welcome to the first ever Georgina's Beauty Award .
You might be thinking she's a bit over the top , but you have no idea .
Let's start straight away with moisturising bases and the winner is Primark Beauty .
This is the prep and perfect vitamin and rich moisturising primer at £4.50 it is incredible moving on to base , and the winner is a bore and super BB .
It is absolutely fantastic , and it was a design for oil like spot prawn skin , and it's got ingredients inside , which means that you don't break out while she and for concealer the winner is Maybelline .
They came out with an even lighter shade in the eraser concealer .
This is 095 , and it is so good for my fellow pale girl is so for Powder .
The winner is HMB cosmetic .
I have never before got through a loose powder .
I'm a pressed powder girl , but this is just luring perfection .
The winner for best highlighter is Primark Beauty again .
Can you go wrong ?
These are £3.50 they are seriously , so , so beautiful .
The winner for best Macara is who without one C you don't really need one coat 1.5 coats is sometimes too much .
It is absolutely brilliant .
I did not realise my bottom eyelashes were this long until I use this mascara .
Best eye glitter , urban decay , space cowboy .
It is absolutely gorgeous .
You can put it on top of everything .
You can wear its own .
It is your absolute perfection .
But it doesn't show up on camera very well .
You need to use , like the front flash to get it to show off .
But trust me , I've been using this so , so much the best setting spray we have Charlotte's all brown .
I'm on about my third bottle .
This I think it really helps to just fuse the makeup together .
And when you've got a little bit too heavy on the powders , it really helps the best liquid lipstick here .
VD queen of poisons .
Every time I've wore this , people have stopped me and said , What is that lipstick ?
I think it is an absolutely gorgeous .
It's very nice .
It ls really well as well of best eyelashes .
I not beauty again .
I discovered them this year .
They're so cheap .
They are brilliant .
I'm wearing them right now .
Not these ones .
I'm wearing the Paris ones right now .
So the 3D looks are really good as well .
To be honest , I haven't had a bad lash from Primark .
Yeah , best hairbrush , rehab hair .
Look at this design .
It just means that I'm not snagging on my curls anymore .
And it brushes out curls so beautifully without getting rid them completely .
And last but not least , the perfume of the year .
Jon , go to a shop .
Smell this .
Thank me .
Later .
It is absolutely flipping gorgeous .
It is such a deep , sensual Oh , it just smells amazing .
It is absolutely beautiful .
Let me know if you've tried any of these products or what products you were given award to in the comments below .