What's good .
It's your boy D one V and I'm back again with another thing .
All right guys .
So since also with the videos caption and the thumbnail on today's video , I'm gonna be withdrawing some of the crypto that I've made with this website called TRXD Minor .
If you're new to the channel , hit the subscribe button in your notifications bell because I'll be dropping bangers each and every time on this channel .
You know what I mean ?
So right now I'm inside the website and this right here , it is my account dashboard , right ?
So , as you can see right now , I have about $2.15 worth of crypto index website , right in this account on this website .
So what I'm actually going to do it is click on the party return withdrawal because the withdrawal , the minimum withdrawal threshold in this website , it is $2 right ?
So right now I'm simply gonna click on the party return , withdraw .
And so another thing that I'm going to do it is to leave the websites , link in the description box and on the first comment of this video so that you guys can be able to start mining cryptos for absolutely free .
Right .
So , as you can see , I have these 2 $2 like coin , right ?
So , what I actually have to do right now is to enter my light coin wallet address before I can actually withdraw this .
So I'm simply going to jump straight into my Luo app so that I can get my Litecoin wallet address .
Right .
So I'm simply gonna click on wallets .
Then I'm gonna go to LTC , then I'm going to click on receive .
Then I'm going to copy my wallet's address , jump straight back to the website and I'm going to click on the button that return edit , right ?
So right now I'm simply gonna add my litecoin wallet address on the required field , right ?
So right now I'm simply gonna paste that and I'm going to enter my two factor authentication code before I can change my accounts data .
So I'm going to post this video and continue this video once I'm done entering my two fa code .
Ok , guys .
So right now I'm just , I just pasted my two fa code and I'm going to change account data , right ?
As you can see , they say your account data has been successfully updated , right ?
I also got an email which um confirms right .
So right now what I'm going to do it is to simply go back to my dashboard .
So right now that I'm back on my dashboard , I'm simply going to click on the button that says we draw , then I'm going to check where it's um , litecoin right ?
Then what I'm going to do right now , it is to , as you can see the withdrawal right there , it is the whole 2.0250 US D , right ?
So here you can simply add your command , right ?
So I'll just go do it 105 with drawer , right ?
Can also put in a hot emoji , right ?
Ok .
Now that I'm done with that , I'm going to click on the button that says request my wait for it to load .
Then now I'll have to enter my two factor authentication code .
So I'll go , I'm gonna have to go back to my Google authenticator one more time .
Right .
Now .
Your screen is going to be black because this app is highly confidential and you can't see any of these codes because it is to protect your account's privacy , right ?
So now that I've copied my Google my two factor authentication code , I'm going to paste it right here and I'm going to click on the button that says confirm , I'm gonna wait for it to load .
Then as you can see , boom , your withdrawal is processed , badge id .
So that's the withdrawal id right there .
So right now I'm going to post this video and wait for the withdrawal to reflect on my luo .
And I'm going to continue this video when it reflects on my LUO account .
Just a few seconds after I've post this video .
Boom , as you can see payment received , right ?
So the payment is received on my Luo app , right ?
As you can see you received LTC , 0.0326 LTC .
So as you can see , I also got an email saying that mean withdrawal has been sent , right ?
So as you can see guys , this website is highly legit and if you ain't joined already , I'm going to leave my link in the description box and on the first comment of this video so that you guys can be able to make or to earn free or to mine free cryptos with this website .
If you made it this far , I really appreciate you do consider joining the channel by hitting that subscribe button that notifications bell and don't forget to like this video guys .
As you can see , there's also been like a switch of content , right ?
I won't be only posting about making money online type of videos , but I'm also going to be mixing it with my personal life , like the vlogs , the Mu Bangs and all of that .
So make sure you support and I a catch you on the next video .
Peace out .