Hey guys , what's going on ?
This is the PTM .
I got a request on my channel that said , can you please show us how to play Fix You by coldplay ?
So I thought , wow , that's a great idea because I just put a cover up and you should check it out .
So click right here .
Don't forget to subscribe .
Uh I'm gonna keep bringing on some tutorials .
This is for pianist and singer .
So you're gonna be singing along and playing at the same time , upload a video of you playing this song after I taught you and post it as a video response to this video .
Uh Have fun playing the song and learning it .
I will see you later .
All right .
Fix you by coldplay .
Here we go .
So I'm gonna teach you the introduction right now .
In two parts .
The first part we're going to learn is the right hand .
It's quite simple .
Actually , all you have to do is play two chords over and over again .
So you're going to start with an E flat major chord .
So that is E flat and then B flat and then G OK , it can be up here or it could be up here , right .
Like I , I do this because it , um , it sounds best , uh , to me .
Um , and then the next chord is going to be a GMG minor chord .
So GP for NT , right .
And then you're gonna go one , you to , to back and forth .
OK .
That is your right hand .
Now , for your left hand , you're gonna start off , um , right here and an E OK ?
And I'm gonna go through this slowly and then I'm gonna go faster to show you exactly how it's gonna sound later .
So this is your introduction .
It's gonna go E flat FG and B flat .
C back to B flat .
All right .
And then you do that again .
E flat FG back to E flat though this time C and then down even more to a beef .
All right and all right .
So let's do this one more time .
EF TB mm Efge flat .
Be flat .
Sorry , I didn't say flabby .
So here we go .
We're gonna put these together now ready .
It's gonna look like this .
All right .
So there we go .
That's the introduction .
You can keep playing that throughout the whole verse .
If you're able to actually sing and play this melody in the left hand at the same time or you can just hold the left hand notes .
All right .
So what you're gonna do for the verse is like I said , either play it like this when you try .
Yes .
But you don't say or you can hold left hand notes just like this .
It's gonna be E flat , G in the left hand again .
C and be fight , right ?
You , yes .
But you don't when you get what you want but now when you , but you can stuff OK , same thing for the second verse .
I'm not going to show you because it's the exact same notes .
Just change the lyrics .
All right .
So for the chorus , the first chorus , you are going to be playing just a regular , a flat major chord and then you're gonna go up to a B flat major chord and then back to an , a flat major chord and back up to a B flat major cordon pretty simple .
Uh Let me sing it for you .
So you know how it goes .
Mm I You Yeah .
And to fix you .
OK .
Right after that part , you're gonna go up here in the right hand to play a little bit of a melody before the third verse .
It's gonna go like this .
OK ?
So same thing in the , in the left hand , but in the right hand , you're just going simple to G to E flat and then G to D back up .
OK ?
eh ?
Qué tal Rock ?
Yo soy Santiago , de la escuela de Rock , aquí en Quito , Ecuador .
Antes de empezar con este video tengo que hacer una pequeña advertencia .
John Frusciante tiene un muy profundo conocimiento de la teoría musical y para las personas que entienden de teoría musical va a resultar fascinante ver cómo él aplica estos conceptos en su música .
Y ahí es cuando uno se da cuenta realmente porque es un músico tan especial y tan único .
Pero va a también a haber muchas personas que se queden , como que no entendí nada para todas esas personas .
No se enojen conmigo , porque esta es la forma en la que Frusciante mismo explica las cosas .
So you're gonna start by playing s here , it's gonna be an E flat major chord and you're gonna go like this then down to a flat major .
Same with the cord here , back to E flat major and here it's gonna be B flat major , but still play this E for a couple of times , the next C minor , then a flat leave flat again .
That would be flat .
All right .
And same thing when the lyrics come in .
Y él dice que utilizaba un típico diccionario de acordes muy conocido de Ted Green , que se llama Court Knit , pero que básicamente , al ser un diccionario de acordes , no sabía exactamente cómo aplicarlos .
Por ejemplo , digamos que tenía un acorde como éste , que se llama Mi siete bemol nueve por sí solo .
No funciona muy bien como acorde .
No tiene mucho sentido .
Es como que uno quisiera hacer un acompañamiento con esto .
No termina de cuajar eso muy bien , pero que al revisar la música de músicos como Elton John o los Beatles se empezó a dar cuenta cómo se utilizaban ese tipo de acordes .
Entonces , por ejemplo , un acorde como este tiene mucho más sentido .