Stop creating motivational youtube shorts channels like this one , the truth is they won't get monetized .
And if they do , it's only a matter of days or probably weeks before you receive a demonetization message from youtube .
Like this one , you see , I created such a channel and after garnering 10 million views in 90 days , I hit my first dead end .
Yes , I applied for the youtube partner program and got rejected .
Why ?
Because was basically re uploading other people's content .
So these videos didn't meet youtube shorts , monetization policies .
But hold on .
You've probably watched videos from youtube Gurus telling you how they get monetized by uploading such videos .
Yes .
But what they don't show you is the crazy amount of work they put into creating just 1 32nd long video .
Those channels spend hours editing their videos using high end software like a premiere pro or after effects .
But what if I told you there's an easy way to create motivational shorts and reels that get millions of views and can be monetized .
In fact , this method is absolutely new and just a few channels are already using it and guess what their videos get millions of views and they just started about 2 to 3 months ago .
Here's one example , a channel that's garnered over 30 K subscribers in just three months with video surpassing 2 million views .
In fact , they posted a video about three days ago that has already received over 100 K views .
This demonstrates how super easy it is to quickly blow up on youtube and start making money with shorts like this .
And no , this isn't just a regular motivational youtube short .
These guys are doing something absolutely different and new .
It's absolute genius .
Let me explain .
Instead of posting normal motivational shorts , these channels turn motivational speeches into engaging short stories using A I .
This way , the youtube shorts algorithm sees their content as different and quickly pushes it to a wider audience .
That's why their videos keep getting millions of views .
Let's play one of the videos .
So you get what I'm talking about .
If you put 100 black ants and 100 red ants in a jar , nothing will happen .
But if you shake the jar , the ants will start killing each other .
You get the point now .
So stick with me because in this video , I'll be taking you through the complete step by step guide on how to create those types of videos using only chat GP T and cap cut .
And if you stay till the end of this video , I'll show you the secret these guys use to make every single one of their videos go viral once uploaded .
So you too can apply it and start getting millions of views on your shorts .
Are you ready ?
Let's go .
So to create these types of shorts , we will be relying on two tools .
First is Chat G BT and we will be using it to generate the script for our video .
Now pay attention because there are two ways to go about this , the easy way and the complicated way since I don't want to make things complicated for you .
My viewers , let's go with the easy way here .
You'll be getting the idea of your script from one of the videos on these motivational channels .
However , you don't necessarily have to do that all by yourself as I have the prompt all set up you in the Google doc down below .
So basically what we are telling chat GP T in this prompt is that we will be giving it a transcript from a motivational video and we want it to come up with five similar ideas for our own video .
After entering the prompt , what you'll get is a list of motivational video scripts , written like stories .
Once you get that , let's move to the next step .
Now we want to turn the script into a voiceover for this .
We will be using a text to speech website called 11 Labs .
In case you don't know this website takes your scripts and turns them into speaking voices to use it , just copy your script from Chat GP T and then paste it here in 11 labs .
Now you want to select a voice .
I recommend a deep voice like Adam or Marcus .
As I found them to be the perfect fit for these types of videos you can play through and listen to the voices one by one in case you want something even better .
So once you're done with that click on generate and in just a few seconds , your voiceover will be ready , then download it once that is done .
Let's go to the next step .
Getting stock footage .
You see if you really want videos that will quickly go viral .
You need to use compelling visuals just like the channels I showed you earlier .
I mean , you want to look for something that transpires success for instance , Supercars vacation lifestyles or even luxury homes so your viewers can get hooked .
So what you want to do now is head over to peels and then search for supercars , click on videos , play through and then download 35 different footages you found .
Cool .
Now you want to search again this time for luxury homes , then select videos and download another 35 footages and you want to do so for vacation too .
Now that you have your stock footage as well as your voice over , the next step is to weave them all into a single video for this , you can use any of your preferred editing software .
But as promised , I'll be using cap cut .
Now , when you're on cap cut , first , you want to import your files including those footage and voiceover .
Then first drag your voice over onto your timeline and then follow it with the stock footage .
Now you want to change the aspect ratio of the video to 916 .
Since we are creating youtube shorts once that is done , now you want to do some adjustments to the footage .
Now , since people who watch youtube shorts have very short attention spans , you want to quickly transition between your footage .
So I recommend you set them to show for a maximum of five seconds each .
So to do that , click on the first footage and then reduce the time to 35 seconds , then click on the second one also and reduce it to three or five seconds too .
Then continue doing so for the rest of the footage till the end of the video .
Now we need to make sure that this footage properly fits the screen to do that click on the first video and drag its corners until it fits the screen perfectly .
Just like that , feel free to drag the video around to ensure that the best shot is captured .
All right , looks good .
So far .
Next , an important thing is we need to reduce the brightness to bring out that dark motivational vibe to do that , go to the adjustment tab at the top left corner and click on the plus sign now stretch it across the whole video .
Next , lower the saturation to about negative 50 brightness to around negative 11 .
Let's quickly play through see how the colors are looking .
Wow , looks awesome .
So far once you're done with that , you want to add transitions for this , I recommend the fade out transition .
Just click on where it says transition , then find the fade out transition .
It looks something like this and then add it to all the clips one by one .
Now to make the video look absolutely sick , apply some effects as well .
Just go to the effects section right here and start browsing through them .
Once you find what you like , just click on the effect and drag it onto the timeline , then adjust it to the length of each clip .
Try to apply at least one effect to each video .
Once that is done , the next step is to add text for we will be using a feature called auto caption in cap cut , just head over to the text area and then click on where it says auto caption and then create and in just a few seconds , your caption will be ready .
Now you want to edit it to make it look more attractive to do this .
Just click on where it says template in the top right corner , then play through and select the template you found better for your video .
You can also change the color play around with the sizing and probably change the fonts also to make it look great overall with all that done .
Your video is now ready .
But wait , what about background music ?
You see , I would have suggested you use music from Pix , but I promised at the beginning of this video to show you exactly how to go viral with these types of shorts .
So here's the secret , we will be using music from youtube itself .
You see just like tiktok youtube shorts favors videos that use trending music on their platform .
So just go back to cap cut , export the video like that and then while uploading it on youtube shorts , just click on where it says sounds and make sure you look for cool background music from the sounds recommended for you and then use it .
Don't forget to reduce the sound before posting it and this way your shorts are all set up properly for virality .
Now let's take a look at what we just created .
Think of looking in a mirror , what you do ?
The mirror does too .
If you look sad , the mirror looks sad .
If you smile it smiles back , life is like that mirror , it shows back what you feel and think if you see things in a gloomy way , you'll find problems everywhere .
But if you are hopeful , you'll see chances to do good things .
So always stay positive like a smile in the mirror and you'll see good things happen in life .
If you enjoyed it , make sure you smash the like button and subscribe to the channel .