Most of the A I videos are a few seconds long like two seconds , three seconds or four seconds .
But I'm going to show you this tool .
You can create longer A I videos .
Let's go to Google and search for runway ML .
Click here and here is the URL of this tool run has so many A I tools you can generate images and also videos for , for videos .
You can generate videos from text from videos and also generate videos from images .
Now let's sign in and I'll show you how to create longer A I videos .
I'm signed into my account under videos .
Uh Let's go to generate videos and now let's go to GEN two because that's where you can create text or image to video .
This is where you wanna click .
Now , you have three different options .
You can enter a text prompt .
You can also add an image prompt or if you scroll down here are different videos that you can use and remix to create your own .
So for example , let's say if you like this astronaut and you wanna use this as your prompt , click on remix and now you are able to use this .
But here's what I'm gonna do .
I'm gonna use a text prompt sunset at the beach and water waves before you generate .
You can also click on free preview .
It's gonna generate some previews for you right here .
Here you go .
This is really neat .
And you can pick whichever one you want and then click on generate this .
It's working on my video and this video is gonna be four seconds long , but stay tuned .
I'll show you how to make it a longer into a longer video .
Boom .
Here you go .
First .
Let's watch the four second video .
Wow .
Look at this .
How cool is this now to make it longer ?
Here is what you're gonna do .
Click on extend four seconds .
It's gonna add another four second and make it eight seconds and you can do it for three more times and once you do it here is my eight second video .
This is just amazing .
See the quality of this video one way is one of my favorite A I tools .