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2023-08-27 08:28:39


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Alright guys , we're doing last one to stop adding ingredients into the slime .

What y all right guys , let me explain the rules to you really quick .

So basically guys , we're gonna have like the first round , it's gonna be like shaving cream and then we're gonna have to try and make a very good slime and the last one to stop putting shaving cream in this one wins the round .

What ?

So guys , uh let's do this video but first I'm gonna let you guys so make sure that you guys download the new slammy app and it's on the app store .

You just have to go but to lay and then you can download it and for Android users guys , it's not on the Play store just yet , but we are working on putting it and it should be on there pretty soon .

So yeah and um guys , I just want to say um it is so cute like guys , little slammy .

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I have been looking and I love playing with you guys and I I look at all of your little stores and everything and for example , guys , this um person's slimy , her name is Allie and uh she has such a cute little slimy just saying like look how cute it is .

Love it guys .

OK .

Anyways , let's get straight out into the video with yo round one guys .

So as you know , we're doing shaving cream in this round , so let's go get our ingredients .

OK , guys .

So I gotta make a slime that can like hold a lot of shaving cream .

So usually what happens with shaving cream when you put it in the slime ?

Is it like dries up ?

So my idea is I'm gonna get some regular Elmer's glue .

OK .

Yeah , regular Ellis glue .

And then I wanna put some lotion in it so that it will be like less dry and it maybe it will be able to hold more lotion too .

I mean , I mean more shaving cream and um I think that's all I need , but I'm gonna get some food coloring just because I'm making this one .

So I'm gonna get some yellow food coloring and then I'm gonna get some sprinkles to decorate this one .

These look good and shaving cream .

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We have like a little bit of different sharing creams .

So got soothing alo .

We got original .

We have equate shave foam .

Which one should I use ?

I think I'm gonna use original .

I feel like that one's Fluffy original .

Then I need some Elmer's glue .

Huh ?

OK .

I think , and guys , I think we're ready to go hashtag t Mirra All right guys .

So I'm not sure how to do this .

So I think I'm gonna use some clear glue because I love clear glue and I think it , it'll like hold more of and I have to put a lot of shaving cream if I wanna win this .

So I'm gonna use this one right here .

Um , I'm gonna grab different kinds of shaving cream .

I'm gonna grab like five bottles because I'm winning this challenge and , uh , some Redfoo coloring because I love pink .

I'll just put a little bit of it so it doesn't turn red and some pink glitter .

This one right here and this one right here , here and this one right here .

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And what else should I get ?

Uh , foam soap ?

I think foam soap .

Oh , this is a nice color .

All right guys , I think I am ready to win this challenge .

Let's go .

All right guys , we have all of our ingredients now , let's make our slides , do this .

Oh gosh .

OK .

I'm putting my glue .

Oh I think that should be good .

OK .

Mom put the same exact thing .

Tell me when to stop .

OK .

There .

Yeah .

All right .

OK .

All right guys .

So we're putting the same amount of glue so that it's like equal and it's fair .

And uh , yeah .

OK , guys , I'm putting the lotion right now and I'm gonna put my food coloring and that's it .

And I'm putting my foam soap and uh probably put the food coloring too .

All right now , I have a creamy glue base .

I'm only gonna put a little bit because I really want it to turn pink .

Oh , it looks kind of cool mom .

That's like a slime float or something like that .

Like a roof float .

Like a slime root float .

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Strawberry slime .

Ok .

I think I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna put some more , um , activate more eye coloring .

I think this is gonna turn a red not pink .

Well , you're gonna be putting shaving cream so it should become a little bit pinker but that's really pretty color .

I know .

Ok .

All right guys .

Now it is time to activate .

Ok .

I'm adding some activator and my , my slime is definitely gonna win .

It's gonna be I'm told more shaving cream than yours mom , whatever .

Look , I'm almost already done activating uh me too look , mine's gonna be the best one and the brightest one and the nicest one and I'm gonna take the longer like putting shaving cream on it .

Alright guys , I am all done .

My slime .

It turned out very thick and very creamy and really crunchy .

Look at this guys .

Watch .

What's this ?

What did I say ?

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Oh yeah , well mine's better look .

See how nice mine is .

Yeah that's wait .

No , no it's you're just it's a little sticky but I mean it sounds it sounds fine .

Look I think I'm all ready for my shaving cream .

Ok , guys , let's start adding the shaving cream All right guys .

Now it is .

It is the last one to put the shave cream wins the challenge .

So , from here on out , I'm not gonna stop putting shaving cream until I win the challenge .

Well , me neither .

I'm gonna be the last one to be putting shaving cream .

She's like my tower is singing in your mom .

Mine's getting there .

Hey , I'm gonna make money now .

Wow .

This is actually pretty cool .

I like this .

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Yeah , I haven't used shaving cream in a while or have I , I don't know .

Yeah , you have , I'm a false head .

Oh , yeah , I did .

Mhm .

Oh , this is actually pretty cool .

I'm liking this but you're not gonna like it when you lose whatever Amira , I'm putting more shaving cream .

Amira .

Ok .

Well , I'm gonna be putting some lotion because it's kind of rippy now and I want some even washing things moisturize this line and the starting this line .

Let's see .

You put all the shaving cream on my eye .

Uh , just watch .

Right .

I'm gonna mix it again .

Oh , my just needs a little bit more moisturizing mom , but it's definitely gonna be your stupid red pulls .

Um , it's pink .

Thank you .

I mean it's gonna be pink .

Ok , I'm adding more shaving cream .

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00 , getting tired , almost done with this bottle and done .

Well , I'm on my second bottle .

I , here .

Yeah .

Right .

Look , this is done .

Here we go guys .

Ok .

Mine's going good so far .

Mine's gonna be the fluffiest .

Mine's gonna be the fluffiest .

Look at it .

It's a really , like a big fluffy blob .

Well , mine looks fluffier to me .

This is super cool guys .

Ok .

I officially love shaving cream .

Look at my fantastic big blob .

A mine is bigger .

It's not .

Right .

And mine's bigger .

I'm almost done with my second bottle and I'm about to put more .

Yeah .

Right .

Ok .

Well , I'm putting more too .

I want my second bottle .

Oh yeah .

Well , I'm almost done with my second bottle .

Yeah .

Right .

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Look at that Amira .

Look , look , just look at that .

Oh , that looks cool .

Pretty done with my second bottle .

And I'm gonna start with my third bottle .

Yeah .

Well , me too .

Yeah .

Well , I'll start it before you and I'm gonna put it right in the middle .

Oh , yeah .

Well .

Oh yeah .

Well , I'm already starting on my third bottle too .

I started before you .

So whatever .

Last , when you stop putting this shaving cream mom , who's it gonna be ?

You just stopped ?

No .

Well , ok , you don't want me to stop when you can stop , you can stop stop .

I stopped .

I mean I can keep going when I show it to you .

Ha ha you're just running out .

Uh .

00 I'm gonna go on my fourth bottle now .

Mira .

Yeah .

Well , I'm not doing my bottle yet but just doing is I'm finished .

I'm going on my fourth and this one for sensitive skin .

So it's different .

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I'm on my storage bottle now .

Yeah .

Well , I'm almost done with my fourth bottle , Amira .

Yeah .

Whatever .

Hello .

We're done with my fifth bottle , Amira .

Well , I'm starting on my fifth bottle .

I put five bottles .

I am going to , I put 4.5 bottles with you .

I'm gonna make sure all the bottles are fully empty .

Ok .

Well , I'm gonna start mixing my in now .

This is a lot of shaving cream , right ?

Oh my goodness .

This is so gross .

Oh , it's so poofy .

This is gonna make a giant amazing iceberg .

Oh my goodness .

I am loving this .

This is like super soft , super cool , super cute .

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It's so fluffy .

Excuse me ?

You're touching mine .

Well , you're touching mine .

No , you're touching mine , you're touching mine .

No , you're touching mine .

I wanna put my sleeves up .

Get your slime out of my slide .

You get your slime out of my slime .

This is so cool .

Ok .

This is super cool .

My slime is falling apart .

I think my slime .

Hey , get in my slime the best slime .

No , no , no , no .

I think a monster .

Mine's better .

It's called Mr Banana man .

Mr Banana blob .

Actually your slime and my slime together looks so cool .

I know it's like look at like the colors are like super cool .

I'm in love with this slime .

We should do this every day , so big and poofy and so fluffy .

Look at how jiggly it is guys .

This is super cool .

I think I can put more .

So I'm gonna put another bottle of shaving cream or y I'm winning this challenge .

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To be honest , guys , I don't know how much longer Mr Banana Blom take it .

This will be the seventh can of shaving cream .

But you know what , I'm determined to win this challenge .

OK ?

Hang in their banana blob .

It's OK .

I'm gonna win this challenge .

Well , Miss Strawberry over here is definitely gonna hold more and she's gonna win that right .

Yup .

I'm putting more here .

I'm Yeah , I love the sun with my sixth bottle .

I might go for 1/7 bottle .

Well , I'm not letting go of this lever .

I'm finishing this bottle .

I'm gonna go get another one because see I'm winning this challenge and I can put the molt .

No , I'm gonna put the molt .

Nope .

I am .

I'm done with this bottle .

I'm grabbing another one , am OK ?

Well , I'm almost done with this bottle .

Look at this Amira and I'm gonna finish this and I'm gonna win because I don't think you's gonna hold it anymore .

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This is a brand new bottle .

Oh Yeah , boy , I also have a brand new bottle and I'm not gonna let go this at all .

Well , me neither .

And if I have to , I'll go grab another bottle .

I'm not stopping .

Look at this , I'm not letting go of this .

I'm not letting this one either and I'm gonna go and have another one .

If this one finishes , I'm waiting and guess what ?

My slime is gonna hold it and it's gonna be ok .

I can do that .

I feel bad for you , Mr Banana Black .

It's banana blob .

Oh , your banana .

It looks like a blob .

I'm winning this .

Amira .

Look at this , look at anywhere I'm gonna kill Mr Banana blob .

Well , I'm gonna keep going .

I'm gonna mix it in and then I , I don't even wash anything .

Mr Banana Blob can do it .

It's fine .

Well , I , that doesn't seem like it can .

Yes , he can .

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Mm mm Can't you Mr Banana Blob ?

Yes , you can .

Look at this one .

This was so much bigger .

Your mind is so much bigger .

No better guys .

Banana blob is old , messed up .

He's not even slab anymore .

He's just falling apart .

He's just shaving cream .

It's OK , Mr Banana Blum , I'll save you .

Mine's still doing wonderful .

Look at that .

Hey , doing , I'm here .

What , what are you doing ?

I'm putting more glue .

OK ?

If you put glue , you lose because that , that's , that's , that's the challenge .

You can't put more glue but I mean , you can't die too bad .

I want this challenge .

Look at this .

So you put glue and you lose .

Uh I mean you can put your , so you can save Mr Banana Blob because it , it does look like a blob .

OK ?

I will put , I can , does that mean I want , it's OK .

Banana .

I'll save you .

I'll save you Mr Banana .

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Pop .

It's fine .

Hey , does that mean I want , what does , does that mean ?

I want you ?

I want , did I win ?

Sing it ?

I want , I want , I want , I want , I want uh yeah , whatever mom but I'll get you next time .

In part two .

You guys want a part two .

Comment down below .

Hashtag part two for rematch .

Whatever I want .

It's OK though .

I'm , I'm fine because I get to save Mr Blob .

Mr Banana Blob .

Ok ?

You may have won this round mom but I challenge you to a re round and we see who can make the slime prettier .

I can make it prettier .

I could make it prettier .

I can make anything prettier with pink glitter .

OK ?

Well , I'm gonna go get some supply .

This is so beautiful .

Hm I think I'm gonna go find some other stuff to put on here .

This , this really looks amazing , doesn't it ?

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But let me , let me see what else I can put on there ?

Oh , I'm back and I have a bunch of cool stuff .

I got this holographic glitter , Sprinkle that on there .

Oh , look at how pretty well .

I have this amazing glitter too .

Mine's gonna be nicer .

Yeah .

Look at that .

Look at my hand , look at my slime .

Look at my slime that looks like a cupcake .

OK ?

I wanna put some of these confetti in there .

Yes .

Now it looks like a birthday cake thing that you , your unicorn birthday cake .

It's got sparkles .

Oh , yeah .

Well , mine , look at this .

It has beautiful pink and red hearts everywhere .

Look at that .

Well , I'm putting some foam beads .

What's better than red and pink hearts ?

Amira ?

I'm gonna put some of this white glitter .

Oh , yeah .

Well , I'm gonna put some of this pink glitter over here .

Oh , look at that .

Oh , yeah .

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Well , I'm gonna add some gold pigment .

Oh yeah .

Well , I'm gonna add this amazing glitter .

You wouldn't dare .

I would watch me .

Amira .

Mom .

Amira .

Think about what you're doing here .

Amira , mom , look how nice it looks .

I am .

I'm gonna put the whole bottle .

No , mom , mom , mom , mom , you win , you win , you win , you win the challenge .

I forfeit .

I win .

Uh-huh .

So I don't need to put this , put it pretty sure .

Uh-huh , I win guys .

II I could just put a little bit .

You could just give it to me .

Do , do I win them ?

Yeah , you win .

You win .

Yeah .

All right .

Here you go .

I won guys .

Ok , guys , I guess you won four round .

Took a hostage .

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But anyway , guys , let's mix our slums now because they look beautiful or should we just let them iceberg ?

Oh , that would be pretty .

That's a good idea .

Should we just leave them on the table and come back tomorrow ?

I think so .

Ok , guys , I think we're just gonna leave the slimes like this and for the next video , we're gonna start off with two giant beautiful icebergs .

Ok , guys .

That is it .

I hope you guys liked today's video .

Make sure you comment down below if you guys want to do a part two to this challenge with like water or something and also make sure you download that slimy game .

And uh yeah , I think that is it .

I love you guys so much and I really hope I see you next time .

Bye .


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