Ladies and gentlemen , after five rounds , we go to the judges scorecards for decision , all three judges score this contest 4946 for the winner by you still .
Yeah , you , you were what a great champion of the world .
Leon .
Welcome .
Ladies and gentlemen , I am here with the winner and still UFC welterweight champion of the world .
Leon Edwards .
Leon .
This was an interesting fight in that .
What we got out of .
Kobe was not the same that we've seen before .
It wasn't reckless .
He didn't come charging after you and try to put the pace on you .
But it's , it seemed like you wanted to prove a point by grappling with him in a , in a moment .
Yeah , 100% .
I know it was a bad athlete .
You know , like all training camp kept going on about his cardio , his cardio , his cardio .
So no one wants to control the distance .
I'd have to match with cardio cardio so like I could match with technique and range and just shut him down and moments where the fight did go to the ground .
It seemed like the reason why he was able to get on top of you was , you chose to grapple with him instead of choosing to try to get back up .
Iii I want , I wanted to um um II I wanted to grapple with him just to shut down this strike uh thing I've got going on , you know , I'm a mixed martial arts .
I started , I started as a missed ma martial arts .
So I wanna come out here , prove my case .
I grapple a gra the grappler .
I was struck him in .
This is my 2nd , 2nd entire defense tired GSB for most um wins in a row .
So let's still do what I'm doing .
There was one moment .
This fight was very emotional for me .
This guy used my , my dad's death as entertainment .
He used my dad's murder of entertainment and it took it out for me to calm down , stay focused and come in and fight , you know , and I thought to my coach , I spoke to my mum and I kind of just shut it all down , you know , was this much more difficult for you because of that because of the anger 100% .
Uh back after the press conference , I went backstage , I was crying cos just the rage that you can't eat my dad's death as my uh as entertainment .
And that's what he did , you know , like to this day , he still breaks my heart .
He got murdered and he said my dad should burn in hell and well , you got past that you dominated this fight .
You retained your title .
Does , does it bother you that you weren't able to finish it ?
100% ?
100% ?
I feel like I was a much better athlete than technique technician .
I had , had a few , uh , scenarios and I could have , I couldn't have went for the child and finish it and , um , but like I said , he's a good , he's a good guy , you know , he compete hard against Kumar who's been won out there twice .
And so he's a , he's a great competitor , but it's just a , they're a human being .
Well , listen , sir , congratulations on retaining your title .
You are still the we to win champion of the world .
Ladies and gentlemen , Neo Edwards , Jesus .