What IDE is this ?
It's a code editor , baby .
What about Versus Code ?
Versus Code's dead , baby .
Versus Code's Brackets which is really nice , Versus Code and I unsuccessfully tried Vim .
And for me , Versus Code has been the killer .
Well , Zed is supposed to be really fast because for those that didn't notice , apparently , Versus Code is really slow .
Did you notice that ?
I I didn't notice that .
In fact , if you go to Zed's homepage , zed dot dev , right here , they have the latency times published 58 milliseconds for Zed .
Sublime , 75 .
Versus code , 97 milliseconds .
Well , apparently this is very important because people can actually perceive these responses down to 2 milliseconds .
This kind of tactile feedback , more like visual connection that you have with your screen , Z , and I've tried both Versus Code and Z , and it doesn't really matter .
Point , I've already downloaded zed and I've tried both v s code and zed , and it doesn't really affect me , but I'm only human .
So I tested it using a 900 60 frame per second recording and here's what I found .
I measured 70 frames for Versus Code , so that's about 72 milliseconds .
And for Zed , I measured 54 frames , which is about 56 milliseconds , and that's actually better than what they had on their site .
So yes , Zed is faster than Versus Code at rendering keystrokes .
Confession time .
I'm not a very good typist , so perhaps somebody who's better at typing than me would notice this difference .
There is , however , another test that I did that does show a huge difference .
Opening a folder or opening a file .
123 .
Go .
Okay .
Not bad .
Zed .
Oh , my God .
Are you serious ?
Let's try just a file here .
I don't think we need slow motion for that one .
This metric is not shown on their home page though because , well , you type a lot more than you open files or folders .
What makes Zed so fast is this new UI framework that they've created that lives on top of the GPU and talks directly to the GPU , sort of like a video game rendering .
This framework is called GPUi and it was created by the Zed team themselves .
You can find it under the Zed repository too , which by the way is now open sourced .
I'll get back to why that really matters in its fight against Versus Code in a moment .
When I monitor GPU usage in zed , we're getting what is that ?
Like 40% usage ?
And I navigate code , scroll really fast all over the place .
I'm not seeing any delays .
This is very fast .
When I do the same thing with v s code , it's about the same because Versus code also uses the GPU .
Definitely not in the same way as Zed , but I'm still not noticing any kind of delay here .
I am on an M2 Max MacBook Pro here .
I don't expect this to hit any kind of limit , but Zed has gotten up to , what is that , 40% usage maybe ?
Maybe there's a little spike nearing 50% .
Versus code is a little bit less usage .
More usage , of course , is better .
That means it's showing that it's actually utilizing the GPU .
However , it's just want to get some baseline readings on this machine , which is showing me that there is a little bit of a difference .
You can also start Versus code in this mode right here where you disable the GPU on startup .
So let's quit that , disable the GPU and let's have a look at that when I do a lot of scrolling .
I'm still not seeing any slowdowns and this is telling me that the CPU is handling the rendering here and is doing just a fine job .
Now , what I like about Versus Code is the zooming in ability and the separation of windows .
Let me show you .
So when I zoom in , I can do command plus command minus to zoom out , and the entire UI responds to my zoom .
I like that because it gives me , more power to do presentations when I do screencasts and video recordings and things like that .
With Zed , the code zooms in and out the same way , but the rest of the interface does not .
So if I'm zooming in and out just to show my code , that's fine .
But how do I zoom everything else ?
The menus , the rest of the UI .
I might need to dig through menus and see how it's done .
Maybe it's possible , but it's not immediately obvious .
Still , not a huge deal .
Now what about separating tabs to a new window ?
You can't do that with Zed .
Trying to drag a tab out and you just can't do it .
What I do like about Versus Code is that you can take a tab and drag it out to a new window .
And this window has its own controls , so I can zoom that window independently .
These are all features that can be added to zed , but Versus Code has them right now out of the box without any extensions .
These are the kinds of things that I personally use .
You might not even care about this kind of thing , but what a lot of people do care about is Copilot .
And Versus Code and Zed both have Copilot support .
With Versus Code , you also have extensions for other AI assistants other than Copilot , like , Cody .
I recently did a video on that .
Tab 9 is another popular one .
With Zed , you do have the ability to use AI through providing your own OpenAI API key .
Right now , they only support OpenAI and you're gonna have to pay per usage over there .
I just found the extensions menu item here in Zed .
They do have extensions , but it looks like that area needs to be developed quite a bit .
Right now , there isn't much going on here .
Extensions are in the form of themes and language highlighting support from what I understand here .
Not true extensions in the sense of the word that we get with Versus code , where they can actually augment functionality of the tool .
Let's try to change the theme here .
Let's go with , this one .
Nice .
Now one other thing I really enjoy in Versus Code is formatting .
And I do that by highlighting a selection , command k , command f , and it formats the document or the selection , I should say .
Let's see if this happens in zed .
Command k , command f .
What happened there ?
Not quite sure if it formatted , but it , it went down to the bottom of the file .
To really see it , I'm gonna have to change the bottom of the file .
Oh , it formats on save .
That's that's good .
Yeah .
It formats on save .
I like that .
You can do the same thing with Versus Code .
So you probably have some preferences here , like format on save , off .
There we go .
Now , one of the things about Zed is that it's focused on stability .
This is something that , Versus code has a history of , let's just say , I'm really used to reloading the window .
It's one of my favorite things I do in Versus Code .
Developer , reload window .
Boom .
And that should tell you something about the stability of of an electron based project .
It's not always the most stable thing .
Here , they're saying that they're focused on doing something called fuzz tested for stability , whatever that means .
It's supposed to eliminate the kinds of issues you might run into , like I do with Versus Code sometimes where things don't sync up or they freeze and I need to reload the window .
That said , Zed does have a workspace restart function .
Just in case .
Let's check out the collaboration feature .
Here on this machine , I'm logged in as a one GitHub account into Zed , and here I'm logged in as another GitHub account .
On this one , I want to share this project with this person .
I'm going to add a contact and I'm going to type in their name .
This will only pop up if this person is logged into Zed .
I selected this person and now here I get an invitation .
There we go .
It's under requests and I accept my invite .
Boom .
Zysken accepted your contact invite .
Now what ?
In case you're not aware , this is not a tutorial .
This is me trying it out for the first time .
On this machine , I'm gonna just start typing and see if this does anything .
The only way to share my project is to actually call the other person .
Maybe that's not the only way , but that's how I'm finding it out .
Oh .
Zed just crashed over here .
Okay , accept the call .
Zed .
Alright , I finally got it to where it's not crashing .
I think , I'm gonna give this another shot .
So I've got the same file opened on both sides , and I'm gonna start typing .
It's working .
There is a significant delay , but it's working .
It doesn't show me who's editing the file here though , so that would be kind of nice if it did .
Maybe if there's more than one other person working on this , it would .
Let's go the other way , and that's working too .
Now this is actually giving another person complete access to your project .
So if they mess something up oh , Zed crashed again .
So if they mess something up , they will mess up your local copy , so be careful .
Now , Versus Code doesn't have a built in function to share the project .
They do have something called live share .
It's an extension by Microsoft that you can enable , and then I can live share my project .
It just gives you a link you can join .
I'm gonna go over here , paste in that link .
This pops open Versus Code .
Now , it did open up Versus Code in the browser .
It works in the browser because , well , it's web technology .
So I can keep working here in the browser , or let's see if I can open up Versus Code .
Let's pop open that same file that I was working on , and here we are .
And this works much , much better now .
Of course , it's a little bit more mature .
Anything I type here is instantly shown over there on that side .
And not only that , it also shows me who is making the change .
So if I continue typing over here , the changes are coming through instantly on the other side .
Collaboration is definitely something that's a little bit , better implemented , I think , at this point in time in Versus Code using live share .
The Zed team is really experienced as they are the folks behind Atom and Electron on top of which Versus Code is built .
But they are also a small new startup going up against one of the biggest companies on the face of the earth , Microsoft .
It doesn't mean that they can't do it better , but even if we give Zed the benefit of the doubt and say that it's better than Versus Code at its core , they have many years of hard work ahead of them to catch up in developing this product .
Adding support for multiple platforms because it's right now , it's Mac OS only , so they need Windows , they need Linux , and opening up Zed for extensions and plugins .
But now that it's open source , they might speed things up a little bit , which is probably why they did it .
Now speaking of supporting Linux and Windows , they're gonna have to completely rewrite their UI layers Because right now , Zed uses GPUi and that's a special UI library that they created that's Mac OS only and it's so new that they're constantly discovering new bugs and fixing them .
Here's a blog post on their site .
By the way , they're being really transparent about everything .
They have a YouTube channel .
They're documenting everything and now they're open source .
So really cool .
And here in this blog post called 120 FPS , they documented some of the issues they've recently uncovered , and this is in their GPUi framework or library , whatever it's called .
It's a framework .
So they have to deal with multiple layers here of the onion to get this thing working .
Whereas , Electron is now a mature product and constantly getting better too .
So , Versus code ain't leaving and it's not dead yet .
It's only getting better .
A good David and Goliath story has to have a bad guy and while Versus code might be a little bit slower , as my tests have shown , it needs to be bad so we can all get behind the little guy who's good .
And Versus code is just not bad .
It's the opposite .
I'm gonna keep using Versus code as my main tool because of all the extensions that I depend on , but I'm going to keep zed installed .
Because if I need to edit a file , I do find it frustrating when I need to open a file through the command line and Versus code takes a couple of seconds to get it going .
Zed is really excellent for that right now .
And who knows , maybe give it a couple years , it's gonna catch up , maybe it'll overtake Versus code .
Who knows ?
Have you tried Zed yet ?
What do you think about it ?
Let me know down in the comments below .
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I'll see you next time .