Today's guitar lesson is going to be on Love Story by Taylor Swift Love story .
Um This song is pretty easy or it can be fairly complex depending on how you want to do it .
But what I like to do is kind of take it somewhere in the middle of easy and hard .
What I am gonna teach you first is that little banjo picking part , how to play it on a guitar .
So , what you need is you need a DS two chord .
Um And what you're gonna do is with alternate picking , you're gonna go on the D string to the G string and then you're gonna skip to the E string and then to the B do E again , back to be back to G and then back to beat .
So we have dgebebg do that again .
He did that twice .
Now , our next chord is gonna be B minor and an easy way to play this .
Um Since you don't necessarily need to borrow it , you're lucky this time , um is with this kind of a minor type voicing um with your 3rd , 4th and 2nd finger starting on the fourth threat , you're gonna pick the same strings as what you did for the D cord like this .
So all together you've got , now after that , you're gonna go to G um make a simple G like this with your 3rd , 3rd finger here and your second finger all the way over .
Leave that E string open because that is what is going to be kind of your pedal tone throughout the entire picking part .
So now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pick the E string and I'm gonna pick the open G like this .
But then this stays the same .
Do that twice .
G oh Sorry , E string , C string , open , E back to B open E back to BG B like so , and then our last chord we're gonna make is actually an A S four chord .
Um And we're gonna pick the A string and then we're gonna pick the G string again and just repeat that riff again .
I'll do that again .
A string , G string , a string , B string , a string , B string , G string ring .
OK .
Now our pre chorus um after that , the , but you were Romeo , you were throwing Pebbles part .
It's gonna be G to A , this be my me A now we're at our course .
Go me mine .
They have again , taken it back from the Precose with G A B minor .
Our chorus D A B minor .
G .
So again , backing it up , I'm gonna sing this time so you could hear it deep , good .
And so you just repeat that format again .
Um Till we get to the little breakdown after the solo .
Now the breakdown starts on the B minor .
This is the part where she goes , oh That's hard .
And B minor to G deep and you DD to A and then we repeat the chorus .
See .
Now , here's the surprise , there's a key change at the end .
What happens is she changes from the key of D to the key of E .
So our chords now at the very last chorus are gonna be E major bar C minor to a like .
So , um so we can take it back from that breakdown .
Good time .
I mean to A B minor to D S A and then the chorus than to eat T shirt .
And then you just keep repeating that to the end and then you end on an E cord .
And that is Taylor Swift's love story .
Thanks a lot for watching .
If you would like to learn how to play guitar for any more songs .
Um Check out these videos over here or you can go to our website at mahalo dot com slash how to play guitar for newbies .
Thanks a lot .