we're here to answer the question , which game engine is better at creating a first person shooter ?
unity , unreal or godot ?
we've got one hour .
go !
looks like gorka's already got a cameraman .
like literally , it's a man who's half camera , half man .
i feel like half of my time is just gonna be installing different packages and the other half is gonna be defending unity not gonna get too much into that .
i got a focus i was about to try and show off that i'd made something running super fast , but i forgot to add lights i forgot to add collision and i just fell through an empty dark world .
the godot community is like , come on bram , don't let us down .
i feel like i'm at the biggest disadvantage here because i primarily work in 2d and i barely know my way around a 3d editor .
see if i can remember how to do all this .
and the excuses have started .
oh boy .
it's just 2d with an extra d .
so i urge the godot and unity contestants to not look at the unreal progress .
yeah , better not look .
about to go aaa .
already looking for a publisher .
one of the rules today is you are allowed to use assets from whatever asset store is available to you , or just click make my game awesome if you're in unreal .
that's what i did .
bonus points if you make a game that is actually fun .
wow , look at my guy , he's like stretching .
here's my entire level , done .
you probably could have gone to the asset store , stephen , and got a box just as good as that one .
just you wait .
with disrespect for that excellent box .
my experience with battles , it's around about now that people start to bring in code from other projects they've worked on so if there's a little bit of importing scripts from other projects that's okay .
couldn't be me .
thankfully i've put a bunch of helpful scripts on github for free that i've just dragged into this because i figured that's publicly available i've got a menu set up if i want to change my field of view on my mouse sensitivity i can do that no one to shoot at yet but you can change the field of view on the capsule shooting is a way off oh steven's dabbling in a little bit of unity asset store .
surely this is the advantage that unity has .
it's a pretty good asset store .
i don't even know how godot can compete if stephen starts to tap into the power of the unity asset store ?
doing my best , except every single thing i download and import takes one to two minutes , which you do that a few times and you chop into 60 minutes real quick .
haven't you paid for the faster download upgrade ?
ha ha ha ha .
gorka , today are you doing entirely blueprint or are you doing any c++ ?
i have one hour , so 100% blueprint , yeah .
i love the texture you've got on your capsule there .
oh no , oh , you ruined it .
no , i made it , this is perfect .
now i'm using the right renderer because unity has a million renderers .
oh , you've got a guy with a snorkeling mask .
did you do that yourself ?
no , this is an amazing asset that i just downloaded .
and bram , you're using gd script today , yeah ?
i am using gd script .
i love it because godot did used to have visual scripting , but that went away in version 4 .
oh , i have a suspicion that bram has gone and imported something from somewhere .
i have .
this is ...
cheating .
the unreal guy doesn't get to call other people cheats .
look at you , you've already got four arms !
like , look at you !
yeah , that's so many more than what's in the lot .
look !
so cool .
what kind of game can i make in 50 minutes ?
a good one .
i really hope that one of you , instead of having a gun , just has the character with a finger that goes pew pew and shoots some kind of lasers out of their finger .
steven ?
give me like a three minutes uninterrupted .
bug the other , distract the others .
okay , okay , okay .
hey gorka , how you doing ?
you're so far out in the lead with your fancy unreal engine .
like it's only a matter of time before unreal crashes though , you know that right ?
yeah , i know , i know .
i'm very scared right now .
so like yep accepted it .
here i go back to the unity asset store got my shopping list .
and again cheating .
are you talking about yourself gorka or someone else ?
and again i'm cheating .
is anyone planning on having any enemies or is it just like i'll have a gun ?
yeah of course i'll have ai and everything .
oh boy gorka's gonna have where you walk up to someone and then have an interactive ai conversation based upon how you ...
well i don't think i will get that far but .
so i do kind of have a plan .
you know the first level of call of duty 4 where it's a room with targets you run through and shoot ?
oh yeah yeah good idea .
that's what i'm saying .
we were just talking about that the other day actually , that is a funny coincidence .
yeah , that's my plan for being fast , but let's see if it actually happens .
if you're curious about learning godot , bram has just launched a course where it's godot 3d and you can learn how to make a first person shooter and a tower defense and a rocket project boost project boost flying a rocket around stuff gorkas reload mechanic nice look at this most realistic animation you see look at look at look at this so did you model those arms yourself ?
i'm actually the only person who's not going to have arms .
i'm such a casual .
open source don't get no arms .
contestants , you have used up 20 valuable minutes and have 40 valuable minutes remaining .
unreal's better than unity .
maybe gudo's ok .
we're yet to see .
you know what i should prioritize right now ?
some post-processing , because that's a good idea .
ok , good enough .
that's enough .
that's enough .
that's enough .
i'm done .
if i had one wish for you , steven hubbard , it would be for you to put in a new skybox .
boom , new skybox .
did you seriously just change it from blue to slightly different blue ?
it looks nice .
it looks good .
even if you've got no enemies and no world and no level , but muzzle flare , i think you'll win .
okay , there we go .
boom , fog .
yes .
i don't know if that had the impact you were hoping .
it's not the skybox i meant .
okay , bram , talk us through where you're at at the moment .
you do have two rooms and a couple of corridors i can now press r and it spins the gun around in a pretendy reload animation nice .
i'm gonna break all the rules of everything i've ever taught in any of my courses and actually just throw everything out the window and have one master guard class .
do as i say , don't do as i do .
gorka hasn't had enough harassment at this stage .
no , please .
no , please don't do it , don't talk to me .
your animator's like a food truck burrito where it was made in a hurry and not quite closed up properly down the bottom .
no bullets but soon i'll be able to abominate him .
gorky you're about to launch an unreal stealth course .
in that course do you do much in the way of ai ?
yeah , it's covered in a very advanced way using behavior trees .
so we'll cover patrolling , ai detection , and a lot of different stuff .
so that will be very interesting .
the muscle flies like appear in like 20 meters from my pistol .
very weird .
steven , do you have a plan ?
nope , nope , nope .
don't talk to me .
why what ?
i was wondering if you had a plan ai wise .
i'm gonna try to get some stationary objects being shot and dying first and then we're gonna go from there .
dude , rick , how impressed are you ?
look at this gorgeous particle effect .
look , my gun's shooting .
i've got a little machine gun going .
you like that ?
geez , i didn't even know my arms were so low .
look at this .
what is going on here ?
that's right .
another 15 minutes of fixing your muzzle flash and you'll be ready to find gameplay .
you are just stressing me out , bro .
and does gorka actually have things dying yet ?
okay , i need to concentrate .
i need to get to the dying ...
the process , you know .
i've made the absolutely colossal mistake of doing some things i have to think about .
so this is probably the first time in the whole event that i'm seeing multiple people actually coding and not just copy pasting from their other projects .
so good work .
i blew your mind with the muzzle flash .
i know , i know .
and give me another 120 seconds and i'll blow your mind and i'm gonna kill some robots .
i'm pretty sure .
oh good , because gork has been shooting at a guy since like minute two and bram now has some targets in there that he's destroying .
the first thing i made was a reload animation that i've not hooked up .
you can reload , but it does nothing .
i gave this a little box collider .
i should be able to shoot .
and if you look at , take a look at the very bottom left in the console , it says cube , which is the floor .
here's moment of truth .
we're hoping that this changes .
it hit .
that was awesome .
whoa , gorka's winning the balloon race here .
blood particle effects .
they're crazy .
that is exactly , that's hyper realistic .
triple a .
super realistic .
public void , take damage .
i'm a programmer .
i hope you guys are keeping up because i've got four targets and when you shoot them all you win .
we should probably attach the health class to the robot .
it tends to be an important step .
i've also just done what i can only describe as a stroke of genius .
when i won , my user interface was getting in the way of my new user interface , so i just deleted the old pause menu .
gadooo !
that's open source for you .
gorka's smashing through his blueprint scripts here .
dude , you're going quick on these things .
blueprints is crazy .
super cool to prototype them .
it's like , there's like nodes and lines and stuff going everywhere .
and now look at the guys trying to smack you in the face .
that's awesome .
does look like he's got jazz hands though , doesn't it ?
what ?
yeah !
it's like dancing , you know ?
so i've been looking at your investment into particles here , steven .
i think you've spent about 28 minutes now working on your explosion particles .
it's gonna be a little bit ridiculous , but you ready ?
oh yeah .
oh yeah .
you guys want me to give you an extra bonus five minutes oh yeah we're going back to the unity asset store for the 17th time i am grabbing literally any asset i see and putting it in .
oh yeah , that tree makes all the difference .
okay , your bonus five minutes starts now .
i don't think i've ever ignored console errors so hard in my entire life .
that's the game jam way of doing things .
errashmara .
two minutes remaining .
there'll be no more bonus time .
two minutes left .
gorka !
look at him go !
that's tiny hair .
he's like , blueprint , blueprint , blueprint !
push the triple a button .
ten seconds .
five , four , three , two , one .
and stop !
let me add my post-processing highlights .
no !
woo !
so i've got a few rooms .
they're gray and they have assets in them .
if i hit r , it reloads my gun .
that's not hooked up .
it doesn't do a single thing .
i've got a target tracker in the bottom left .
whenever i shoot a target , it says , oh , i've hit one of my 14 targets .
if i hit all 14 , i'll win .
let's go on to the next room .
ooh , some of these targets are moving .
i'll take those off .
moving targets .
we've got more that are moving and i can hit it .
i can hit it .
years of csgo training paying off .
there's an elevator .
if i go down , we get to the last few targets .
but here's the secret .
i've missed one target .
no , i need to ...
no one needs to know about that .
time for me to go back up the elevator .
it'll say i won and i did a bad job .
so we got a first person shooter so we got you know realistic animations especially blood particles effects .
we got ai that will chase you and when you you don't get near it will attack you can shoot them down it will ragdoll and everything was made in that tower except animations and particles .
nice dig at everyone else there like i made all the stuff and you guys i saw didn't .
how you die just you know fall they have 20 000 errors .
steven representing unity .
so we have a little machine gun here , and we can just , you know , blow them up .
you hit them three times , and , you know , we have a cool little explosion .
we have some fun post-processing with some trees and shadows .
and there you go .
that's where we got .
leave a comment below which game engine you think is best for creating first person shooters we'll see you in the next video .
this bench is exactly covering up the last target i'm so sad .