Hello guys , welcome to the guru tech Solutions and welcome to the future of presentations .
Dive into the exciting world of cutting edge A I tools for presentations in this mind blowing video .
Say goodbye to boring slideshows and hello to dynamic engaging content that will captivate your audience .
Like never before discover how A I can effortlessly transform your ideas into stunning visuals , infographics and animations making your presentations a visual masterpiece , whether you're a student business professional or just someone looking to up their presentation game .
This video is a game changer .
You won't want to miss get ready to revolutionize your presentations with A I .
It's time to shine .
First of all , open your web browser and in search bar type chat GPT , then you will land on the official page of this free A I tool here .
We have chat GPT 3.5 and chat GP T four .
In order to use chat GPT four , we need to pay $20 per month but don't be panic .
We are using the free version that is chat GP T 3.5 .
Here is the search bar and in this search bar , we have to type the topic around which we want to create PPT , but you have to use the same prompt to get the same sort of results .
So I am interested in how technology can improve teaching and learning process .
Therefore , I will type it and then further , I will ask this free A I tool to generate PPT text .
Once we are done with the typing , then we will hit enter and this A I will generate outline of the presentation .
So here we have the outline of our presentation .
We can see it has created slides outlined as it starts from slide one and it ends at slide number 14 .
Besides , it has automatically filled the text as well .
Now , you just want to have only these headings without these slide numbers .
So I will ask Chat GPT to write , use the same text above and will ask to remove the word slide and as well as the number then hit enter .
Now here you can see the word slide and the slide number has been removed from each heading .
Once you are done with this , you will copy the entire text by clicking here .
Then we will move towards our second step .
Now we have to open Microsoft word file from here .
We will choose a blank file from here .
I will click view and then click outline .
Now in this given space , I will paste the entire text which I have just copied from chat GPT for that I can use shortcut key control plus V .
So here comes the entire text .
Now we can see this is our first slide .
This is our second slide and many more here , we just have to make some changes .
First .
Let's remove the blank space between the text .
Just click the blank space and hit backspace key from your keyboard .
Once you are done with removing these blank spaces , the next step is to define the heading levels .
The introduction is our major heading and the rest of the text comes under it since it's going to be our first slide .
Therefore , I will set the introduction as level one and the text under it has heading level too .
The next slide is transforming education and you can see it's our major heading and the rest of the text comes under it .
So similar process will repeat transforming education as level one , Henning and the rest of text under it is level two , we will repeat the same steps for the rest of the slide outlines .
Once you are done with defining these heading levels , then you have to select the entire text and change its color to black .
So here we have the final look of this file .
Now we have to save this file .
So let me save this on desktop .
So here the entire outline of our PPT is saved as word document .
Let's proceed to the third step for that .
I will open my Microsoft powerpoint from here , I will choose blank slide .
Now I will click home and from here , I will choose new slide from here .
I will get various options here .
We have slides from outline .
I will click it and this will allow me to choose my files .
Here .
We have to choose the word file which I have just saved on desktop .
This is processing , it will take few seconds .
You just have to bear it for a while .
Once you are done , you can see the entire outline has appeared in powerpoint presentation here .
We can see from slide one to slide 14 .
Don't skip the video .
We are not done yet .
In order to make your presentation appealing and attractive , you got follow the following steps , click the design and from here you can choose any design you want .
So let's suppose I am choosing this one for my introduction slide and for digital transformation .
I am choosing this design similarly for accessibility and inclusivity .
I am going with this slide design .
Furthermore , you can choose various designs from these given options .
If you are not satisfied with the given design , you can click for more design .
This will process and it will bring forth more appealing designs which you can choose .
Likewise , you can make changes in design for each slide .
In order to make changes in the main heading or text , you just have to click in a text and you can make certain changes once done with changes .
Let's open it in presentation view .
So here comes the final look of our presentation which we have just created using Chat GPT by following a few simple steps before you close .
This don't forget to save this PPT and you are done .
Thank you for joining us on this journey through the incredible world of A I powered presentation tools .
We hope you are as thrilled about the possibilities as we are .
If you've been inspired by what you've seen today , we invite you to share your thoughts in the comments section below .
We'd love to hear how you envision using A I in your presentations or any questions you might have .
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See you in the next video .
Bye .