A beloved prophet um Salah Salem said that there were 124,000 messengers sent on the face of the earth .
But all the messengers that came before the last and final messenger , prophet Muhammad peace be upon him .
They were only sent for their people .
And the message which they proclaimed was supposed to be followed in totality only for a particular time period .
For example , Jesus Christ be be upon him .
He was sent only for the B Israel , only for the Jews .
It's mentioned in the glorious Koran in Sur a Imran chapter number three verse number 49 that we appointed Jesus Christ .
Peace be upon him as a messenger to the B Israel to the Children of Israel is mentioned in SOA chapter number 61 verse number six , that Jesus Christ peace be upon him was sent as a messenger to the Children of Israel .
The same message is given in the Bible .
If you read the Bible , it's mentioned in the gospel of Matthew chapter number 10 verse number five and six , Jesus Christ , please be upon him .
He tells his apostles that go in not into the way of the gentiles who are the gentiles ?
The non Jews go in not into the way of the gentiles , enter not into the city of the Samaritans , but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel .
Jesus Christ .
Please be upon him .
Further says it's mentioned in the gospel of Matthew chapter number 15 , verse number 24 I have not been sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel .
So Jesus Christ peace be upon him was sent as a messenger only to the B Israel only to the Jews only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel .
But since prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was the last and final messenger .
It's mentioned in the Koran in Sur Azab chapter number 33 verse number 40 Mahan and Mohammed and Ali Alima , which means prophet Muhammad .
Peace be upon him is not the father of any of you men , but he is the messenger of Allah and he is the seal of the prophets .
And Allah is all knowing full of knowledge since prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was the last and final messenger .
He was not sent only for the Muslims or only for the Arabs .
It's mentioned in the Koran in Ambia chapter number 21 verse number 107 at Sala Illah Raed Al Ain that we have sent thee not but as a mercy to all the worlds , as a mercy to all the creatures as a mercy to the whole of humanity .
It's repeated in the Koran Sabah chapter number 34 verse number 28 Mama Bashir 10 that we have sent thee not but as a universal messenger giving black tidings and warning them against sin .
But most of the human beings yet do not know since prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was the last and final messenger .
He was not sent only for the Muslims or for the Arabs .
He was sent for the whole of humanity .