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2023-09-19 19:27:39

100% Beef Mortadella - Step by Step

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Hey , everybody .

Welcome to the two guys that are Gold channel .

My name is Eric .

Today we're gonna be making a viewer requested video beef with pistachios and tele cherry peppercorn .

Absolutely incredible .

And I gotta tell you before we start , it's not a complicated recipe , but it does require some special equipment because Mortadella an emulsified sausage and we wanna try to create the perfect texture for this high level charcuterie .

So with all that out of the way , let's make an all beef .

We're gonna be using brisket for this particular project .

And that , the reason I like brisket so much is because not only does it have a great beefy flavor , it's got a lot of beautiful fat and it's loaded with connective tissue , which is made up of collagen .

And that's gonna keep our sausage juicy moist and act as a binder .

I'm gonna separate all of my fat from this brisket from the meat .

And the reason I want to do that is because I want about an 80% lean beef to about a 20% fat ratio in this recipe and separating the fat is the easiest way to do that .

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So we're just gonna add the fat back in until we get to the right amount .

And there we go , there is our beef and fat for this all beef .

Once the meat has been chilled , we're gonna grind that on a 10 millimeter plate .

We just want to get a good course grind going .

And then once we're done with the co grind , we're going to re chill it until it's just about frozen and then re grind it on a three millimeter plate .

And if it's chilled properly , you could see that the strains of meat and fat are all independent .

It looks like loose spaghetti and that's perfect .

And now that our meat has been ground twice , it's time to add our salt , adding salt at this stage is going to help extract a particular protein from the meat called min .

Min is gonna act as the binder between the fat and the water during the emulsification process .

So , all we're doing here is we're sprinkling our salt on top of our ground meat and we're just gonna mix it well to combined , we're not really mixing it like you would a sausage .

So just toss that meat around really nice .

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And once you feel like you have the salt relatively well incorporated , we're just gonna take that place it into a bowl , cover it with cling film and then refrigerate it overnight through the night , the salt is gonna be reacting with the meat pulling out that particular protein my which is gonna create a glue like matrix and that's exactly what we're looking for .

So let's go ahead and uncover it .

Let me show you what this glue like matrix is gonna look like our meat should be at this point more bound together .

And as you can see , as I'm pulling it apart , it's not loose , like ground beef should be , it's actually more bound together .

And that's a direct result of the min being extracted by adding the salt .

And that's a great thing .

This is actually gonna help us out tremendously during the next stage of chopping our meat .

We do wanna make sure that our meat at this stage is in the low thirties , 32 to 34 degrees Fahrenheit is perfect .

And here are some of the ingredients we're gonna be using .

We've got some pistachios , tele cherry peppercorns .

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We've also got our seasoning blend and you know , it's smoked paprika , it's a little coriander .

Some mace .

The uh recipe will be in the description box below .

We've got a little potato starch , which is gonna be acting as our binder in this recipe .

And finally , we're gonna be using some ice .

If you're gonna be using regular ice from your freezer , you wanna make sure you crush it up a little bit .

Otherwise it's too hard on your equipment .

This particular ice is nugget ice and it tends to break up a lot easier .

The piece of equipment that is necessary is a food processor and you wanna make sure that the motor is strong enough to handle emulsified sausages .

Otherwise you're gonna burn the motor out and I wouldn't want you to do that .

We're now gonna add our minced meat and about half of the amount of ice .

This is gonna keep our temperature cold during the chopping process .

The friction of those blades increase the temperature dramatically .

And the thing that we don't want is for the temperature of our meat during this stage to exceed 48 °F .

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Remember at this stage , we're continuing to extract mycin and min is extracted most effectively from meat under 48 °F .

So keep an instant reed thermometer on hand .

I'm using one from thermal works and I'm keeping my meat incredibly cold .

During this first stage , you could do a couple of different things .

You can chop your meat until your meat and fat is homogenous , which means you can't differentiate between one or the other or you can chop it into where it's mostly homogenous , but you have white specks , which is what I'm gonna do here because I think it's gonna give our all beef mortadella a cool appearance .

Now , as you can see , this is what our farce looks like and we're gonna go ahead and add the rest of our ice .

So this is the other half of our ice .

And at this point , we're also gonna add in our seasonings .

Now I've been chopping this for roughly about two or three minutes .

The blades on this food processor are incredibly sharp and that's another key element in producing the right texture .

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If your blades aren't sharp , it's just gonna whip too much air into your farce .

We're only gonna be mixing this enough to well incorporate the seasonings .

As soon as those are well incorporated , we're gonna now add at our binder .

Now , the binder is the very last thing that you add and notice the temperature of our farce .

When we add our binder , it's gonna be above 40 °F .

This particular stage , we're gonna keep our temperature under 55 °F .

And this is where the emulsification is actually gonna happen where the fat and the water bind together , creating a beautiful emulsion and a great texture for our , if your temperature gets too high over 55 °F , your emulsion could break .

So you definitely want to make sure that you keep the temperature at this stage under 55 °F .

We're gonna continue to chop our farce uh for another minute or so , check the temperature and it looks like it's relatively well incorporated .

My temperature here is 50 degrees , 51 degrees .

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Absolutely perfect .

It's very , very sticky , it feels like has the right consistency .

We're now gonna go ahead and move on to the next step .

If you're gonna be adding any ingredients that are additional , like in this case , peppercorns or pistachios or if you're gonna be adding cubed fat or olives .

This is the stage you do that in .

Just go ahead and mix that into your meat and we're just about ready before we put it into our 150 millimeter casing .

We need to taste it .

If you need to adjust the seasonings , this is the time to do it .

You'll also be able to , you get a sneak peek at the texture of your mortadella .

And while you're cooking your sample piece , if you have loads of fat that has rendered out , you'll also know that your emulsion has broken and there's unfortunately nothing you can do about that .

Your cut should be smooth with a springy texture .

It should be incredibly juicy at this particular stage and the seasoning should be well balanced .

In my case , we're good to go .

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We're gonna go ahead and take it out of that water bath and place it into an ice bath to stop .

The cooking process benefits from a night in the fridge .

So we're gonna take it from this ice bath to the refrigerator , which is gonna help set it , develop its flavors and get it ready to slice .

Are you ready to see what this Mortadella looks like ?

I am ?

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And now it's time for the moment of truth .

How does it taste ?

Two days of preparation ?

It's now ready .

I got a couple of different slices .

So this is a really thin slice and although some of the pistachios are coming out , it's actually holding together relatively well .

Surprisingly well .

That's delicious .

It's got a great texture .

You know that classic texture , the pistachios and the tele cherry peppers add just a whole another dimension to this charcuterie .

It's got a great beefy flavor and the spices are perfect .

They all compliment the beef .

If you have any questions on how to make this all beef , be sure to leave them in the comment section below .

And if you got anything out of this video , give it a thumbs up and don't forget to share it on your social media .

If you're new to this channel , we'd like to say welcome and we invite you to hit that subscribe button and that notification bell so that you can get notified of all future uploads .

Thanks again for watching .

We'll see you next week .


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