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2024-01-01 21:43:30

7 New AI Apps That Will TRANSFORM Your Life

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Hey , everyone , how are you doing ?

My name is Xu .

There are lots of new A I tools coming out every day .

But here's a list of my absolute favourite seven A i tools that will blow your mind Keep watching until the end because the last one is wild .

The first one is rewind a I When I found this app for the first time , I thought it was awesome and creepy at the same time .

Essentially , it records everything you do on your computer .

Um , that includes things you see , hear and say and rewind makes it all sable , which is why they call it the search engine for your life .

I had some obvious concerns , especially about privacy and , uh , storage .

But apparently your data is only stored locally and nowhere else , which means only you have access to it .

And also another concern was that it would take up too much space on my computer .

I mean , this APP records everything .

So how long does it take until it uses up all of my storage ?

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But they have this crazy technology that compresses your data up to 3750 times so they claim .

Even if you have only super low storage , it can store years of recordings .

So after learning this , I thought I'd give it a try , and it's been really cool .

So , for example , whenever I'm trying to remember something I saw on the Internet , I can use a rewind to go back in time or search for keywords to find the things I'm looking for .

Similarly , now I can feel safe closing all the tabs because I know I can definitely find them later if I need them .

Also , it can record your meetings , too .

So if I want to see a slide or something during a call again , I can find it , too .

You can see the transcription of meetings , too , although it might not be great if you have a bit of accent like me .

Uh , but now I don't have to worry so much about spacing out in a meeting .

Oh , by the way , I just noticed that it does use lots of space .

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After all , I see that they say it usually uses 14 gigabytes per month to store all the records , so perhaps it's not a good idea to keep them forever .

Still , it's a really cool app .

If you're a student , academic or researcher , you will love the next one .

Genie is an A I powered research assistant .

You can upload academic papers or articles from the Internet .

Then Genie will analyse them and extract keywords and summaries of each section .

You can even add these summaries to your note where you can organise your ideas .

You can even make highlights and extract them into the note .

What's great about this is that there is linked to the original source , so you can always come back to where it came from .

Also , they have more advanced A .

I features where you can ask a I questions about the documents you uploaded , and it will give you an answer , which might be able to help you process the reading faster .

So if you have to do lots of reading for your or work , this is going to save you lots of time .

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And also , if you're a creator or writer , this is definitely going to help your research process .

Speaking of research , licit is another great tool for students and academics or anyone who is curious about some topics .

Licit uses language models like GB three to make finding information about a topic easier and faster .

So if you ask a question , elicit will show relevant papers and summaries of key information about those papers .

And even if your search terms don't exactly match keywords , it can find relevant papers with similar terms .

This is great when you do the initial search , when you don't really know what keywords to search for .

Plus , you get to see the abstract summary of each paper so you can see the main point .

I really wish I had this tool when I was in university .

OK , let's move away a little bit from researching , Uh , the next one is called Runway , and it's great for creatives and anyone who wants to start making videos or just wants to play with a I .

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I have seen lots of a I tools that can edit photos or make a I avatars , but I haven't seen many that can work with videos .

Runway offers a wide range of creative tools that includes removing background from video removing objects and people , uh , colour grading videos , using just what , turning any video into super blurring face and a lot more .

I haven't tried all of them .

But even the basic ones , like Cleaning Audio , are super useful to make YouTube videos like this one .

The development of a I in video editing is great , because now almost anybody can start making professional looking videos .

And , you know , of course , these tools are not perfect yet , but they will give you a kick start .

Speaking of making videos , I make lots of tutorials , which can be tough , but scribe is something that makes that process much , much easier .

They are currently sponsoring this video .

Essentially , Scribe is a chrome extension that makes it effortless to create step by step guides .

All you have to do is to press the record and do the steps you want to demonstrate .

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And once you're done , scribe will automatically generate an easy to understand guide .

Based on the recording , you can customise the title description as well as details of each step , like tips and alerts .

I like scribe because it can be super hard to show someone how to do certain things , but this makes that process much easier .

If you want to try scribe , you can download it from the link in the description .

It's free .

All right , let's get back to my favourite A .

I tools .

This one is one of my absolute favourite note apps using a I .

I like it so much that I already made two videos about it , and that is napkin .

I'd say this is the most calming and relaxing note app to use .

Basically , it's a I analyses all of your notes and presents your thoughts alongside relevant ideas .

The reason why I love it is that I always find surprising connections between different notes , which helps me get inspiration for my writing and videos or just browsing through your past thoughts feels so nice .

It helps you remember what you learned before and get inspired .

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If you want to see a more detailed review of napkin , check out my previous videos .

OK , this is a little different from the other ones on the list .

It's called My Heritage , and it's really fun .

It kind of became viral on the Internet recently .

There are a few things you can do on this website , like analysing your DNA and creating your family tree .

But I think lots of people also use it to animate photos , especially over photos of their ancestors or their loved ones .

I only tried it with my own photos , which was kind of weird , to be honest , but when used in the right context , I guess it can be even touching .

All right , this is the last one and maybe the wildest one of all Pass A I is an app that lets you create your own A I At first , when you start using it , you're given like a baby A I who knows nothing .

So you feed it the information that you wanted to know .

For example , if you want to create an A I version of yourself , you tell it things like your favourite movies or like things you learned or books you read .

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Then over time it will become like you and you can even ask you some questions .

But you don't necessarily have to think of it as an a i version of you .

It can be like your a I assistant who remembers things for you , which is actually how I've been using it .

So whenever I come across things I want to remember , I tell it that way I can always ask the a I about the thing if I forgot , you can imagine .

It's kind of like the automatic knowledge base that you can talk to or communicate with .

Or maybe I can say that you are building your own version of Chad G BT .

It's crazy because it's nothing like typical personal knowledge management tools like Eid and Sid .

It's very futuristic , Um , but that's not the only use case .

When you feed enough information to the A , I maybe it can do some work for you .

For example , if you're an author , you can feed all the things you've written in your book to your A .

I then share access to it with your readers .

They can ask you any question about the book .

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It's like a MA , but you don't have to do it yourself .

All right , so that was the list of my favourite A .

I tools .

Honestly , there are even more A I tools .

I couldn't include in this list , so I'm planning to make another one .

If you like this video , please make sure to subscribe .

And also don't forget to check out scribe .

It's a great tool and also help support this channel .

All right .

Thank you so much for watching .

And I will see you in the next video .

Bye .

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