This video is in response to a question relating to the difference between synthetic and natural B12 .
The synthetic version of B12 is called Cyanocobalamin .
And the natural version is Methylcobalamin .
Now the main reason why people get this version is it's incredibly cheap .
And on the label , sometimes it'll say , I don't know , 5000% abnormal and people think more is better .
Well , the reason why it's 5,000 percent is that it takes so much of it to be absorbed .
It takes 4 steps for it to convert into this version to then be absorbed .
So number 1 , it's not absorbed easily .
But number 2 , this splits off into cyanide .
And you heard me correctly .
I said cyanide .
Now I don't know about you .
Maybe it's just me .
But I don't want cyanide in my body .
And of course they'll say it's non toxic in small amounts unless you're a smoker , Okay ?
Because there's cyanide in certain brands of cigarettes .
Or your profession is involved in mining where there could potentially be more cyanide or pest control .
But for the normal person that's healthy , they say that cyanide is not toxic in small dosages .
I don't know if I'm just going to avoid it in my body because I don't want poison in my body .
They said that trans fats weren't bad , and then they found that it was bad .
They said that thalidomide wasn't bad , and then they found it was bad .
They even said that smoking wasn't bad until they found it causes cancer .
The last thing I wanna do is have them find out that , oh , we just found out cyanide is poisonous in small dosages .
I don't want that to happen .
If you're going to take B12 , methylcabolamine is the version that I would recommend .
It's bound to a protein so it takes acid in your stomach to break it down .
If you don't have enough stomach acid , it's going to be difficult to absorb this or extract it from the food that you're eating .
Most animal products like meat and even liver are filled with B 12 .
But if you're a vegan it might be difficult getting B 12 .
So you need number 1 , stomach acid .
And number 2 , there's something called the intrinsic factor that's in your stomach .
It's a little thing that helps transport B12 into the small intestine where it's absorbed .
But if you have a condition called atrophic gastritis , it's an autoimmune disease of a certain cell that makes hydrochloric acid , then you're gonna have a problem with this .
You're gonna also have a problem absorbing b 12 .
There's a really good product though that I would recommend if you have this condition .
And Stan and Process makes it .
It's called Zaipan .
Okay .
I'm going to write this down in case you ever need it .
Zaipan , you can buy it online .
Just do a search for it .
But that has the intrinsic factor in there , and it can help people absorb B12 .
Also if you had stomach surgery , maybe involving your gastric bypass or something , that could be a problem with this right here .
Also if you're taking Metformin , that can create a B 12 deficiency .
And then if you're a vegan , you're gonna have to get B 12 from other sources .
You can get B 12 from wheatgrass juice powder because the microbes in there can make B 12 .
But if you're deficient in B 12 , here's some side effects .
Number 1 , diarrhea .
Number 2 , you're nauseated .
You might have an upset stomach , itchy , rash , headaches , dizzy , joint pain , like really severe pain if you're deficient in b 12 or even fatigue .
B twelve's involved with , the production of red blood cells .
It's also involved in brain function and nerve function and even the creation of DNA .
Alright .
There you have it .
Thanks for watching .
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