na mwaka ya daniela , na mwaka ya humana na mwaka ya koncentrata na mwaka ya chicken eggs .
na mwaka ya millionsa chicken eggs na mwaka ya two different farms na mwaka ya two different purpose cells .
namba wan , na mwaka ya 400-eka farm na mwaka ya capacity na mwaka ya 60,000 breeder chickens na mwaka ya eggs na mwaka ya sole purpose njambi number one , a 400-acre farm with a capacity of 60,000 breeder chickens where i produce eggs for the sole purpose of hatching chicks .
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once the broiler breeders are hatched in europe , they are delivered to my country on the very same day using an aeroplane .
and once we receive them , they are taken to the farm immediately and brooding is carried out .
18th week , the chickens develop their reproductive system which is important for the production of eggs .
remember that the end product here is chicks because the more chicks we get the more money we get and how do we get more chicks ?
more eggs .
that means we want to concentrate on making as many eggs as we can .
so when it comes to the layer breeders they are naturally layers so it's quite easy for them to lay eggs .
we have raised these on our breeder farm in a very innovative chickens house .
this chickens house is a chickens house that's nails 100 meters in length by 12 meters in width .
its a chickens house that has two stories and its very creative the thing with farms is that we want to minimise entry into the chickens house because the more times you enter the chickens house , the more likely it is that the chickens are going to get sick and they will die .
na small little deol chicks for broilers and for layers .
and these i do sell to farmers all around uganda .
some of these chicks go to my commercial layer farm of three acres .
our current capacity at the farm is 5,000 birds .
many systems exist that are used for raising commercial layers ,