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2024-06-02 18:04:28

Dr. Berg's Supplements

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Hi , guys .

Listen .

I wanted to do a video to answer the question , what supplements do I need ?

Okay .

This comes up a lot .

This is a probably number one question .

So I just wanna kinda go through each supplement .

Now because I specialize in keto and intermittent fasting , I developed a kit that works really well when you keto adapt .

When you're actually switching from glucose to fat burning , you need certain nutrients .

So this has all the b vitamin type supplements from nutritional yeast , which is non fortified , but it has b 12 , so it's really awesome .

The electrolyte powder , which is one of my most , popular products because it has a 1,000 milligrams of potassium .

It has other electrolytes and trace minerals , no sugar .

It tastes good .

You mix in water .

So this is a popular one , especially for people that just can't seem to get enough vegetables , So this will add more potassium .

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And potassium is needed to improve insulin resistance .

Then , wheatgrass juice powder , which is another awesome product .

And the wheatgrass juice is just a super concentrated , high level , product that is raw .

It's grown on the most amazing soils , an ancient seed bed , so it's kind of it has spiked with trace minerals and other minerals .

So , it's very high on the phytonutrient level , so you can consume , a huge tray of wheatgrass , like 18 inches by 12 in one little teaspoon .

K .

Mix it with water and drink it down .

So it's a real good enhancement to your diet .

So I wanted to include that in here because it just makes people feel so good .

It improves their energy .

It gives them more vitality .

So the combination of all three of these is really good if you're doing keto and intermittent fasting .

Now , if we talk about sleep problems , definitely Sleep Aid .

There's a vegan version and a regular version , so you can pick the one that you want .

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This product , is another popular one .

I take it because it helps support the adrenal , and you take it right before bed , and it just puts you into a nice sleep .

You wake up feeling refreshed .

So this is very popular , and it's not something that's addicting .

It doesn't have hormones .

It doesn't have melatonin or valerian root .

It's it supports the adrenal .

And I've tweaked this formula over the years to perfect it .

And I really like the formula we have right now .

Now , this handles , like , 90% of the sleep issues , but sometimes , you're gonna need to get the massage tool to extract the stress if you've had a lot of stress in your life .

And this technique that I developed is , something I developed for myself .

So it comes with a massage tool plus the knowledge of how to use it .

And there's different parts of the body that are just holding stress , that when you go to sleep , it won't turn off .

So this will helps turn off all the stress points in the body , so you drift off into a wonderful sleep .

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And it's also good for pain .

It's good for neck stiffness .

So it's it's pretty awesome .

Now , for just stress in general , definitely the massage tool .

I recommend that .

And another product called the adrenal and cortisol relief , which directly supports a healthy adrenal gland .

So this is a real and , popular product as well .

And there's another product I have called adrenal fatigue advanced formula .

But I don't recommend that unless you have chronic inflammation or some advanced adrenal stress that you need something very powerful .

K .

But , typically , people don't need that .

Then we have something to support estrogen levels .

Okay ?

So , we have the cruciferous food , which is all the kale , the brussels sprouts , the cabbage , the cauliflower .

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All those are organic in a certain combination with sea kelp and , turmeric , which is and garlic , which is really good for the liver and also to help balance estrogen levels .

And some people like this just for energy and for general wellness and to support a healthy liver .

And but typically for estrogen , most people take something called estrogen balance .

With DIM , which is kind of a super concentrated cruciferous blend , like you would have to consume 2 pounds of cruciferous to get the same within , 2 tablets of DIM .

And so , this has DIM added to a whole bunch of other combinations of herbs and nutrients that help balance estrogen .

So this would be really good for a female if she's going through , heavy menstrual cycles and menopause and supports skin .

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I also have men that take it that , tend to be estrogen dominant , which is becoming more popular , unfortunately right now .

Ccalp is also an important one to help balance estrogen .

It's great for menstrual cycle stuff and to support people that are estrogen dominant .

Sea kelp is also good to support a healthy thyroid because it has all the minerals .

And the quality of sea kelp that I use is from Iceland , so it's from a real pristine , healthy ocean .

So it's a really high quality product .

Now , if you are losing hair , the hair formula is very effective because it has a combination of the nutrients , it supports the hormone aspects of hair , and the collagen as well .

So it's , it's been very , very popular and very effective .

I may sometimes add the trace minerals , which is a liquid plant based trace minerals to , support the hair because it has more trace minerals in it .

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This one has trace minerals , but this has more .

And this also is usually missing in the diet for a lot of people .

The number one thing is it comes in a liquid .

And I also use it to if someone's losing collagen , they wanna support their skin , especially nails and hair .

Because the trace minerals activate proteins , all the different proteins in the body .

And I would specially recommend this if , a woman is pregnant , and she wants to really make sure she has all those trace minerals .

These are , plant based , which are 15,000 times smaller than regular salt minerals .

So , they go in like a rocket ship , a 100% absorbed .

Okay .

Then , we have , things for digestion .

I have something called , Digest Formula , which is a combination of powdered alpaca vinegar with Betaine hydrochloride , so it acidifies the stomach .

It's not a popular product , but it should be .

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But I think people just don't understand the importance of an acidic stomach , because you need that acid to break down protein , and also to kill pathogens , microbes , and also to absorb nutrients , minerals .

So as you get older , you lose the stomach acid .

So a lot of people don't have enough stomach acid , and they start having all sorts of issues .

But they don't understand what this is , so they may never take it .

But I recommend , this is a , definitely for people as they get older , and they're they're just not digesting .

Gallbladder is another popular thing .

It's kind of like a the organ that a lot of people don't understand , the necessity of the gallbladder and what it does .

It concentrates bile , bile salts , and it releases the bile to help you extract nutrients from the fats that you're eating .

And it's great for bloating , burping , belching , and kind of a distended stomach , and especially if you don't have a gallbladder .

So you would take one after meals .

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And this this is a very popular one , very effective .

Wheatgrass , we talked about that .

This is just a high quality , superior phytonutrient and nutrient infusion into your body with some amazing things .

As far as the adrenal body type kit , this is good if you have if you took the quiz in your adrenal body type , if you're if that's your primary body type .

That's a combination of the sleep aid , the adrenal and cortisol relief , the trace minerals , and the gallbladder .

So it's a great combination of a lot of things that doesn't just work on supporting the adrenal , it works on the whole body .

But this is a nice combination .

It includes the book and some other bonuses as well .

Now , the there's an instant kale shake , which actually has , this no sugar chocolate kale shake with protein , with pea protein .

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This is really good as a dessert after a meal , and it'll help not to be a 100% meal replacement , but it'll help the meal and make it easier to do this .

So a lot of people like this .

It's quick .

You make it in shake .

It tastes delicious , and it has actual kale in them .

Meal replacement .

I have a product that's just a meal replacement .

It has healthy fats , MCT oils .

And this one definitely is a meal replacement .

I love to take this with cold almond milk , unsweetened , out of the fridge .

You mix it up .

It becomes really creamy .

It makes it a great drink .

And you can use this as a combination of moderate protein , higher fat , and chocolate , it's like a milkshake , as your one of your replacement meals .

But , again , I also want you to have another meal with other foods because this doesn't have every single nutrient in it .

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Now , I also have insulin and glucose support , which is another great product for those people that have more chronic or advanced blood sugar issues .

So , let's say you've done everything and you want some extra power behind that .

This is a great product for that .

It gets great results .

You can read online the reviews on Amazon .

And then a joint formula , which is more of an advanced joint formula for those people that have chronic inflammatory stuff to support that .

Now , typically , when you do keto and intermittent fasting , that should bring the inflammation down .

But , let's say you want to support a healthy joint or mobility , then this can help you as well .

Alright ?

So , that's my summary of , most of my products .

There's some other ones I didn't talk about because of time , but I hope that helps .

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