You know , those websites that have those weird little boxes that say type what you see to verify .
You are a human and usually it's ABC 456 , not very hard to fill out .
Right .
Well , imagine if there are websites that would pay you $75 every 30 minutes for solving those capcha .
Well , there's currently three trending websites that are paying people like you and me for solving capcha .
The best part about it is you could be from anywhere in the world , you could do this from home and you could be a complete beginner .
All you need is the internet and a phone or computer and to go to www dot Hey , welcome back .
This is Ryan Hildreth founder and CEO of the number one youtube automation consulting company in the world cash flow channels dot com where we help our clients build profitable youtube automation channels .
And in this video , I'm gonna show you step by step exactly how to earn $75 every 30 minutes for typing capcha .
But before we jump into it , make sure to hit the subscribe button down below this video and smash a thumbs up .
But for the youtube algorithm to see if we can get this video to 200 likes in the first two hours .
If we do , I'm doing another cash giveaway .
Now , check this out right over here .
As you can see a nice big paypal payment sent to me simply for typing capcha .
Now , results are not typical , you may earn more than this the same or a little bit less .
But I can tell you one thing if you do not follow the exact steps throughout this video than results like these will definitely not be possible for you .
So make sure to stick all the way through and do not skip over any of the steps .
Now , the three steps are earning $75 every 30 minutes for typing .
Capcha are step number one , I'll be revealing the top three platforms that are paying people to solve capcha .
Step number two , I'll be showing you how to get other people to earn money for solving capcha for you .
And step number three , I'll be unveiling a $40,000 per month automated business as a bonus towards the end .
So make sure to stick all the way through .
Now , let's go ahead and jump right into it .
Now , if you've never seen a capcha before , basically , this is what it looks like you could see right here , you could see right there .
And Capaz is a type of security measure known as challenge response authentication .
So basically , websites can install this to make sure that you are a human and not a bot or a computer , right .
So there are sites out there and the first site that is gonna pay you is called Mega Typers .
Ok .
Mega typers .
Now , easy job , easy money .
You can earn up to $200 in extra income every month simply for typing a few capcha mega typers is , you know , they've been around for a while .
So this is one of the oldest sites and they're paying people out every single day as you can see anyone .
It's , our typers are anywhere from 100 to 250 dollars each month .
So , and they pay via paypal bank transfer check .
Um Perfect money pays and Western Union .
So they have all of the payment processing methods as well .
So you could receive your payments out fast now .
Definitely not the best site , but when you want to get started with for that extra $200 .
Now , if we go over to this app right here on the Google Play store called Capcha Typing Work online Job by Capcha Genie .
This one is a lot better .
I've heard they pay out up to 500 a month for typing typing .
Capcha , very simply in your spare time , uh very , very easily .
So um updated September 1620 23 and as you can see , they have 4.3 reviews which is pretty good .
Lots of people saying good things about them .
This person receive $300 for earning and typing those .
Capcha .
Now , let's go ahead and go to the best site .
The third site is the absolute best because it not only pays out the most , but it allows you to get other people to solve capcha for you .
So you can start earning from their , um , their work .
So we're going to go over the site .
This site is called Two Capcha .
Now , Tube Capcha is a very , very awesome site .
As you can see a dollar per capcha .
299 per Js Capcha .
And uh you know , there's currently 257 workers online right now solving capcha people like me and you just normal people .
Ok ?
Now , if you scroll down , you can see all of their capcha jobs , they supported clients and uh you know , they've been around for quite a while .
So what you will do is press sign up , create an account , do your capcha entries and then earn instant payments .
It's very easy to start .
Ok ?
Now , let's go ahead and utilize a part on their site that's allowing people to earn from other people .
Solving catches , ok ?
If you scroll all the way down , you're gonna see this right here .
It's called affiliate program .
Now , you're gonna click on that and that's gonna take you to this site where basically our , you know , it's on the same site , but it's just a different page where it's saying , earn by promoting to capcha .
So for every time every person you send to this site that starts solving capcha , you're gonna earn 10% percent of their earnings as you can see right here .
So if they earn $1000 you're gonna earn 100 .
Now , imagine you have 10 people earning $1000 each , right ?
That's $10,000 .
You're gonna earn $1000 right ?
So the more people you send to the site the better and I'm gonna show you how to get 1000 people today to click your link so that you could start earning from their efforts .
All right .
So what we're gonna do is grab our referral link right here .
You're gonna press copy as you can see referral link there .
And then the first place we're gonna go to is Facebook .
Now , Facebook is a great way to find people that are interested in sites like these .
So what we're gonna type in is make money online , click on groups , go to public groups .
And as you can see , there's hundreds of groups here about making money online and different side hustles but not all of them are equal .
Some of them suck and some of them are really good .
So the ones you want to go to are the ones that are active have 10 plus posts a day .
Like if we scroll down , some of them only have five posts a day , some of them have no posts a day .
But what I want you to do is come to this one right here .
Make money online and side hustle USA .
Ok .
This one has the best people in here , the most engaged and they have about 27,000 people that you can access today and I'm gonna show you how to do it .
So what you're gonna do is you're gonna scroll down and you're gonna take a look at some of these uh people that are doing it right now .
This lady did it almost right ?
Ok .
She said weekly pay out of $1000 plus no fee or cost .
Message me .
Ok .
And look how many people commented 67 people .
Now , what you wanna do is you're gonna say , you know , weekly or get paid $75 every 30 minutes .
Comment info below if you'd like me to send you over the information and basically people are gonna comment info as you can see info please interested and you're gonna easily get 100 to 200 comments .
So you can do this literally five times , 5 to 6 times , maybe even 10 times in a day .
And you could reach 1000 people super easily because everyone that comments right here , you're going to basically like their comment and then send them a message with your referral link .
Ok ?
You don't wanna pay , paste the link here .
That's not how to do it .
You'll send them a message first or you could even comment back and say DM me , they'll send you a message and then you could send the link .
Ok ?
So that's one way , not the best way , but definitely you could easily get 1000 people .
I'm gonna show you how to get 1000 more people as a bonus .
Right now .
All you're gonna do is go to classified ads dot com , classified ads dot com .
This is where people go to , you know , buy vehicles , get different services and find jobs .
As you can see , there are business opportunities and there are , you know , other types of jobs that people are seeking out .
So what we're gonna do is we're gonna post a free ad .
Now we're gonna click there , go to jobs , business opportunities .
You're gonna type in work from home opportunity , asking price $1000 a day , ok ?
Obviously depends on how much you could earn from each site .
But 1000 is definitely uh recommended .
And you're gonna say if you would like more info information , go ahead and send me a message or click here and then you're gonna paste your link right there where people can click it on the classified ad .
Now , what I just showed you is definitely a way you can make a couple 100 bucks , maybe even 1000 but it's not gonna make you rich .
Now , if you want to see exactly how I became rich , then what you're gonna want to do is click the very first link down below this video .
That's gonna show you exactly how it went from zero to over 40,000 per month passive online , from a completely passive business model that we're helping our clients do as well .
Our clients are earning tens of thousands of dollars every single month as you can see .
And after you watch that training , if you like what you see , you could even book a call with me or one of my team members to see how we could help you build a passive income online .
So go ahead and click that link and I'll see you in the next video right here .
I'm gonna link another .
Go ahead and check this one out and I'll see you in the next one .
Take care .