We all have our own unique preferences when it comes to dating .
But there are some personalities out there .
You'd probably be better off avoiding altogether .
It's not about judging or attacking anyone but simply spotting the red flags before you get into deep .
Don't you agree with that ?
Said , let's talk about some types of people .
You might want to swipe left on the Pick me .
Ever met someone who's got a serious case of the Pick Me syndrome .
They're like desperate contestants in a talent show acting over the top to grab everyone's attention and they're not above throwing shade at others , even their own friends just to shine brighter themselves .
When they say I'm not like most people , I'm cool and different .
What they're really screaming is , please pick me .
Look at how much I need validation and who needs that .
Dating .
A pick me is exhausting .
But remember , everyone has their moments of seeking validation .
It's crucial to understand and communicate openly to foster a healthy connection if you can't handle me at my worst .
Ah , the classic line .
If you can't handle me at my worst , you don't deserve me at my best .
Sounds empowering .
Right .
But dating someone who lives by this motto is like signing up for an emotional roller coaster , using it to justify their erratic behavior , healthy relationships thrive on understanding and compromise .
Not ultimatums , everyone has their ups and downs , but a loving relationship is built on mutual support , not a constant test of endurance .
The ghost whisperer , you've been dating for a while , but it feels like your partner is a master of disappearing acts .
Ever met someone who makes Houdini look like an amateur magician with their disappearing acts .
You're texting , you're vibing and then poof , they vanish without a trace .
No replies , no explanations .
Yep .
You've stumbled upon the elusive ghost whisperer .
A commitment phobe who likes to vanish into thin air , try to open up a conversation about expectations and boundaries with this person and if they still disappear , then just know that it's not you .
It's them , the mirror mirror on the wall .
Imagine being with someone who's like your own personal clone .
It might sound cool at first .
Right .
But here's the deal with dating the copycat .
They lack individuality and that's a huge red flag .
They'll pick up your hobbies , mimic your tastes and just spout your opinions back to you because they can't think for themselves and don't know who they are .
And though it might feel flattering at first dating someone like this can stunt personal growth and development in a healthy relationship .
Both partners encourage and celebrate each other's individuality .
But because you're essentially in a relationship with your own reflection , there's no challenge , no depth and no connection .
The love bomber too fast , too soon .
Love bombers are like relationship , tornadoes , showering you with excessive affection and attention from the get go .
It might feel like a dream come true initially .
But watch out it's often a manipulative tactic .
Love bombers use overwhelming flattery and gifts to quickly gain control and create dependency .
Once they got you hooked , that is when they use the hot and cold method to keep you in a trauma bond .
It's crucial not to get swept away by the whirlwind as their interactions are rarely genuine .
If someone's love seems too good to be true , it might just be a love bomber in disguise .
Steer clear and take your time to build a genuine connection based on trust and authenticity .
The time traveler ever feel like you're dating someone who's stuck in the past or still hung up on their ex .
What about someone living in a future that hasn't happened yet where you're already in the happily ever after ?
That's the problem with dating the time traveler .
They're so busy planning an idealized future or stuck in their own memories that they forget to enjoy them now , which leaves you feeling lonely in the present .
The serial monologue conversations are a two way street , but it seems like the person you're dating missed that memo .
They treat every conversation like a monologue and talk much more than they listen .
Sometimes even dismissing your input .
If you find it difficult to have an engaging mutual conversation with someone , then it's time to hit the brakes on your relationship .
A meaningful connection between two people can only be established through active listening , mutual understanding and a balance between sharing and receiving the social media stalker .
Imagine this , you're just starting to get to know someone and bam , they're digging up your ancient Facebook posts , scrutinizing your friend list and telling you not to like these certain posts a bit much , right ?
Sure .
It might seem harmless but excessive snooping can stir up misunderstandings and sow seeds of trust issues .
This is not love .
It's an unhealthy obsession .
So if your potential partner is already reciting your social media posts from five years ago , back to you , maybe don't go on another date with them .
So , do you relate to any of these things we mentioned ?
What are some other types of people you should never date ?
Share your thoughts in the comments below .
Let's start a conversation .
Remember , it's not about judging others but finding the right match .
Keeping an eye out for these dating red flags can save you from a world of romantic headaches .
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