In today's marketplace , the demand for high quality written content has never been greater .
In the past , this often meant usually hiring a full time employee or freelance professional to make sure your writing was up to par .
But utilizing A I tools now , it's never been easier to get great high quality written content .
And today , I'm gonna go over five of the absolute best tools available to make this happen .
Let's jump into it .
And the first one I want to talk about is writer .
Writer is one of our more affordable entries on our list and is packed with features like many other A I writing software writer is built on open A is GP T three model .
Its user interface is simplistic , making it one of the easiest tools to master .
Despite its bare bones interface , it offers several great writing tools including rephrasing existing content , writing new content , a grammar checker and a plagiarism checker .
One of the biggest benefits of writer over its competitors is the ability to create custom use cases .
In addition to templates for blogs , sales pitches call to actions , social media ads and more , you can create a custom use case template .
This allows users to train writers A I to write in their style writer is an excellent option for those looking to incorporate an A I writing tool on a budget and they offer a free version with paid monthly plans starting it is $9 a month .
So we've got a whole lot of great tools .
I'm gonna talk about today and if you want to check any of them out , go down into the video description below there .
You're gonna find links for all of them so you can try them for yourself .
Now , if you do decide to make a purchase using any of these links , we may receive a commission which goes to help support our team in all of our ad free videos .
Number two on our list is Jasper being a big player in the field .
Jasper has many tools to make the most novice user sound like a pro with brand voice .
You can provide links to the original content you've created and just Jasper will help turn it into a template that writes content based on your unique writing style .
Another awesome feature of Jasper includes Jasper chat which allows you to ask questions , half dialogue and spark writing ideas .
Additionally , Jasper is king when it comes to templates with over 70 different content templates to jumpstart your writing , creating content for your blog website or social media is fast and easy .
If you're looking for a multifunctional A I assistant to improve your writing .
Jasper can be exactly what you're looking for if you want to try out Jasper for yourself , plans start at $39 per month .
Next up is copy dot A I like writer and Jasper copy dot A I is based on the GP T three writing model .
However , there are a couple of features that help it stand out from its competitors .
The first of which is workflows .
This allows users to streamline the copy creation process with facts based A I powered tools .
For example , when creating a new article , you can use workflows to search for a subject , identify competitor , keywords and then write content based on that information .
Another useful feature of copy dot A I is info base which allows you to save relevant content for use in your writing projects .
If you're a writer looking for a free A I copywriting tool to conduct keyword research on a budget , then copy dot A I is an excellent choice .
They offer a free plan with paid monthly plans starting at four $9 .
Number four on our list is right , Sonic , right ?
Sonic is an advanced A I copywriting tool that helps you create all types of content including blog posts , landing pages , product descriptions and more based on our experience .
Right ?
Sonic has one of our lists most natural sounding A I algorithms .
Right ?
Sonic provides a great tool for marketers looking to create landing pages .
Simply provide a project name description and three points you wish to highlight and it will generate a landing page design complete with supporting copy .
Another great feature is content shorten which helps reduce the word count of your content without sacrificing quality .
If you're a content marketer looking for an easy way to write copy for landing pages or ads , right ?
Sonic is the perfect choice .
There is a free version available for you to try with monthly plans starting at $12.67 .
And finally the last one on our list is Quill Bot .
Quill Bot is a true A I assistant and allows you to paste your written content into the editor and check it for plagiarism , correct grammatical errors and make suggestions to improve your written content .
There's also a co writer feature which allows you to link to docs in your Google Drive to improve upon them .
One of the most impressive features of Quill Bot is its translator tool which allows you to translate your content from English to one of over more than 40 different languages .
Another cool feature is the citation creator which allows you to cite important parts of your content on the fly .
Quill bot is an excellent platform for people who need a quick way to improve their written content .
Like a lot of the others on our list , there is a free version available with paid plans starting at $8.33 a month So there you have five of the absolute best A I copywriting tools available today before you go though .
Make sure you like this video and check out some of our other content .
We've been doing a lot of videos covering some of the great A I tools available out there and we'll see you in the next one .