A million dollars a year is $83,000 a month , $19,000 a week and $2700 per day .
And over the course of these next few weeks , I wanna take a business from zero to that suite number of 2700 per day in a single month .
I've been going Ham with Ecom lately .
I'm neither Kosher nor Halal when it comes to e-commerce right now .
Apparently the process of building out a network of direct to consumer brands that I could eventually sell as a portfolio or just continue running as a money printer to me .
And with my experience , it's more feasible to get 10 stores doing 5 to 10 million a year than getting one store to that magical 100 million number .
And I think it's a more diversified place .
So in this video , maybe even video series , no , I'm not gonna promise another video series .
I'll actually probably just do everything within this video , but it's gonna be me tracking a behind the scenes look of how I actually start one of these e-commerce grants for my real business outside of youtube .
Gentlemen .
So check it out for me .
Step one has always been to find a product .
But nowadays , I'm not necessarily looking for a winning product as much as I'm looking to enter a niche and sell an assortment of products in that niche .
By doing that , I can constantly cycle and test new products , accumulate customers do some absolutely nasty email marketing upon product launches .
But my big tip , if you're just starting out beauty niche , that's the space I built my first few successful stores in and it's just kind of the easiest to crack since all of the products you'll be selling are in a way problem solving .
Once you have some products , you want to build up a website that's gonna absolutely Riz and hypnotize , seduce your customer into purchasing , just find the biggest brands in your niche and replicate what they're doing .
Pay someone to create a store with similar design features or just do yourself .
Not difficult using Shopify from here .
You're gonna need advertisements also known as the creative and the current better for that is UGC ads , videos that look like they were filmed by regular people on their iphones .
Kind of like a review .
The most common strategy is to scrape videos you find online , mash them together .
And then again , once the sales start rolling in , you can start buying UGC creators on fiver are usually fairly inexpensive , but they're very hit or miss .
You can also find people on Instagram , Twitter , tiktok .
Once you have 3 to 5 ad creatives .
We can begin the testing and start paying tiktok to show these ads take about a week .
But everything I just talked about , I've already had done and we're now on this step ready to launch .
I feel like I've made enough videos talking about the previous steps and I have my full course detailing how to do all of that .
So I want to focus on what we're gonna do now that we're launching , I just set up the ads .
So once they get approved , we can start running and optimizing our store , which I feel like there's not as much content made about budget approved .
Luckily , it didn't take long for ads to get approved .
And about an hour after they were absolutely insane , dopamine hit Andrew Huberman is pissed right now , but I'm gonna pretty much leave this alone for the next few days and check in after that ended up being the only sale for day one .
Day two crossed three figures .
Day three things began looking better .
Day four was there .
But day five , we're sitting at $400 worth of sales on the day and it's only five o'clock , which I mean , not bad .
Right .
Except it's not that simple .
In reality , we're kind of in a bad place with the store right now .
I'm looking at the last few days here .
We've done a few 100 per day , but I think we lost money on each day .
Today's looking a little better , maybe we'll break even .
But this exact point is we're like 99% of people trying .
This would give up and say Ecom is saturated .
I tried it .
It's not profitable .
I can walk away with this without my conscience bugging me for not trying .
This is a huge drop off point .
It's an incredibly common issue and whether we choose to persevere or just give up right now is what separates the people who actually make money with ecommerce and the ones that don't if on your initial test , you can get a start to break even .
It's pretty likely you can get it to Greca fro .
I have four things .
We can try and transform here .
One obvious improve the product page so that more people who visit actually purchase , who play around with the pricing of the product maybe do a bundle discount three .
This one isn't gonna be huge just yet , but maybe we can negotiate with the supplier to get our product costs down four .
And this is the big one .
I'm gonna have a couple more products added into the store , have those product pages fully built out and then start ups selling people to purchase those products on the cart page .
If done , right .
This can explode your average order value subsequently increasing your profit margins .
Although the sales were a little spotty next couple of days , the up sales were working to the point where actually started running ads directly to the products we added in just to be up sells .
Thanks to this 10 days in , we hit our 1st $1000 day , which from there , I continued increasing the budget of our ads while also implementing new ad creatives to scale horizontally .
We're not quite there but really getting close to our goal here .
But even this progress , honestly just kind of blows my mind every time because if you think about it , we started this from scratch .
This business didn't exist three weeks ago .
And now it's at a point where even if we don't scale , if we just maintain it and keep it the way it is 2400 in revenue on the day , we've spent 1000 on ads , let's say 6 to $800 in product costs .
We're profiting about $600 today alone off this store extrapolated annually .
That's a solid six figure income that we've just created in like three weeks .
Sure .
We can't just kick back and do nothing .
We'd still have to refresh the ad creators to keep the gravy train going .
But you could probably maintain this with like 67 hours a week , which if anything , I hope changes the way people watching this video , view entrepreneurship and money .
It's not an unattainable dream , right ?
There's a lot of money out there and with a little bit of out of the box thinking and some persevering where others wouldn't .
You can definitely siphon some of it anyway , now that we've done a little bit of testing and can see that this has some potential .
I'm gonna start paying UGC creators to create original ads , which those ads will likely perform better and further grow our margins .
And the very next day , we completely flew past our original goal of 2700 in a day , but I continued scaling that further , eventually peaking at just under five grand in a single day with a 35% profit mark .
Meaning we were halfway to having a store that would profit a million dollars in a year .
Not just hit that in revenue .
However , this is also the point where I had to stop the store entirely .
I just had to turn off all of the ads , but that's ok .
I just don't want to keep drop chipping on a store .
I plan on actually white label .
This is enough testing and enough of a proof of concept for me to where I can take it seriously .
Actually order some product samples from China and get some custom packaging going and turn this into a more legit brand .
I use Alibaba to find suppliers .
They do offer some protection as a platform which is nice but always keep your head on a swivel .
Don't trust everything you're told about your suppliers try and find some that have a track record of delivering quality products on time .
But after getting called dear friend about 100 times .
I did place some orders and 2.5 weeks later , I was overjoyed to see some sassy looking packages at my doorstep .
I'm just a baby the way I'm recording .
I see that uh oh , your hands don't look like this while you're eating your lunch must be liberal sissy .
Must be a sissy boy .
Super happy with the samples .
They came in on time .
Good quality .
Exactly what I ordered good customization .
So we're solid on that front .
And so at this point , you could either start fulfilling orders in house or send a bulk shipment to a third party fulfillment center .
And you now have a white label , legitimate profitable brand that has customized packaging , quick shipping , happy customer .
Now personally to scale from here , the blueprint is to order a ton of UGC content .
That way we can start scaling horizontally , not just vertically , definitely gonna keep the tiktok ads rolling , but also shift focus to doing a lot of Facebook and Google ads , a little bit of Pinterest , maybe even some Snapchat for this one .
Once that's running up and stable , you find a team or somebody you trust who you can look over all of this test new products and just kind of keep an eye on things .
And then for me personally , the goal is to allocate no more than like 56 hours a week to it , but mainly shift my focus to now starting in the next niche and then just repeating that cycle .
If you are interested in starting something like this , I do have my full drop shipping course linked in the description .
But if you have already started something like this and you have an Ecommerce brand , whether it be drop shipping , if you have inventory , whatever it is , if you're doing anywhere from 30,000 up to around a million dollars a month and you're looking to exit , you no longer want these headaches .
You don't want the ecom anxiety .
Reach out to me .
I am in the market and currently acquiring e-commerce brands .
Let's get rid of all of the anxiety around Facebook ad accounts and put you in a lam bowl .
Let's slap a Pepsi on your wrist hand over the shell fight , password , hand it over , over , seriously , feel free to reach out .
We'd love to take a look and potentially give you an offer that's gonna be it for this one as Salom Alek and Shalom .
My brothers in Christ .