Hey , guys .
I recently had a question related to insomnia and keto .
The person started the keto and then couldn't sleep anymore .
K ?
So here's what usually is happening .
It's usually a calcium deficiency .
Okay ?
It's the first thing I would add to the whole mix .
Because sometimes when you do a ketogenic diet , if you're kind of like a subclinical low amounts of calcium in the body , it can become more of a a major deficiency and show up as muscle cramps and also kind of like you're tired , but you just can't turn off .
Like like your head is tired , but you just can't go into that deep sleep .
So some calcium would benefit greatly .
But I would recommend taking the calcium with magnesium .
K .
Together .
You can get those in various forms , either a powder or actually , a tablet .
Make sure it's not calcium carbonate .
But if you take calciummagnesium , you're gonna be fine because magnesium is another common deficiency that can also affect your sleep .
So the combination of both of these is really good for sleep .
Take it before bed on empty stomach .
Well , you probably are already gonna do an empty stomach because you're on intermittent fasting .
So that's fine .
Number 2 .
This would be the second thing to look at .
Is your potassium levels low ?
If you're deficient in potassium , it can elevate pulse rate , blood pressure , it could affect the muscles because potassium is a physiological tranquilizer .
It calms the nervous system down .
And usually if you're doing enough vegetables , you're gonna be totally fine .
Sometimes you need to take it as a supplement or electrolyte powder , and this will definitely help calm the nervous system .
3rd thing I would look at is b 1 .
B 1 is really good for the excessive thinking that keeps you up at night , but this also can calm the body .
I recommend getting this in a form which is called nutritional yeast .
Make sure it's non fortified and that will usually help you .
The other point I wanna bring up is if you're consuming too much protein , protein can act as a stimulant and that alone can keep you up .
So keep your protein between 3 6 ounces .
And the last point I wanna bring up is that when your body starts getting into ketosis in general , it starts to generate more energy .
So you might have more energy on a keto than the sugar thing which is just makes you more tired .
And so you may have to add more exercise , more walking to kinda get the energy out .
Alright ?
Thanks for watching .
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That rhymes .