Hello .
Doctor Burke here .
In this video , we're gonna talk about keto and dairy .
Okay .
Can you do dairy on a keto ?
Now in this video , I'm not gonna talk about lactose intolerant or allergies to milk or casein .
That's the protein in milk .
I'm mainly gonna talk about should you do dairy on a ketogenic diet or not .
First , let's talk about the yogurt .
Okay ?
Fat free , yogurt with fruit , so called fruit , healthy , which usually it's like not just fruit .
It's like the , the jelly of the fruit and all the sugar , and sometimes it's not even fruit at all .
It's kind of artificial flavoring .
It's 47 grams of sugar .
That's like drinking a soda .
That's a lot of sugar .
Fat free plain is 19 grams of sugar .
That's incredible .
Fat free Greek is 9 grams , so that's a little bit better , but it's still too high .
And this is per 8 ounces .
Okay .
8 ounces .
That's a cup .
Whole milk plain is 11 grams of sugar .
That's still too high .
But look at fat free plain versus whole milk plain .
Apparently , the fat free is higher in in sugars .
See , I'm not even looking at the carbohydrates .
I'm looking just at sugar .
So , yeah , so that's interesting .
So whole milk , plain is better than fat free plain .
Fat free vanilla is 34 grams of sugar .
Way too high .
Goat's milk kefir is 7 grams .
So if you were forced to consume some type of yogurt or kefir , obviously , this would be the best .
This is the 2nd best .
Okay .
If you were at gunpoint and you had to eat it .
Right ?
Okay .
Look at this blueberry kefir , 20 grams .
Wow .
Low fat plain kefir still has 12 grams of sugar .
Low fat plain kefir , 11 grams of sugar .
This is lactose free and I don't understand why it's high in sugar , but because lactose is the sugar .
So I don't I don't understand that , but it's still it's way too high .
So that's yogurt .
So do you wanna do yogurt on a keto ?
The answer is no .
I'm sorry .
Okay .
Now let's get to milk .
2% milk is 12 grams of sugar per cup .
K .
A cup is not that big .
That's too high .
Half and half for your coffee , point 36 grams , so it's less than a gram , And whole whole cream , like whipping cream , is 0.1 .
So if you were to use cream in your coffee , go with the whole milk , but still half and half is not that bad .
K ?
So can you do these ?
Yes .
I would get organic and try to get grass fed if possible .
And this 1 is a no .
Now what if you do just a little bit of milk ?
Okay .
That's fine , but not a lot of milk .
Okay ?
It's just gonna blow you out of ketosis .
Let's talk about cheese .
Now when you have cheese , you have this fermentation product that you have these bacteria that are eating up the milk sugar and a lot of that lactose is being lost with the , the whey , the protein part , as it's coming out of the cheese in the making of cheese as well .
But check this out .
Cream cheese is less than 1 1 gram .
It's 0.45 grams per cup .
That's pretty good .
So cream cheese is totally fine .
Pepper Jack is 0 grams of sugar .
Awesome .
Cheddar is 0 grams .
In fact , the more aged a cheese is , the better the less sugar it has .
Mozzarelli , 1 point 4 grams of sugar per cup .
Still not bad , has a little bit more .
But look at this , processed cheese .
Processed cheese .
You know those little individual wrapped cheese that most people consume ?
Probably Velveeta and the other processed cheese that you would buy that everyone's eating and lunch and the whole thing , 19 grams of sugar .
19 grams of sugar for processed cheese .
That is , like , way over the top .
Cottage cheese is 6 grams .
Wow .
That's a that's a good amount of sugar .
So is this a yes or no ?
These are a yes .
These are probably a no .
Probably small amounts , but this one's definitely a big fat no .
Okay .
Now you might be allergic to cheese because of the casein , the allergy , that's a separate deal .
You might be a lactose intolerant , that's a separate deal .
But when you get consume , cheese , grass fed organic would be the ideal scene .
Okay ?
Thanks for watching .
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