Tiktok shop sellers are terrified because tiktok is suspending shops left and right .
This all started in September 21st when tiktok shop announced that they will be implementing a new and potentially troublesome policy known as the tiktok shop seller performance evaluation policy .
In a nutshell , this policy introduces a rather daunting concept violation points .
And when you accumulate a specific number of these ominous violation points , you will find yourself at various milestone enforcement thresholds embrace yourselves because these milestones trigger enforcement actions and the severity of this action is determined by the violation reason and also by the violation points that you have racked up .
Now , even though there's a search right now of sellers getting their accounts suspended .
These policies are not new tiktok shop has been suspending and limiting accounts since the start .
The difference is that now with the violation points , they can add them up and give you limits in your cellar account , like ban you for 30 days or 90 days or even suspend you forever and they are taking it very seriously .
And the thing is that some violation points that you will get are for things that are not even that important , but they add up .
And if you get a few minor violations in a row , for example , you list a product twice by mistake or you tagged a product on a video where the product is not showing or you tag the different products , those are all points that they all add up and you will get it's on your account .
Now , there's a reason why they are doing this and it is to preserve the integrity of this marketplace .
Tik Tok shop is very new .
If you take a look at any other marketplace like Amazon or ebay , they all have policies and enforcement actions .
That's just something that is necessary to protect us from the bad actors .
But the important thing here is that you know what these policies are so you can avoid breaking them and if you break them , you will know how to appeal them because there is a process for everything because tiktok sure will issue you some violation points by mistake because it's not a real person is a I but you can appeal those violations and actually get them reviewed by a real human that will help you out .
Now , in this video , I'm going to show you some of the most important violations that you can receive .
Also what is the punishment and how you can appeal them because after all the effort that you put into your shop , I don't want you to lose it .
Hey guys is the Ecom book here .
Let's get started in 32 .
Yeah .
All right .
So first we're gonna take a look at the Tik Tok shop seller , performance evaluation policy and I'm going to leave a link to this page on the description of the video so that you can review it yourself .
But we are going to go ahead and see the most important things here .
Violation points are penalty points that are issued to sellers who violate our policies and guidelines .
A occurring violation points increases the likelihood that a seller will receive action or be removed from the Tik Tok Shop platform .
Corrective action is guaranteed when sellers accumulate a certain number of points and reach a milestone enforcement thresholds .
Now , a lot of people are asking if these violation points are permanent but no , they are not here .
Any violation points received will be reset every 180 calendar days beginning from the date that it was issued .
So it's quite a long time , you know , six months to get them uh deleted , but at least you get them removed .
Now , upon accumulating 48 points for more , the seller tiktok shop will be closed like that instantly .
If a seller Tito shop has been temporarily closed , their accumulated violation points will not be reset unless the seller successfully appeals against the violations .
So when your store is closed , the only way to open it is to appeal those violations and get those points out then you can continue using your store .
But the majority of times mean when your store is permanently closed , is that permanently closed ?
Now , here's a list of violation reasons and how many points you will get if you do these violations .
I highlighted the ones that are most interesting .
For example , intellectual property infringement , you will get 48 points .
If you sell counterfeit bootlegs , fakes or pirate copies of products or content , no second chances here , if you're selling counterfeit products , you're gonna get your account suspended like that right away .
And , and there's almost no way of restoring it .
Now , you're gonna get sometimes counterfeit notices about products that you are actually allowed to sell , but you didn't upload the documentation .
So they will ask you , ok , show me the documentation that you are an authorized reseller of this product .
If that is the case , your account would be suspended until you give the required documentation and they approve it , then you will not get any violation points and you will be able to continue selling .
Now , it's a little bit ironic that a Chinese company is giving you no second chances on counterfeit and bootlegs and fakes , right ?
But they are here in United States now and they have to abide by the copyright and trademark laws .
So also another thing here on the trademark aspect , unauthorized use of third party intellectual property within your Tik Tok shop , including but not limited to any product detail page copy or images .
And I see a lot of people getting in trouble because of this because let's say that you are selling a case for an iphone and you have the picture of the case .
But then in the product you are OK ?
So it works with iphone and then you put the photo of the iphone 15 , whatever you know that image that you're using there on your product listing .
You do not have authorization to use it .
So you will get between two and 48 violation points .
Now , here's another violation that you might have by mistake product category under appropriate category .
For example , migori facial cleansing form under the household detergent category , right ?
You will get between two and 48 violation points and I don't think anyone will do this on purpose , right ?
But you have to be very careful in which category you put your products .
OK ?
Make sure that is the correct one because you can get between 2 to 48 .
That's here's one thing that I don't like about this like they don't say , OK , you , you made the mistake , here's two points or four points .
No , no , it's between two and 48 points .
Like they could give you 48 points just at once if they want it , right ?
So , you know , it's protecting themselves if they just wanna close a store because they think it's suspicious , even if it's a minor thing , they can give you the 48 violation points , which is a little bit scary , you know , very scary .
And here's another one that you might also get by mistake duplicated listing .
We only allow one product to be listed once on one page .
Product with variation should be created under the same listing .
OK .
So you cannot list multiple products on one product detail page or you cannot list a product more than once on multiple pages , such as listing the same t with four different colors as four different products .
And the amount of points that you can get is between one and 48 .
Now , another thing that a lot of people do and they get in trouble for is releasing products that have been banned or deleted .
Yes , I know it happens .
You upload a product and then it gets suspended because it didn't adhere to the community guidelines and then you just go ahead and instead of traveling with an appeal , you just go ahead delete that product and re upload the same one again , you know .
Well , that's a big , no , no .
The only way that you can actually put that product for sale is if you go through the appeal process and get it approved .
Now , here's another one , unsolicited customer message .
So a seller sends unsolicited advertisement based on the judgment of the moderation team to customers and you can get 1 to 48 points .
So yeah , uh hey , we have a sale , you know , on this product .
No , no , you cannot do that .
All right , you can only contact the customer when they contact you and when they do contact you , you better hurry up and answer them because of the 24 hour response rate policy .
A seller should respond to customer messages within 48 hours for all messages received .
The 24 hour rate should be at least 85% .
So man , you can get 2 to 48 points for this .
I mean , it doesn't matter if it's a Sunday , right ?
You better respond .
So what I do is I have uh the tiktok shop app on my phone and every time I get a notification , I just open it and just reply right away .
But it can be a little bit stressful sometimes like I'm just playing with my toddler teaching him how to walk and then I just get a notification that I got a new message .
I have to stop what I'm doing and respond just so I don't forget about it and see the next day after the 24 hours have passed .
So , you know , it's a little bit harsh this metric but I mean , it's what it is .
And in the topic of customer messages , check out the im satisfaction sellers must ensure they receive four stars and above for at least 50% of their chat survey .
A seller is unable to resolve customer queries to their satisfaction and receive less than four stars for 50% of chats , 2 to 48 points .
Now , this one , you know , some of these violation points are just a little bit ridiculous .
Like look when a customer messages you , it's not gonna be to tell you how awesome your service is .
It's gonna be because they have some kind of problem and a lot of times it's because they didn't receive the product because they put a wrong address or U SPS messed up .
Now , you can go ahead and try to make the customer whole , you know , resending the product , you know , at your cost , you know , you're covering the cost of shipping because they were the ones that made the mistake or something else and you can do this , you know , for so long , you know , trying to have that customer satisfaction of , but there's gonna be some occasions where you are not gonna be able to indulge these customers desires and requests , right ?
So if you have bad luck and you get a bad customer that demands things that you are not responsible for and you reject those requests , then you're gonna get less than four stars because it's not even like one stars that you get is less than four stars .
So it has to be , every customer has to give you five stars pretty much .
So one of every two customers has to give you five stars of customer support service .
That's crazy .
Now , here's another one , if you've been seeing my channel for a while .
You know that I have a big problem with the late dispatch rate that tiktok uses .
I talk about it on almost all of my tiktok shop videos because it affects me a lot .
And here's the thing .
Sellers must ship out their orders within three business days .
From the order creation date .
Orders shipped after three business days are considered late dispatch orders for customer order shipped in the past 8 to 14 days , they dispatch rate should be less than 4% .
Ok .
No problem .
That's simple .
You just ship the orders within three days .
But let me tell you that I ship most of my orders the same day and I still get hit by lead dispatch rate .
And that's because when I ship my orders through U SPS , when the mailman comes to pick up the huge bags full of orders , they don't scan it all the time , right ?
They normally just put it in the truck , take them to the distribution center and then maybe it gets scanned the next day .
So that's already one day lost .
But also sometimes the package is already in transit , but U SPS has not updated the tracking information and Tik Tok shop goes by the tracking information , updates that U SPS sends them , right ?
So , you know , uh you can get in trouble for this , uh , for no reason you can get 2 to 48 points .
Now , when I got in trouble for .
This was a few months ago .
There wasn't a point system , so I still got penalized .
I got a restriction .
They limit the amount of orders that I could have per day to only 50 they kept that 50 maximum order limit for seven days .
And I also got demoted instead of having the express settlement , which means that you get paid , you receive money for the items that you sold within three days after the customer received the packages , I got demoted to the standard settlement which is 15 days plus then three days processing is an entire month .
In the moment that you receive the order , you ship it , the customer gets it .
Then you wait 14 days , then you wait , you wait another three more days .
So you know , uh that gave me some troubles and here's a big one guys because a lot of you asked me if you can do drop shipping on tiktok shop .
And there's a bunch of videos on youtube saying how to do drop shipping on tiktok shop .
And I always say in my videos that you cannot do drop shipping in tiktok shop .
There are some ways around it , but that's just bread for today and hunger for tomorrow , right ?
You have to have the products yourself and ship them yourself or have them at a warehouse and use a third party logistics right to ship them for you .
You cannot make Tik Tok shop listings wait for people to buy them and then just go to another page and just buy them with the customer's information .
You cannot do that .
All right , here they say very clearly , job shipping is a business model where the seller sells products to customers without holding inventory or handling the shipment of the products .
Tik Tok shop sellers may not take orders from customers and collaborate with of platform sellers to fulfill orders .
You can get between 16 and 48 coins and finally inconsistent product promotion sellers and creators must ensure that products promoted in all uploaded content are consistent with the product listed or linked in the corresponding product detail page .
I actually got in trouble for this one .
It was by mistake .
Well , not by mistake .
I actually did it on purpose .
So I had a video of one of my shirts that I was selling and I tagged that shirt , but I also tag other related shirts on that same video , but I was only showing one of them and I got in trouble .
I got actually I got four violation points for that here .
It says between one and 48 .
Well , I got four .
I don't know if it was one per every uh uh listing that I added , you know , to that video .
I don't know or , or if it's just because they decided to give me four because they were having a bad day , you know .
Now let's go to the enforcement and the milestones .
So sellers who acquire a certain amount of violation points will reach various milestone enforcement thresholds where enforcement actions will be taken against their account based on the number of points accumulated .
All right .
So if you reach 12 points , you're not gonna be able to enroll in new mega campaigns , user growth activity , free shipping subsidies and other Tik Tok shop benefits for seven calendar days .
Also , you get a suspension on new listing , creation and updates for seven calendar days and a suspension of new affiliate plan creation for 30 calendar days .
You know , this is huge .
This is only 12 violation points and you lose the free shipping subsidies .
You cannot create affiliate plans and you cannot create new listings .
That's super rough .
You know , they are playing no games here .
Now if you get 24 so basically , instead of being seven days , it will be 14 days , 14 days and 60 days .
The same things right .
You get 36 points , then 28 days , 28 days and 90 days .
All right .
So imagine being an entire month without shipping subsidies while all of your other competitors have their products with free shipping and you can't and that sucks .
Now , have you get 48 then bro , if the seller reaches the 48 point milestone , the seller's account will be suspended permanently .
The decision to reactivate a seller account or not is made at Tik Tok shops sole discretion and bro , I , I guys , I , I feel your pain , you know , if you're going through this , I feel your pain .
I have gone through this , not necessarily on Tik Tok shop , you know , I haven't reached , you know , uh high uh violation points yet , right ?
But on other platforms , you know , I have been penalized , I have lost my stores , you know , my business have been impacted , you know , by a lot of things , some of the things that are outside of my control and they are also outside of your control .
So , you know , uh my recommendation is that you don't get dishearten by this .
Uh tiktok shop is actually an amazing platform right now .
I think that you can make a lot of money , get a bunch of new customers and yes , they have a lot of enforcements and stuff .
But you know , as long as they are applied correctly and you have the option to appeal them , you have two chances to appeal each violation , right ?
So if it gets denied , once you appeal it , it will be reviewed by another person for the second time .
And then if you get it uh denied twice , then you actually get those violation points .
But there is a process , ok ?
And bad actors will get hurt by this .
Of course , it's the whole point of this , but also some good actors and people that just make some honest mistakes are gonna be hurt by these policies .
But you know , it's , this is the world , you know , if there is how it works .
Um I I wish there was another way but it is how it is now the appeals .
So sellers can trace a maximum of two appeals against one case .
The first appeal must be raised within 30 days of enforcement .
And the second appeal can be raised within 15 days of the rejection of the first appeal .
All decisions made by Tik Tok shop are made at our sole discretion and are final after the second appeal is completed .
And any appeals raised after the timeline mentioned above will not constitute a valid appeal and will not be reviewed by Tik Tok show .
So they will not even look at them .
All right , you only have two chances , ok ?
So use them very wisely .
Now , I know this all looks very scary .
Just the thought of losing your selling privileges or getting your account limited when you rely on this for your income and paying employees just leaves us all very worried , right ?
But you know , the only thing that we can do here is know all of this documentation , ok ?
Know what we can do and what we cannot do , try to avoid any violations .
And if we get a violation by mistake or not , at least we know that we can appeal it twice .
All right .
So we use those chances because at the end of the day , a real human is gonna review your store .
And as long as you're not a bad actor , you should be fine .
All right .
Now , if you want to see more videos on tiktok Shop , I have a whole playlist here where I teach you how to use the platform and how to sell more so like and subscribe this video if you got some value out of it .
Thank you .
Thank you .
Thank you .
Um out .