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2023-08-12 04:17:04

Portrait Magic - Retain Faces in MidJourney Rendering

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Hello .

In this video , we're going to work on the portraits inside the mid journey and specifically take a photo reference , keep it all characteristic of face and creating the portraits inside the mid journey with the different settings .

Example , right here , we heard some steam kind of backdrop replacement .

You'll notice they're all same change a little bit playing on my hair , changing this color also change some little bit outfits as well .

We'll try to also push as far as we can until face become less recognizable .

So we see what ranges we need to stay with and of course work more on the backgrounds and change colors and outfits as well as we go in cologne .

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And of course , our main goal be sure they are person face portraits will resemble the original image as closest as possible to start work on the project .

We need our original photo that we're going to reference .

That E I will be trained and use it because me journey utilize Discord .

So we're going to use as well right on the bottom in the chart , you'll notice you have a plus symbol , click on the plus and select upload file .

Navigate to the file or portraits .

You want to use it and select after selection , we show you press enter that will show this image was uploaded to your on your server .

Best way to verify this if you go and click on the image and it will open in a preview and this is actually what we needed because we need to open one image , open on preview , right .

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Click on the windows says copy image address on a Mac .

I think it just copy images and this is how will go to reference .

So let's go ahead and do .

Next we go to imagine and in a prompt , we paste the path to our image .

This is the simplest things we can do .

And next we're going to type you can type for example .

Um So next , what I want to do is actually preserve our ratio and because I don't know at yet what is full the correct ratio of this image I will just says , OK , let's do portraits for this and we will set two by three .

This this simplest way we can create image reference um portraits reference to our image that we uploaded .

And here we heard our first render .

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If we can render it does somewhat resemble some elements , but we lost our glasses , we lost some options and this is OK for the basic but you notice it is not come closer to what we wanted .

So we have other options .

We can apply it .

We can actually tell me journey how closer we want to resemble to the image .

So what I'm going to do is copy this line that we have it right here and I'm going to paste this below .

Next , what I want to do is tell me journey how much of the image I want to affect how weight of the image importance of the image .

So for this , we'll go to type space dash dash IW and this is stands for image weight .

And then next , usually you type any image weight and it can be from 0.1 up to two .

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But I will utilize another options because I want to see how the all image weights will affect .

I'm going to open curly brace and type 0.1 .

This is the lowest image weight can be comma we type 0.5 comma one , comma 1.5 comma two .

So what is happening here ?

I'll tell my journey ran the same things for me but render first time with image weight 0.1 next time , 0.5 .

Next with image weight one .

It's what we have right here by default , it's one next 1.5 and two .

So it just will give me five different options and I can see how much image weight is important to be my portrait closer to what I wanted .

So let's go ahead press enter and you'll notice right here .

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Should come and ask if I want to the process five right here says you imagine you have five prompts on your template .

Let's go ahead and click .

Yes .

So it will start processing five jobs next time you notice it is a three started because I'm on a standard and two more in the queue .

So I will go ahead and wait slightly um until it's all completed and we'll go and review them .

OK ?

We're gonna complete it .

Let's view our result .

The first we're going with a 0.1 .

It's uh the and I can see it is hardly resembled at all .

Only we know it is the female with uh portraits about her body up to waist and also take us rock color red dress .

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So , but it does not even come closer to our original portraits if we're going and step to 0.5 this is a little bit better because we have some pauses a little bit closer resemble .

But again , the porches face not even close to what we have in original .

When we're going with weight one , you'll notice .

Now we start having glasses because to recognize some of the image a little bit more closer to what we have in original , but it's still a little bit away from what we wanted .

And when we cross this one point uh weight one , now it's definitely image more influence .

So right here , we can see definitely number one facial .

It's very close .

And so it's the number three , actually , they're all somewhat closer except number two , a little bit more far away .

But general , they are much closer .

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I will say almost is working for as a portrait based on this face .

And when we're using the maximum two , you can see this is very closed .

Uh the portraits are sampled very well .

The problem is when we're using number two , for example , as the weight weighted two , then we start having more heavy influence of them portraits for of the image , for example , right here , even we specify a red dress with does have a red outfit , but it's also have a green outfit .

It does try to compensate with putting like red background , but it is image weight , it's more heavier .

So you have less flexibility and this is where you come with fine tuning , how well you will go um how much details you want to keep it and how much details you want to lose .

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But again , this is just our start point because we're going to work on this and add a little bit more .

So till we jump on other things , let me point like for example , right here we have a 0.1 image and in some cases , it's hard to see why do you want to use the image in this case ?

But um let me give you one of the very good example , not as we have a health body shot and female .

So it does reference pauses in everything .

Example , right here , I have an image , full body shot .

And for example , I want to create the image with a full body of the girl dancing or other things .

In this case , for my A I , this is will be a reference .

It's what I want , I want a full body shot .

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And I know some uh people was asking me how you can create a full body shot because it's a cut off , maybe a feet or other things .

So this is a way to do it .

So let's go ahead and I will say copy image address for this .

And we're going to imagine we'll pace this image next .

Let's go say Rococo style .

So we'll just describe what we wanna hear and remember what we wanted .

We want A R two by three just in this portraits and we want image weight 0.1 .

OK .

So right here render we can look and notice this is 0.1 .

We have a full body almost shot also position of the hands and this is the lowest effect of the image and we can expand more , we can increase more weights , for example , right here , a little bit higher .

And you can see we start having better semble as well a little bit the leak of the light .

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And of course , the more we're going , the better it is um influence of the image .

So you don't necessarily need to have it all have influence if you don't really worried about the facial expressions .

But this is also provide you additional options to create .

For example , let's say I'm going here and I like uh some of the style let's go with this one .

So I will like this image and I'm going to upscale this and now I want to use it to actually blend these images .

And we come to another step of our techniques , blending images in blending images .

We can take two different images and combine them together .

Let a I decide for this .

So this is what kind of relatively new at journey , but it does help us to create portraits .

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But if we want to work with the portraits here , we need to pay attention to kind of tricky situations .

So for example , let me show you and we're going to use the blend for this mode .

It will ask for several images .

So you can go up to I think six images .

When it's selection , we need go drag and drop or click and upload our images .

And I'm just going to select two of those images .

We have it and let's press enter .

And now if we look on our blending result , it does not resemble the original portraits because it's took two images and combine them together .

We do have a girl with wearing glasses like in three , but the facial somewhat resemble .

But again , the hair and other things is definitely took from the other image .

What I found out it's better on a blending work if you have a just a portraits and separate different background .

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So here is example , let's do two different images .

Again , we'll use the blend mode by the way , you can have it way more if you just select and you can add more images , but we'll just use it to and we'll have it one as a portrait and another one separate as the backdrop , not as on our backdrop .

We don't have it any person .

So A I does not have any reference to the what person it look .

So it's definitely will take only from first one and now we can just go ahead and press enter so it start processing and after the process is finished , you can see right here , we have it same portraits , the person is same as in the and just apply to this background that we have .

So it's actually does a very good job .

It my limitations with this um descriptions because I need to provide what background I wanted .

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And after merging , which is not bad because you can actually create background inside the mid journey , specifically what you wanted and reference later this in your um blend mode with the portrait you wanted .

Again , the portrait that you will blend notice is still wear green coat .

So we are green sweater .

So we need to change this and another nice options inside the journey that we don't necessarily need to use a blend mode .

We can also take two images and blend and kind of merging them together .

OK ?

So here's the example , I have one portraits and I'm going to copy image errors on this .

We'll go , I imagine we'll paste the first image .

We'll go open another image , copy this image address space , paste this image address .

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Next we want to put description in a blending again , it's work very good .

It's very interesting .

But here we can also put a description where the one wanted and I'm just go and copy this description including a spec ratio .

So we can go ahead and paste in .

OK ?

I think right now we're ready to go ahead and render .

OK .

So right here and you notice we do put it together but we have a problem when this image does not resemble we can overcome this much easier if we just also apply some weights to this .

So for example , right here with image weight two and you can see we have quite a bit closer .

Now we have it our background and we have it our image with the model .

So this way we actually can work .

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But you notice the prompt , it's have a big portion playing in what we're creating inside the mid journey .

It's one excellent options to help us see what is on our image , to work on our prompt .

And this is what describe ?

So let's go ahead said describe and now notice we have one image that we need to upload to let mid journey analyze this .

And I'm going to use an image of our model and we'll go enter not just as a description , it's given us information .

The reason is why I like to use a description of one .

It's provide for us information .

It's how the mid journey is seeing this specific .

So if we want to have something closer , it will respond as well .

We have our aspect ratio here .

So let's have just example , I'm copying just only the prompt first prompt .

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And by the way , you have four different prompts and they not as going from more accurate to more kind of uh flexible , but you can try either .

And if we just type this prompt and give it to us and process , let's see how closer it may get to our description of the image .

We have not , we don't put any image reference inside .

It's just purely the description .

And right here we heard from our description .

So now we can go and actually utilize both of them description and text .

So let me go ahead right there .

We'll click on our image , copy image address or go down below .

Let's go click imagine we'll paste our um text next .

I'm going to copy the prompt , we have it and we base the prompt as well here .

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So at this time , uh we should have our image in the very close to the prompt .

We could actually just even say image weight 1.5 to be sure we have it as close as is possible between image uploading description prompt and us weight on the image .

OK .

So right here we have our image and you can see the facial that example very close .

I mean the pause is everything .

This is in a way we can now modify .

So what I like to do , we'll go copy of this prompt including our the image reference .

We'll go to type imagine we can paste here and inside the string I can modify .

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For example , wearing glass grass and let's switch cyberpunk , turtleneck in a style of the festive or let's go have again cyberpunk .

We just cyberpunk as much as we can .

OK ?

You'll notice we have all this information .

Don't like hip hop style .

Let's go put it cyberpunk .

But I think uh it should get message I already three times , put it cyber , hopefully it is there .

So now we can modify and we'll see what has come up again 1.5 that should work fine .

And right here we have our image .

It's much different style .

I like it .

But look at this , his facial very close on our portrait .

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And I remember we did before we done some images overlay ended with us like cyberpunk .

We can do this as well here .

For example , if I like this , I can go upscale my image that I like it and we can merge that with another image as well to apply even extra steps .

And uh so in this case , we can go ahead , let's go type imagine .

OK .

And we're going to take our image that we used before this one .

We'll copy this image again .

We'll take our source .

Let's go paste our source here and now we'll take this image they're creating , we can copy this image address a little paste here .

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And we'll take now this line that we have copy and we can paste .

So what we've done with this , we say utilize these two images but even more important .

Put it on an image so we get our portraits even closer , but we still have it keeping all changes that we wanted .

So let's just in case per woman wearing glasses , cyber punk outfit and style of the rain .

So I'm changing slightly , we can do this one and maybe you know what ?

Let's go .

Just put it for fun red outfit .

We will see what it has come up with .

OK .

And right here we have our combination .

Notice how it's a replace background , the portraits or right or that this one for example , look very good , very close except we have Brookly a bit on our hands .

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This one also look very nice .

So you notice how we start adding more and more layering to create the portrait .

So now we'll look on these different techniques .

Let's take them to get it and put it and create the portraits of the um model in different environments .

We want it .

So right here , first , remember we'll start with uploading our image and I uploaded to different , I also uploaded background what we're going to use .

So right here is our original image .

Next step .

What I want as preparation step .

Actually , I want to go describe OK .

And as described , we're going to select same image .

So we receive the descriptions of the image that we currently have .

After this , we're going to start combining .

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First , we'll go to imagine and we'll take a portrait of the moment that we want uh copies or copy address , we go paste this address inside .

Next , we're going to take their descriptions , copy and paste and sometimes description change .

For example , right here , somehow they figure out it to .

So it kind of very fun for me .

But I want to change some of the stuff .

For example , a young woman wearing glasses and elegance sweater .

So we'll leave this .

But maybe in elegance Twitter , we switch to elegant red rain coat .

So we'll just switch a little bit here in the style of Emer and bronze .

This is actually our background .

We can switch this to the coloring they wanted .

But I think let's leave it right here .

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Maybe , you know , in of cyberpunk because I'm going to So what I'm going to use cross processing many t-shirts neon lining .

We leave this and instead Christmas punk , I don't know what Christmas punk , we have it cyber punk .

OK .

And instead of Soviet , let's go to .

So when we're done with this also , we set our image , we , and again , for the image we , I'm not sure which one I'm going .

So I'm going to 1.21 0.5 and two .

So we're going to see all three different weights .

And usually I do this just to be sure I have it right uh selection because sometimes it's very hard to say and it's easy doing one pass to see what you have .

OK .

Let's go ahead , press enter on this and yes , I do want to have three different versions .

OK ?

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So right here is render , let's preview .

This is our number two and you can see we have it green .

Let's go down and find right ones .

This is a little bit better rain .

I like the rain code .

This is actually looking very close and most important our portraits is getting quite a bit closer in this case .

Next , it's kind of important you need to select one that you like it resembles .

I'm going with this red one , number two , we go upscale that and we're going to actually merge a couple more times .

So I'm going to take a copy of this Cyber punk kind of background .

So I'm going to put that one here .

And next , I'm just take from this and copy all the way up to here , space and paste it .

So this should help us to kind of create more interesting type of the backdrop .

So what I did right here by accidently I grabbed the original image .

It's not what I wanted .

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So let's go ahead again , copy this image right here .

We copy that one .

OK ?

So we go to piece have a background .

I want actually copy this .

So I need to go copy this image address .

OK .

We'll go paste here and then I wanna actually copy this string because otherwise I just copy original image that I don't need it .

OK .

Right here .

And let's render oh just in case as the this one process , we also will see what's happening if we just have the original image .

And OK .

So right here our image it's completed .

This is one that did it with the first .

This is actually kind of interesting except the face does not necessarily look very good .

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And this is another the problem when we start merging with another background , we start losing a little bit more of the originality uh well original faces and what's happening , we can always emphasize a little bit more .

For example , if I like this background and image and everything , we can kind of blend more and more with original photo .

So again example , we're gonna take again this first one , we copy image that we already have it and now we'll have it like another protest .

So it's almost you developing and you overlay over and over with the different images as you need it .

So again , we'll copy this one .

Now , I'm going to take and copy this image , remember it's covered background , but it's also have a little bit closer with what I wanted .

And we're going to copy this pot and paste in here .

So let's go ahead .

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This is will be our another pass .

So we have it , let's look what we have so far .

We have our original pass with portrait .

After we select portraits , we have it pass with portraits and background .

And now because to render , we have a path of the merge background with render portrait with our original .

And here we have a render and if you look , this is very nice .

This is one that resemble very good our original forest some a little bit different and it's possibly a lighting .

But if you go position of the head , nose and eyes , it does work very , very good .

So let me upscale those two ones .

And here's a I said this is actually a resemble , this is a resemble very good and not as we change everything , we'll just keep it on the face and put it in a different environment , different lighting .

Thank you for watching this video .


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