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2024-06-06 07:55:04

Vitamin C Deficiency (Subclinical Scurvy) – Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies – Dr. Berg

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Guys .

In this video , we're gonna talk about something called subclinical scurvy .

Now what does scurvy mean ?

Scurvy is a severe vitamin c deficiency .

Okay ?

Subclinical is something that doesn't show up on a blood test or a usual test .

So it might be that you're kind of slowly developing a vitamin c deficiency .

You're not quite a full blown , but it's just before that phase , kind of like a pre diabetes type situation .

In another word for that is called latent scurvy , where you have deficiencies , but it doesn't show up yet .

Okay ?

Because you just don't end up one day with a scurvy .

It kind of slowly starts to , happen and a lot of people are deficient in vitamin C .

In fact , 1 out of , 5 men are deficient in vitamin C .

1 out of 9 , women are deficient in vitamin C .

One person might have it in their like gums as bleeding gums .

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Another person could have it in their muscles as a weak inflamed muscle , where someone else could have it in the arteries of the heart .

Okay ?

So it could be different for different people .

So that's why sometimes it's hard to have this , you know , perfect , diagnosis of vitamin c deficiency deficiency and go , oh , you have these three things so you have it .

Okay .

Because it could be actually have a wide range of things .

So I wanted to kind of give you an overview , kind of just a general idea of what could occur if you're starting to become deficient in vitamin c .

And maybe you're not a full blown scurvy case , but you have some of the symptoms .

Okay .

Here here's some of the symptoms .

Fatigue , you feel weak , irritable , leg pain , inflammation , achy joints , muscles .

I mean , this is very , very common .

Now instead of going out there and getting very expensive tests to figure this out , all you have to do is start consuming , foods high in vitamin c and see if you get better .

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See if these things clear right up , and you're probably gonna find they do .

That's actually the easiest thing to do .

But the tissue in your body that is most susceptible to vitamin c deficiencies is your vascular system because vitamin c has a purpose of keeping the collagen in the arteries nice and strong and elastic .

Okay ?

When you don't have vitamin c , you get certain , like , little lesions or holes in the arteries .

So So vitamin c is intimately involved in vascular integrity .

K ?

And so you have capillary damage , which really happens with high levels of sugar in the blood or glucose in the blood .

Being a prediabetic or a diabetic , and then you end up having high insulin , what happens is that high amount of sugar competes with vitamin c .

So you'll actually When sugar goes up , your vitamin c goes down .

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Then you become susceptible to getting capillary damage , and so you have little areas of bleeding in the artery and inflammation , and then comes the cholesterol and the calcium as a band aid .

This can also happen in your skin as rosacea .

It can happen on the gums as bleeding gums .

It can happen in your nose as a nosebleed .

So really , you need vitamin c to protect you against high levels of sugar , because this can also affect the capillaries to the nerves as well .

Another nutrient that will protect this is is b 1 , but vitamin c will do it too .

So , you wanna start increasing your vegetable content .

Dark leafy greens .

The bell pepper is loaded with it .

Cabbage , sauerkraut , fermented , actually has a tremendous amount of vitamin c .

Berries have vitamin c , other vegetables .

Now , citrus also has vitamin c .

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But when you buy bottled lemon juice or lime juice , it's pasteurized , so there's hardly any vitamin c in there .

So the key with this is have actual lemons and get your juice from the lemons if you're trying to get your vitamin c from it .

Okay ?

So I just wanted to bring this up .

You may have these symptoms .

You wanna prevent this right here .

And the way you do it is through the foods , having foods higher in vitamin c and also keeping your sugars low by doing keto and intermittent fasting .

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That runs .

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