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2023-08-23 15:33:34

Swim with LESS Effort

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This video will save you a lot of time and frustration .

I will share with you what we have learned in these five last years of research and in more than 20 years of experience that my brother and I each have the video format is different , but it is the best way to help you improve as soon as possible .

A A run is good at every sport , especially running and cycling .

When he dives into the pool , he gets tired really fast .

This is a problem because in five months , he will do an Iron Man competition .

The competition begins with a 2.5 miles and a Aron cannot swim more than 100 m without stopping .

Our goal is to help him swim without getting tired .

As you can see , he has several problems .

It is evident that he is fighting the water .

We're not going to fix it immediately , but we will take him through the shortest way to success .

It is tempting to tell him not to cross his arms when swimming or to bend his elbows .

Even the most detail oriented of you will tell him not to bend the knees as much but that won't help .

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We have to start with the solutions to biggest problems that will benefit him the most in the least amount of time .

First thing we have to do is to tell a Aron to push himself off the wall .

This way , we remove complexity and discover basic things .

These type of exercises help all levels of swimming .

So don't feel that if you're more advanced than a Aron , this won't help .

As you can see , he does not have a good sense of horizontal balance .

He doesn't even have a small amount of co two tolerance .

These two things make him anxious .

So he moves his leg a lot and his heart rate increases as he tries to move in the water .

The challenge of swimming smoothly is lost in the 1st 5 m .

Let's start with the tolerance of excess co two .

When you're taught to swim as an adult , it is incorrectly assumed that this concept is already mastered .

In reality .

The fear of excess co two in your lungs is one of the most primitive and powerful instincts we have .

In fact , you can lose the function of the Amygdala .

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The part of the brain responsible for fear in your brain will still freak out if it detects excess co two , any stressful situation like getting in a cold shower .

The first thing you do is to inhale more frequently to get more oxygen .

But that is a conversation for much later .

Now , will help decrease that reflex with a simple exercise .

It all starts with bubbling .

It consists of taking air and blowing it slowly through the nose underwater .

This is very easy for a Aron .

So we increase the difficulty by telling him to hold his breath for 10 seconds before releasing the air slowly through his nose .

After a couple of tries a succeeds .

The next thing is to hold the breath for 15 seconds and blow the air through the nose for at least five seconds if it becomes too easy , let him do it five times , taking one breath before putting his head back in .

After this exercise .

A Aaron feels calmer in the water .

We go back to pushing from the wall as far as he can .

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We see that he still doesn't have a horizontal balance , but at least he holds his head under water longer .

The problem starts from the push .

He doesn't pull his chest deep enough and his body is at the wrong angle .

When he pushes to correct this , we tell a Aron to go under first and then push .

He uses his arms to sink in .

But he over corrects and pushes down to the ground .

He struggles to rise up to the surface and panics back to bubbling .

Now that he's calm , he tries to adjust the angle .

The problem is that his feet rise to the surface before he pushes .

There should be a straight line passing through the feet , hips and hands parallel to the ground .

He now pushes properly .

Now we tell him to push harder until his feet pass the 5 m mark .

It may seem like a silly exercise to some degree , but he's learning a lot more than Denise De Nice has been trying to get her feet up for several hours because they sink too much .

She believes that by kicking faster and harder , she will be able to lift her legs .

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She saw a video on youtube where she was advised to squeeze her glutes , but that advice isn't working either .

De nice gives up determined to leave a very negative comment on the youtube video .

Meanwhile , a Aron discovers that it is easier to go far if he tightens his core muzzles , he manages to pass with his feet , the flag that marks the 5 m and unlocks his first challenge .

Now , a Aron is level 13 on the skills and T table .

He is excited and wants to keep learning .

But the best thing for now is to come back the next day after 10 hours of writing code where a new skills and T app and 5.5 hours of sleep .

A Aron returns to the pool there .

He discovers that his skills have been leveled down , but we don't have time to explain everything to him today .

So after a short warm up , he goes back to the pool to do his bubbling exercise , holding his breath for 10 seconds and releasing the air through his nose for five seconds .

Then he does three pushes from the wall until his feet pass the flags .

Now it is time to swim .

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A Aron tries to do 25 m of smooth swimming , but we have to stop him again .

He pushes off well , and he can take more strokes without breathing but his knees keep sinking .

Now , we put a pool boy between the knees .

We do this for two reasons to get his knees up and to stop him from moving his legs too much .

Although we are already told a Aron to not move his legs as much .

And he understood his body wants to keep moving them instinctively .

So with the pool boy between the knees , he is creating the muscle memory to tell his body that he can swim without having to move his legs .

He does 4 20 fives that way .

He leaves the pool boy and tries to swim without moving his legs as much a little better at first .

But he quickly gets back to the same thing .

Obviously , muscle memory is not created that quickly .

Now , we take the exercise to the next level of difficulty .

The pool boy between the feet , this helps him tighten his feet , but he cannot keep it in place .

He tries it several times until he succeeds .

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As you can see , a Aron doesn't give up without a good fight .

He tries to swim freestyle again , but it is now worse than before .

His feet are not coordinated and he can't keep them close to the surface of the water .

So we him back to the wall and tell him to push and just do three strokes without breathing this time .

He keeps his legs high in the water , but he doesn't understand why .

The reason is simple .

The same thing happens on a bicycle when you go faster , it is easier to keep your balance .

Since a Aron has enough speed .

When he pushes off the wall , he manages to keep the balance for a few seconds .

He takes the opportunity to take three strokes without breathing .

He gets excited and wants to swim the whole length of the pool .

But as soon as he breath , his technique goes back to where we started .

So we tell him to do 56 and up to seven strokes without breathing .

After the push , this begins to give him the feeling of moving through the water in a good position .

The next thing is to teach him the correct breathing technique .

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88% of the body weight in freestyle is under water at all times .

Keeping that 12% of your body weight above while keeping the rest of your body close to the surface is quite difficult with the whole head out .

The percentage increases from 12 to 16% approximately , which means that it is 35% more difficult to swim breathing with the whole head out than with only half of the head out .

If you don't believe me , you can try the exercise called Tarzan .

And see for yourself , a Aron's problem is that in his mind , he has the image of elite swimmers swimming above the surface .

It is true that they get to a speed that allows them to be more above the surface .

But even they have most of their body on the water for an iron man long distance swim .

It is not the speed or the technique that we want to achieve .

It is best to find the most efficient way to swim through the water and not above it to correct a Aaron's breathing .

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We tell him to keep half of his face in the water when he breathes , but there is a gap between the words he understands and what his body is used to doing .

And if you give the body a choice , it will always do what is familiar .

The next challenge to improve breathing technique is to do 25 m sidekick .

And when breathing take only part of the face out .

The problem now is not the horizontal balance but to keep balance on the side of the body , it's not easy either to stay close to the surface .

While on your side , we will first have to correct the kick before we can correct the breath .

Skea has a great kick .

If you look closely at what skill does ?

We can see that the knees bend a little .

The kick starts at the hips and the movement goes through the leg all the way to the toes like a whip .

Then the whole leg goes up , extended while one leg goes down , the other goes up .

That was way too much information for a a to apply in the pool for .

Now , the best thing is to stretch a little and have enough time for breakfast .

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We're working on what we think is the best mobile app for swimmers , but it is a secret and it is not ready to be used yet .

Would you like to be one of the first users to try it ?

Subscribe here if you don't want to miss the next video or click here if it's already available , see you there , swim fast .


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