This is the lock picking lawyer .
And today I'm going to show you the least secure gunlock that I've ever seen .
It's made by a company called Rust .
And it serves as a fine example of why those who don't understand guns should not design gun locks .
Here's how it's supposed to work .
What you do is screw this gun rack to a wall , you then insert this portion of it into the magazine .
Well , of an AR-15 , we can then take the included cable , lock , thread it through the back of the rack , through the trigger guard and then lock it up .
So let's follow those instructions .
We're going to put this into the magazine .
Well , take our cable and I should note there is not enough cable to wrap all the way around the gun .
And because the magazine well is blocked , we can't go through the receiver .
So let's go through the trigger guard , lock it up .
And according to the Amazon listing , this is sufficient to secure the gun from both Children and thieves .
So why did I say this is such a bad design first , there is absolutely nothing to stop this gun from being loaded and fired while locked , you can either load it through the injection port or you can just lift the whole gun off of the rack and insert a full magazine .
You obviously would not be able to aim it well , but there's nothing that stops it from firing even worse .
The designer of this lock apparently didn't realize that the trigger guard is designed to fold down to facilitate the use of gloves in cold weather .
The intended tool to do that is the tip of a cartridge .
But just to drive home the point of how dangerous this is , we're going to use my eight year old son's lego astronaut .
All we do is push down on this little D tent and the trigger guard will fold down and we can remove the gun from the lock .
So it should be very clear .
This is a product that provides absolutely no safety or security and it should obviously be avoided in any case .
That's all I have for you today .
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