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2023-08-24 01:00:13

Mike O'Hara Speaks at BDSS Puerto Rico

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Good afternoon , ladies and gentlemen , how are we doing today ?

Bullshit .

How are we doing today ?

Right .

Right .

Right .

Um So Kevin gave a pretty lengthy introduction so I won't , I had a little bit of that in there .

I was gonna talk about how proud I am of him and his hard work and how he did lose .

This is close to £60 right ?

Roughly 75 £75 .

Y'all give him another round of applause .

I know .

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I don't doubt for a second that you all know how hard this man works at events like this and the other hundreds of projects that he pursues .

But inside the gym in my world , when he's working out , the effort is up here the same as it is out here and it , it should be no secret because people who work hard in the gym also work hard outside of it and we'll get into that .

That's what I'm gonna get into a little bit later today .

But um in this 15 minutes or so , but I promise you it's not gonna be the boring working out is good for you .

You should do it .

Um So don't walk out , it's gonna be a little bit deeper .

Um And the impact that will have on you , if you're able to apply it properly , it'll take you to levels beyond you can imagine that I can promise you .

Um Now before I get into that , I wanna give you guys a quick run down a little bit more personal information on myself .

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Um And what kind of sets my soul on fire ?

Uh , so I am a very grateful husband .

There's a picture of my wife and I the picture kind of sucks , but as you can tell she is drop dead gorgeous .

Um I know I look good .

Don't get me wrong .

I'm there's no confidence issues here , but she makes me 10 times better .

And then I'm also a very blessed father of three .

There's my daughter and I um I'm only showing you guys her because she's my favorite .

Uh No , I'm kidding .

I got , I got two boys too .

Uh My boys are 11 and 12 .

Um And for years , we begged the wife .

Can we have another one ?

I wanted a little , I wanted daddy's little girl , right ?

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Um And I would literally like convince the boys when we do our night time routine and prayers at night , we would shout dear God , let mommy get pregnant this year for 10 plus years and uh we finally got it and I was able to get my baby girl .

Um Thank you .

Thank you .

Thank you .

She's almost nine months and my boys are exceptional soccer players themselves .

Uh , one of which made an MLS next team this year , which if you're not familiar with that , it's the highest level of soccer you can reach at , at the youth level , um , pretty big deal .

And then the , the other one , he's a notch too below that , but he'll be at that level next year .

Uh , mark my words .

And so I'm also , I consider myself a top tier trainer , um , and one of the best strength and speed coaches around .

Um , I don't consider myself great at any of that just yet .

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Um I don't know that I ever will because I come from the same school of thought as Jim Collins .

Has everybody , anybody read good , great Show hands .

Quite a few of y'all .

Right .

I figured as much .

Um , this is my favorite quote from that book , Greatness is an inherently dynamic process , not an end point .

The moment you think of yourself as great , your slide towards mediocrity will have already begun .

And in a group like this as successful as every one of you guys are .

I can only imagine , uh , the struggle that it can be at times to consider yourself great , right ?

As your success , success continues to grow and grow .

So I feel like this quote is , um incredible , just not for anybody but a special group like this .

I'm gonna leave it up there for a while it's really powerful , I'm gonna leave it up there um for a little bit before we move on to the next slide .

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Um In case you guys haven't figured out just yet , I'm obviously not like the rest of the speakers .

I don't have any crazy hacks or tricks .

Um I'm not an online guru or , you know , uh uh a genius so to speak .

Um You know , nothing that I'm gonna give you is gonna give you a direct impact on your online sales .

What I do have for you though is something that will indirectly impact not only your sales but your life and I can promise you that , right ?

It's gonna give you more fulfillment and fill your pockets a little fatter .

Those aren't mutually exclusive .

You can definitely have both of those .

OK ?

I promise you .

Um Excuse me .

Um Yes and so part of that process , right ?

So having both is , is what I like to call in the fitness world too is the numbers being part of the process , right ?

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When you get to your weight goals , the process is gonna get you there , right ?

Um And so day in and day out , the harder you work , the more effort you put in , the more success you'll see , right ?

That's , that's no secret .

Um And so with a all week long , you guys are gonna get in front of some incredible rock star speakers that are gonna provide invaluable information , tactics and strategies that are gonna help your online business , right ?

Um And each and every one of those gems that you get from , every one of these speakers is gonna be a puzzle piece that if laid out and you put it together correctly is gonna bring you a world of wealth .

Now , what the message I'm gonna provide with you today is gonna be the glue that keeps that puzzle together .

OK ?

Long lasting goals .

I promise you , I can't get those numbers for you , but I can make sure they last .

Ok .

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So how we're gonna do that is not just fitness , not just working out but suffering .

Ok .

Taking your workouts to an extreme level .

Anybody familiar with David Goggins ?

Ok .

Y'all .

Ok .

If you don't know who you guys need to Google that man .

Cam Haines is another one .

these guys are crazy if you look at is anything , do I look happy in those pictures ?

No , I'm suffering full blown dying and it doesn't matter what level of fitness you are , right ?

So a lot of people might , if you're not in great shape , you might be concerned .

Oh , I can't .

I said so this is relative , right ?

So where whatever fitness level you are , the easiest way to track this is , can you talk , right ?

Can you have a conversation during that particular workout ?

If you can't , you're on the right track .

Ok .

If you can only muster out a word or two , maybe a phrase you're on the right track .

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And it's funny , this particular picture here where I'm running on the , uh , the right hand side , y'all left my right , uh , that's one of my kids .

He's has like , I wear my kids like they mess with me on purpose when I'm in the zone like that and they wanna have conversations with me .

I'm like , guys , I can't talk right now .

Give me a sec , let me catch my breath .

Right .

And , um , I'm actually doing the four by four by 48 David Goggins .

It , this , it's , it's crazy shit .

So you run four miles every four hours for 48 hours straight .

Um , has anybody done that ?

No , why I hear why I'll tell you why I hear the set and it's in the middle of the night too , right ?

So every four hours typically is on a weekend , you start at 8 p.m. and then back at midnight , 4 a.m. eight AM noon and so on and so forth , right ?

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Um , and this is as I'm , I'm , I'm thinking I'm wrapping up on one of the later ones on , on day two .

Um , but anyways , uh , so if you cannot have a conversation , you are precisely where you need to be to set fire to your neurochemicals .

Ok ?

And what that's gonna do is boost your mood , your overall well being , right ?

And the happier you are , the better mood you're in , the more focused you can be the sharper , you can be for not only yourself but your friends and family , your customers , uh your company , et cetera , et cetera , right ?

Um From there , it also promotes neurogenesis , which is the growth of new neurons inside your brain , right ?

And your ability specifically in the hippocampus , which the hippocampus is a region of the brain that is in charge of your memory .

Um man information retention .

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So if you're able to retain information at a better , at a , at a higher rate and remember them and right and learn at a , at a better rate .

The sky is the limit for what you're able to do .

Moving forward right from there .

It's not even including , oops , I hit the wrong button .

That's not even including your work productivity , your engagement , enhancing overall cognitive function and performance .

The sky is the limit .

It goes , the list goes on and on and on with how suffering has a , has an indirect impact on your success as a business person , right ?

Because it's gonna , it's gonna make you happier , more focused , you learn and retain better and you work harder and what that does is not only will it sharpen your success , it's gonna skyrocket your success .

Mhm How are we feeling ?

Were you alive ?

Were you asleep ?

Were you all right ?

You all right .

OK .

All right .

Uh Moving forward .

Mhm .

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Let's fast forward to next week .

Um You're at home .

You are uh on your back porch hanging out Right .

It's beautiful outside .

It's a little hot but you're OK .

Uh You got your skins peeling already from the , from the , the crazy sun here .

But you're uh got a nice tan .

You're feeling good .

Um You're reminiscing on the great times you had here .

All the new people you met , the great food you had um the insane information that you gained .

Um looking at all those gems , those puzzle pieces I talked about earlier laid out on your table , right ?

And you start to put them together .

OK ?

As you put them together , you're done .

And it's like , all right , this is , this is my path .

I'm gonna get to the insane levels from here on out , right ?

And then all of a sudden a big ass gus to win or your selfish ass cat comes and jumps on the table , right ?

Or your crazy ass kids come and knock the table , right ?

And long story short , the puzzle pieces everywhere .

What did you forget to do ?

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What did you forget the glue ?

You forgot the glue .

You didn't suffer .

You hadn't suffered yet .

OK ?

Now how do we suffer ?

So first and foremost , every single day prime yourself with 1 to 5 minutes upon rising .

What I do personally is I get up and this is before I do anything , no matter how bad I gotta pee no matter how bad I gotta go to the restroom , I hop on the floor and I do .

It's called my , my morning 100 is what I call it .

Ok .

It's either push ups , it's the body weight squats or it's crunches .

I do 100 of them as quick as I can .

And it's usually like I can knock those out in 1 to 3 minutes .

Ok .

And what that does is it wakes my ass up for the day .

Ok .

Now , moving forward to , uh , uh , um , every week .

So again , so this doesn't need to be every workout that you do .

OK ?

Every workout does not need to be a sufferer session as I call it .

OK .

Kevin didn't even realize probably until now that II I piece in some self recessions in his workouts .

Right ?

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There's many times where he can't talk right ?

He's like I need a , you know what I mean ?

He's trying to , I , I , I'm messing with him , I'll try to have a conversation with him because I'm , I'm seeing if he's where I want him to be right ?

And he's there .

OK ?

And what that's doing without even him knowing to his brain is in , is , is making him that much sharper and he's already , he's one of the sharpest persons I know , but it's just increasing his cognitive function and performance tenfold .

OK ?

So as far as like a long harder workout , you want to think 20 minutes a week , right ?

40 minutes a month , 60 minutes , a quarter , 120 per year .

Roughly , right ?

So , for example , the 20 minutes per week .

Something that I take myself through .

Right is what I'll do is I'll , I'll typically start , I'll have like five ish workouts .

Um , and , you know , it'll be , I'll do like a 2018 , 16 , 14 , 12 , 10 type of pyramid .

Ok .

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I'll run through these workouts every station nonstop , back to , back to back until , you know , 456 reps rounds .

Ok .

Until 20 minutes again , it's little to no rest .

And by the end of it , I mean , hell , even in the middle of it , I look like I did in those previous two pictures .

Right .

I can't move , I can't talk , I don't wanna talk to anybody .

All right .

And the benefits I'm receiving from that again , I , I mean , I can't stress it enough .

Ok ?

And then again , so , and , but , but something that I do with that is , is I do that every week for a month for those 20 minutes .

Right .

And I try to get better each time too .

So that way I'm , I'm progressing same thing with a month now with the , the month of 40 minutes do that once a month come up with some crazy 40 ish minutes .

Um , and then track that for about a quarter .

So three times .

Ok .

And try to get better each time and then 60 minutes for a quarter , right ?

One thing that I've done .

So the monthly thing that I've done , uh , before is I'll go lunge for a half a mile .

Ok .

In a row , right .

Just get outside and lunch for half a mile .

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It's , it's stupid , but it's again , like , for me it's what it does in the zone that I get is like , I know what it's doing for my body , not just my body but my brain as well .

Um , and so on and so forth .

Um , I'm running out of time here but , uh , how did that get up there ?

There's a picture of my planner in case anybody else .

So I don't know if you guys saw Kevin mentioned in the , in the whatsapp uh that if you purchase on Amazon , I got a free one for you .

I brought about 20 or 30 here .

So those are two or three of you .

I have purchased .

I got your free ones .

Anybody else wants to purchase ?

I don't know if I could set them up in the back and I'll just do honor system you guys and grab them or something .

I don't know if Kevin and Mark will be alright with that , but later on later this week , um I can do that for you guys .

Um but aside from that , we got 60 seconds , I got any questions , comments concerns .

We're good .

We're good .

Thank you guys , Kevin .

Thank you .

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I love y'all see y'all tomorrow morning .

Right .

Right .


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