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2024-06-02 14:07:04

Is This Why You’re Stressed or Not Sleeping

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Did you realize that it's extremely difficult to reverse a magnesium deficiency ?

But I'm gonna tell you how to do it in this video .

So my question is how long does it take to solve a problem that you're treating with the wrong solution ?

And the answer is you'll never solve problem if you use the wrong solution .

Most people don't realize how common a magnesium deficiency is .

There's been some reports that up to 88% of the general public are low in magnesium .

And what's even more shocking than that is that it's really hard to test for a magnesium deficiency .

There's no gold standard .

You can do a questionnaire .

And there's another test that you can actually extract some tissue from the inside of your mouth and then send it to the lab .

But the problem with that test and the reason I'm not recommending is because I can't get a hold of the lab that does this very specific specialized test .

So I'm not gonna put that in the link because they're not gonna call you back .

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So in this little chart you can see that 60% of all your magnesium is in your bones .

39% is in your soft tissues like your muscles , but only 1% of all the magnesium in your body is in your blood .

So this is why doing a blood test is not give you a lot of information unless you're very very very very very severe .

Because even if you're deficient in the blood , guess what's gonna happen ?

You're gonna borrow some of it from the bone or the soft tissues .

And in the bone in the soft tissues , most of that is not outside the cell .

It's inside your cells .

It's called intracellular calcium .

And so one of the principles that I use in health is I use a principle out of this book called The Technology of War by Sun Tzu .

Now of course this book is about fighting wars , but you can apply it to anything .

And so Sun Tzu talks about cross referencing data to see if a situation or a problem exists .

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Where you can cross reference symptoms that are related to a magnesium deficiency .

You can also look at your foods to see how much magnesium is coming from your foods or not .

If you have inflammation in your gut , if you're diabetic , if you have insulin resistance , if you consume a lot of sugar .

Also , if you take a lot of vitamin d , the requirement for magnesium goes up .

So if you're not taking magnesium with vitamin d , you can actually end up having lower amounts of magnesium because your body's using more of that magnesium for vitamin D absorption .

And also if you're on medications , let's say you're on a PPI , an antacid , or you're taking an antibiotic , or you're on a diuretic .

All these factors when cross referenced can kind of indicate you might have a magnesium deficiency .

But now let's cross reference this with a potential indicators or symptoms you might have if you're low on magnesium .

Tetiny .

Let's see if a little twitch underneath your left eye .

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Are your muscles relaxed or are they tight ?

Do you have insomnia ?

Do you have a lot of anxiety ?

Do you have fatigue ?

Did you realize that you need magnesium just to make ATP , the energy currency of your body ?

Also , a magnesium deficiency can create , you know , things like nystigmus , which is like when your eyes kinda go back and forth like that , and migraines , and kidney stones , and especially something called pathogenic calcification .

What is that ?

That is calcification .

That's calcium buildup in places that you shouldn't have it .

So I'm just gonna run down the list of foods that are fairly high in magnesium compared to other foods .

Okay .

And we're gonna talk about the quantity of a 100 grams .

Okay .

That's 3 and a half ounces .

So at the top of the list you have sea kelp .

3 and a half ounces of sea kelp is equivalent to 760 milligrams .

Now I'd like to see you eat 3 and a half ounces of sea kelp .

It's probably not gonna happen .

Okay .

What about almonds ?

That would give you about 490 milligrams .

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Nutritional yeast is 231 milligrams .

Pecans , a 142 milligrams .

Leafy greens , roughly about a 100 milligrams of magnesium .

Dark chocolate is about a 165 milligrams .

Pumpkin seeds are 265 milligrams of magnesium .

But magnesium is also in meats and fish , but not as much as you might think .

So a 100 grams or 3 and a half ounces of meat or fish , you're gonna get between 25 to 35 milligrams of magnesium .

And even if we look at the requirements of magnesium , it's called the RDAs , that usually is between 300 and 420 milligrams per day on average .

But the average person only consumes 200 and 15 milligrams of magnesium per day .

People aren't getting enough from the diet , not to mention the foods nowadays are grown in soil that has lower amounts of minerals , especially magnesium .

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And it's really 2 situations or actually 3 situations .

Number 1 , how do we get enough magnesium from the diet ?

Do we have to supplement ?

And 3 , how long does it take to really satisfy your deficiency ?

Oh , and by the way all the information I'm talking about is in this book right here called The Miraculous Cure For and Prevention of All Diseases .

What doctors never learned .

I'll put this link down below .

It's a really fascinating book based on a lot of different things related to magnesium and vitamin d .

But all the data that I'm sharing today is based in that book .

So if you're deficient , you're gonna have to not only beef up , no pun intended , your magnesium foods , but you're also gonna have to supplement as well .

And the type of magnesium I'd recommend is magnesium glycinate , which actually helps , you know , stress , sleeping , etcetera .

And the amount of supplement I would recommend would be about 800 milligrams every single day .

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So usually come in , like , 400 ish , maybe 300 milligrams per tablet .

Take a couple of those every day .

But here's the thing .

How long is it actually gonna take to really fix a true deficiency ?

It could take up to a year or more to fix a chronic magnesium deficiency .

You have to realize that when you take magnesium from foods or a supplement it doesn't just go in storage .

A good majority of it will be washed out through the kidneys .

But you might find your symptoms go away within weeks or months , but I wouldn't stop there .

I would increase the amount over a longer period of time .

Then maybe after about a year of taking supplements , then maybe then you just maintain it with your diet .

But of course , make sure that you calculate how much magnesium is going into the body .

And then make sure at least it's like 400 milligrams per day .

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Now I have a little more information on the type of magnesium that might work for you and for that information I put that in this video right here .

Check it out .

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