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2023-08-23 02:30:04

6 AI Side Hustles You Can Start In 2023

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with the explosion of a I .

Over the past few months , we've seen Softwares that can do any and everything from writing emails to create an entire custom meal plan .

It's so advanced , it literally feels like we're living in an episode of Black Mirror .

What if I told you that you could be using a I to generate you a couple of extra $1000 per month because A .

I is relatively new .

There are hundreds of untapped side hustles that you could be making big bucks off right now .

So in today's video , I'm gonna be showing you just six of those that you can start today .

I'm also gonna be writing the side hustles about how long it takes to set up the difficulty and how profitable it's gonna be .

So without wasting any time , let's get into Method number one .

In short , what you'll be doing is setting up a niche website , adding blogs with affiliate links in them and then running traffic to this site .

Now you're gonna love this method because one you don't even need to build the website yourself , And two , you're gonna be making money through two streams of income just one .

But what you need to do firstly is decide your niche for your site .

You can do this by us in chat GP T to make you a list of popular affiliate website niches .

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And once you've seen one that you like , you're gonna head to either Google and type in best affiliate programmes in Z niche or you're gonna sign up to one of the affiliate sites listed on the screen now and you're gonna find a handful of products in Z niche .

This is one of the two ways you can , because every time someone lands on this site and purchases through your link , you'll make a percentage of that sale .

And the pro tip is to go for a handful of affiliate programmes that are membership based , as they usually have recurring commissions .

So you're gonna be getting paid every single month as long as your customer stays on the plan .

So now that you picked your niche and picked your products in that niche , all you're gonna do is build a website .

Thanks to a I , you no longer need to be able to code or be a talented designer in order to get a WordPress website .

Up and running .

All you'll need is an A i website creator such as 10 Web .

But , yeah , you're gonna be using chat GP T to help you write up some articles for your website that will link back to your product .

So in short , you'll be using prompts like What are the most search questions relating to , said Niche .

Then you'll turn those questions into articles and add those blogs to your site .

And then you can add those articles to your site with your affiliate links .

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Now from here , you'll need to run some traffic , and I personally suggest that you start with free traffic .

And then when you start making more money , you can get into paid ads .

But for now , what you can do is create a social media account or two where you create content that links back to your site .

Now what you're gonna do is sign up for the free trial .

I'll go ahead and leave a link down in the description alongside all of the other links that I'll be mentioning today .

Recommend is YouTube because it's super easy to create 5 to 10 minute faceless videos or shorts with the help of these A .

I Softwares when it comes down to how long it takes to set up , I'd say this is a five on the scale because you could definitely set this up in a day or two as a complete beginner .

And although a I does 90% of the work for you , you'll still have to get a bit creative , so I'd give it a four on the SS scale , and in terms of profitability , I'd give it a five , and you'd be getting paid not only through your affiliate link but also through Google AdSense paying you to have ads on your site .

It's even better if you decide to use YouTube as your free traffic method .

You can also end up on the partner programme and get paid based off you .

So in reality it's a win win moving into Method Number two , which is a content repurposing agency .

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Now there is a huge demand for short form content , and the best thing is that a lot of content creators don't even know that they need it , so you just need to make them aware of it now .

You'd probably think that someone took hours on end to create this right that someone had to sit at a laptop on final cut pro and then all these crazy fonts and time in the text perfectly .

But what if I told you this was within five minutes to buy a I What ?

You can use this repurpose IO to quickly and efficiently create short form content and then offer your services via email to up and coming instagram influencers who don't really have much or any rules at all out .

Trust me , business owners value time over money , so if you're saving them time , they'll be more than willing to spend a good amount of money for it .

I'll leave the link for the template you can send out to your potential clients in the description also .

But to summarise , you're literally just gonna let the influencer know that you could be making them way more money by repurposing their content .

A pro tip is to create a free get response account and use Cabo , which is also free to create a logo and a well designed email so you can look way more professional .

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So if you really want to you to send out an automated workflow where you will basically be bumping your email back up at the top of the influencer inbox , and also to make sure that the email itself looks really professional .

Now to rank it , I'd say it's definitely a five in terms of time because you can literally start immediately and get your first client by tomorrow on the scale of easiness .

It couldn't be easier for you because everything is literally done by a I from the email all the way down to the actual content .

It's all done by a I , so there's not much that you have to do on your end .

And in terms of profit , I give it a three because you can make a lot of money with this with our clients .

But in order to scale this business , you'd realistically need a team moving into Method Number three , which is a I outsourcing .

Now there are hundreds of thousands of new businesses open up every single year that are looking for people to design logos , write books for them , proofread and copyright .

They want to translate text to speech or convert to other languages so they head to places like artwork and fiver to hire freelancers to do just that .

What they don't know is that a lot of these freelancers don't even actually do the work themselves .

They get a I to do it .

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So with this method , you're gonna be doing just that personally , you're gonna head to chat GP T and ask what the best or highest paying gigs are to start as a freelancer .

Now that you've picked three or four options , you're gonna head to There's an A I for that .

Now , this website is an absolute game changer , by the way , it literally has a list of all of the Softwares available right now and it updates every single day .

It literally says it in the name .

If you're looking for an A I that does a specific thing .

This is the website to go to .

But yeah , once you find a match , you're gonna put your gig up on fiver and then wait for the sales to roll in as an example .

This sell is here charges $65 per gig and they have one K plus reviews .

Now I'm gonna let you do the maths of how much he's made in total and keep in mind that these are just the people that have actually left a review .

If you wanted to create an A I album cover , you can literally head to night Cafe and add text from and call it a day .

Imagine someone paying you $65 for literally just five minutes of your time , but before you get ahead of yourself .

Ideally , you do wanna price yourself than your competitors to build up your review and also keep an eye out for buyer requests .

If you're struggling to find customers now , the time to set up again is a five .

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This could literally all be set up in 24 hours .

I personally managed to set up my fibre profile in less than an hour and keep in mind this was before I even started using a I to let's say , create the descriptions and stuff in it , so it's probably gonna take you even less time in terms of easiness .

I'd say a three because realistically you still have to do some customer service and deal with customers .

And not all of the customers are nice on fibre .

And in terms of profit , I'd say it's a three because it's not as profitable or as passive .

So you actively need to be investing time into this gig , and fiver also takes 15% .

Another reason being is that you're gonna need to be competitive in pricing when starting out .

But the good thing is that this business model is very easily scalable .

All of the gigs on my fiver profile started out at $5 and I'm able to charge hundreds , two hundreds , all the way up to 1000 per gig .

So just keep that in mind .

And remember , all side hustles that are free or super easy to set up typically have a lower profit margin .

So don't expect crazy high profits .

Method number four you're probably gonna see is a super wacky one .

But you're gonna be creating an entire course with the help of tutor A I and chat GP T .

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Now , when you head to tutor A I , there will be a search bar where you can input absolutely any topic that you wanna learn about and it's gonna break it up into modules for you .

So , for example , one that I used in my recent video , which was tattooing with the modules that you've received , you're basically gonna head back to chat GP T and you're gonna ask chat GP T to rewrite the lessons and expand on a certain point .

Now , from here , you've got two options .

The first one is that you literally set up your phone turn on your camera and you relay that information in the form of a court .

The second option is that you get a a i to do it for you .

Now , there are multiple Softwares out there where you can literally get an A I talking head to relay information .

So essentially you're gonna be giving out a course with an A I teacher .

And from here you can add it to any platform such as teachable or coursera , or you can put it on your very own platform .

The good thing about these platforms that are already established is that they already have traffic sources .

So realistically , you don't have to spend a lot of time or energy on getting eyes to your course because they'll naturally do it for you .

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But this method is perfect because I know a lot of you are too shy to show your face on the Internet , but you still want to make money on social media platforms where you would typically show your face .

It's crazy because you can literally build an entire course in 24 hours , whereas without a I it could literally be taking people up to a year to do the same thing .

What I personally suggest is that you choose 1 to 2 social media platforms to promote your course on and essentially just start making content with the help of a I to grow an audience and promote this course personally .

What I would go for is tiktok .

Now I've seen multiple tiktok accounts that are literally run by a I , and a perfect example is the little Mika account that I'm pretty sure a lot of you do remember because she took the Internet by a storm a few years ago before a I had reached the masses .

And while a lot of people are using a I , in this day and age , there would still be the shock factor of seeing an A I teacher that will make your account go viral .

So I'd say again to start this side hustle , it's a five or buy scale .

It's super easy , and everything is laid out for you in terms of easiness .

Something is required on you , and you will have to spend a little bit of time proofreading all of the texts that you get back from Tutor A .

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I and chat G BT to make sure that you're not giving out false information .

Because as accurate as it may be , it's not always 100% on point .

And in terms of profit , I'd say it's a four because courses can be sold for thousands if they're good enough .

But realistically , you should start with a relatively cheap course moving into Method Number five , which is a niche Etsy store .

Now this one is relatively easy , but still requires some level of finesse .

Again , What you're gonna do is create digital products or prints to sell on Etsy , and you're gonna get a I to help you do so now .

The first step is to find out what the most popular digital designs are on Etsy , so you can do this either through just a chat .

GP T .

Keep in mind that the information is outdated by a year or so , or you could use a keyword search , a tool or Google trend .

As you can see , people are literally selling things like travel , packing lists and travel checklist for £2 which to people in the US would be around $5 .

And look , this person has literally made 2000 sales off this one template .

People on here are making bank off these digital products , and you could be one of them .

So say , for example , you did want to follow in the footsteps of creating the travel packing list .

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You could easily recreate something like this on camera again , I'll leave the link for the free trial down in the description .

But if you have a camera , you can literally type in checklists .

And as you can see , it's gonna provide a whole bunch of checklist templates , which you can then change the colour and the font of and then put on your Etsy .

As an example , you can head back to chat GP T and ask it to create you a list of travel essentials and then input that information onto your camera .

Like I said , another good thing is that you can use chat GP T to create the descriptions for each listing , so you can simply use a prompt like create an SEO optimised description for my Etsy listing , which is with the specified product a great way to drive more traffic to your listing .

And even though you'll get natural traffic from Etsy , what I recommend you use is Pinterest and camera to create and showcase your digital template .

It would look something like this .

There is a little bit of work that you would need to get done by setting up your Etsy profile , doing that little bit of research with a I .

But it is quick enough and again can be done within 24 hours .

In terms of easiness .

I'd rank it at around three because while it is very easy and again A I is doing most of the work for you .

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You do have to put in some leg work in terms of the designs on camera and regarding profit .

I'd put it on a four because it can make you a lot of money , and it is very , very easily scalable .

People on Etsy are making thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars every single month from one product that they created one time and last but not least is number six , which is an E-commerce store powered by a I .

Now , the beauty of this method is that you don't need a single penny to set this all up , and you get to have your very own merch without having to deal with the headache of creating the product from scratch , holding inventory or handling the postage and shipping or dealing with customer service .

So what you're gonna do first is get chat G , BT and Night Cafe to help you create non copyrighted art .

Keep in mind that since it's not actually designed by a human , you can't get copyrighted for it .

But out of transparency , I do wanna let you know that A .

I does create their art based off existing art from humans all around the world .

So , technically , while it's not original , it's basically been sourced from a human's actual artwork , which is why a lot of artists are against the whole A I evolution .

But yeah , let me know what you think down in the comment .

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Anyway , when you're creating your artwork , you wanna make sure that it's in a very , very specific niche because you'll be basing your brand around it now .

A really popular one that I've used before is pet .

I actually used the red bubble store at some point and dedicated a store around black Hat , specifically , which I created a tiktok account on where I was reposting content from other creators that included Black Cat and I found that I made a lot of sales a lot faster because my audience was such a specific group of people today .

We won't use Red Bubble , though , because they have their own branding on the packaging and stuff .

So we're gonna sign up for print full and put the artwork on there .

So print is basically like a Shopify store , but it's print on demand , so you can basically upload all of your designs and put them onto print , where it will then create mockups out of these designs .

You can put on t-shirts mugs , stickers you name it .

The beauty of using print for is that you don't have to code .

You don't have to figure out how to make it look like a legit and high quality store because it's literally already done for you again .

You can use a I to copyright the description , and then you can promote your actual merch by using organic traffic like Pinterest , Tiktok or Twitter .

Or you can get into pay traffic like Facebook ads .

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But that's not really necessary .

If you're just starting out , the main thing you need to do is build brand identity to really let this business take off .

So now for the final ranking , the time to start I would give it a because it's very , very easy .

I set up my print on the demand store within a couple of hours so you can do the exact same in terms of easiness .

I would give it a five because it's genuinely so easy .

You don't have to create any of the artwork yourself the website's already designed and finally , in terms of profit , this is very easily scalable .

And especially if you have a super niche audience and you're putting out the right types of content , you can be making a huge amount of money every single month .

So to conclude this video , I hope you guys understand that while these side hustles are relatively easy and can genuinely make you a good amount of extra revenue , per month .

You will not be able to automate the entire businesses and just expect huge profits from it without putting in some level of work .

Just remember that the easier it is to set up a side hustle , the more competition you have .

So in order to set yourself apart , you have got to do some extra leg work when it comes to building your brand identity to differentiate yourself from your competitors and have an impact for business that will actually flourish .

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Let me know which side hustle you guys are gonna be trying from this video .

And if you happen to have any questions , drop them down in the comments and I'll get back to you ASAP .

Now go off and be great , I'll see you guys in the next one .


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