiency , so simple to correct by just making sure the mother actually has that vitamin a .
So there's 2 good sources that I would recommend .
1 would be cod liver oil .
Make sure you get the virgin cod liver oil .
That's the top of the line .
It's expensive , but it's worth it .
Or grass fed liver .
Okay ?
You can get it in tablets or basically just , you know , eat some at least once a week .
And that will give you the natural form of vitamin a because out of all three of these forms , retinoic acid is the most important form to , in the development of the embryo .
That's why you need the vitamin a to be able to provide that raw material .
All right .
Thanks for watching .
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