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2023-08-25 07:28:01

Slick Slime Sam and LOAD OF FUN CRAFTS

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01 so long to another one .

And um oh , wait , and we feel like a celebration right away .

Oh , right .

This is no festival this year like come on , Sammy .

What do you have here ?

Tried to inflate a balloon and failed .

Well , to make something festive out of a balloon , you don't necessarily have to inflate it .

Come , I'll show you almost forgot to create a festive mood .

We'll just need a few simple things beside the balloon .

This toilet paper roll look like .

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Well , it will be pretty .

You'll see .

I'll also need a piece of very colorful tape and scissors .

Of course .

So what are you gonna make ?

You'll see .

Hm .

First I'll paint the role with a pretty bright color .

Ok .

Fine .

Let it be purple .

I'll cover the whole surface .

Nice and thick .

Make sure you get every single little part and make it all pretty .

Our program for a special announcement .

We express our deepest gratitude to everyone who has subscribed and we express our sincere request to subscribe for everyone who haven't .

Thank you for your attention .

Mhm .

There the roll is all painted and now it's the balloon's turn .

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I'll take the scissors and cut the top of the balloon off .

And now we just need to stretch the balloon on top of the roll like this .

Mhm .

And then fix it with the tape all the way around carefully .

Now and then we'll cut off the excess .

There it is all ready to go .

So , uh , what is it ?

I'll show you .

Hm .

Here I have some colorful confetti .

I'll put it in , look the more the better .

All right .

All right , I'll pull the balloon down and I do it again .

Sure .

Confetti .

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And again , again , again , again again .

Oh , can we put candy ?

No , no , no candy .

They're too heavy .

Heavy .

Hm .

Don't go anywhere .

I'll be right back .

Ok .

Yeah .

Here .

Oh , marshmallow .

Yes , it is white .

Let's put it into the cracker .

Well , all right .

Yeah , I see .

Well , come on back and bam .

Now that's what I call a man .

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That was some celebration for Sammy .

All right .

All right , Cracker Day guys .

Do you like this ?

Cracker ?

Give a thumbs up if you did and let's get it to 1000 thumbs up to support Cracker Day .

Bye bye , Sam .

Sam .

Come here quick .

Look what I've got for you .

Here you go .

I , uh , didn't know the bag was so fun .

Now , I have to gather all the candies and something sturdier .

I have a good idea .

I'll make you a candy bowl .

A candy ball .

Please do that .

Her shoes make up Yes .

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Ah , I don't often experience such disasters .

There are candies at every step now , but I won't let this get me down .

It's time to start making the bowl instead to make it .

I'll need this oven safe bowl .

Oh , you're not going to give boring thing .

Are you Sam ?

I only need it for the process .

No .

All right .

Then I'll also need some vegetable oil and a baking brush .

But most importantly , I'll need these hama beads .

You're going to make a candy ball out of .

No , these aren't candies .

These aren't .

Well , a candy bow out of candies would have been more interesting .

First , I'll need to grease the bowl with oil .

I'll use this brush and spread it around .

Ok .

Really , really bad .

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No idea what for but , 00 , that'll be enough , Sammy .

Thanks .

Ok .

Well , you're welcome .

I'll continue going on and now I'll take the beads and pour them into the bowl .

Now , I need to spread them neatly all over the bottom and the sides just like this and some more .

I'll spread them evenly to make an even layer .

Oh , so bright good .

What happened to the candy ?

And you ?

He flew right into Fluffy's corner .

I had to fight for it .

Oh , poor Sam .

So while Sammy is resting after his battle for the candy , I'll finish spreading the beads like this .

We need to get it to the edge .

So it'll look really , really pretty ready .

Now I'll need to place this into the oven for 10 minutes .

We'll place it onto the parchment paper and close it .

Now , the oven is very hot .

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Did you like this bead bowl ?

Give a thumbs up if you dig and don't forget to subscribe to the channel to keep track of new videos about Sam's adventures .

Yeah .

Bye .

Yes .

Oh , what do you mean ?

Finders Keepers ?

It was my candy in the first place .

Kiss .

Kiss .

Mind your language .

Mm .

Yeah .

233 .

Mhm .

Oh , come here .

Can you come here , Sam ?

What's up ?

Went to bed a while ago ?

I can't flee out .

And I'm counting bears .

Why ?

Because there are no gummy sheep dogs .

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The only thing now I can see is my own and I john hard , the snows .

Ok .

Yeah .

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Oh , it smells funny chocolate .

Then if you insist Sam , I don't know what else to do guys .

Maybe you know what to do to fall asleep .

Leave a comment below .

Hm .

A nice warm bath always helps me to sleep .

Well , that's the last resort Sam .

Sorry bye .

No , I am pressure of the baby .

You know what I'm out ?

You're on your own .

Uh driving me crazy , Sam .

Uh What did I do ?

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Hey , my loving fans , I'm in charge now and now I'll show you a very interesting experiment .

Water .

Oh , I , I need a ladder .

Tony .

The glass is so tall now .

Some oil .

Look , I got fresh spells .

Yeah , my favorite .

I'm gonna go get so it's not boring like so boring to on the something else .

Are you ready ?

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Oh , look at all these .

Oh , it's like a volcano in a cup .

That's almost better than candy .

Hm .

Nicely done .

Sari .

Right .

Has Sue ever showed you anything else ?

That's right .

She hasn't .

So if you like my video give me a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel .

Smooch .

Scooch .

I love your baby .

Yeah .

Hush .

Little Sammy .

Don't .

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Suzie's gonna fire you up if that lollipop won't taste too sweet .

He's gonna buy .

I , she go , hey , of where did the sand of my eyes come from ?

Partying product ?

What production and ca can you even build ?

Oh , I got the high line .

And what's next ?

Then ?

Then I'll be delegating .

I had a feeling .

Yes .

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Hey , guys , Sam has delegated castle building to me and I have no idea where to begin .

Do you like playing with sand ?

Give a thumbs up if you do .

Hi .

Excuse me .

What Sam ?

Have more work .

Get to it .

Ok .

Ok .

First , I'll add some water .

Why ?

Water ?

No water .

I can't make anything out of dry sand .

It has to be damned .

You gotta find a way with no water .

Pretty po hm .

I have an idea .

Come on , I'll show you we'll make your castle out of special squishy sand , dry , dry .

I have these cute little molds and I'll be using them for the castle parts .

Sam ?

Sure , no doubt .

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Ok .

First , let's make the ok walls .

I need to stuff the mold with sand and make sure that all the little parts are filled as well .

Just like this .

Really press it in guys .

Uh-huh .

And now I'll flatten it out and flip .

Wow .

Looks pretty nice sand .

Looks boring .

Well , the castle won't be Ok , let's make a second wall , pour the sand and fill it up .

Uh-huh .

And then flip .

Cool .

You like it ?

Sam ?

Sam ?

I'm here , I'm here .

I was hiding from those who ?

Right .

Thank you so much .

Hm .

Do it my little helper .

Come on , sir .

What should I do next , sir ?

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Defensive towers , sir .

These molds will make the castle look so much cooler than if I were to shape it myself .

I'd ruin it .

Uh You don't fall .

Uh , Sam , why do you even need a castle ?

Because , ok , now I'll make the roofs for the towers .

I'll take this mold and get the sand in .

Nice and tight .

You get the idea .

This sand is better than kinetic sand and flips .

There we go .

Hope , you know how to make that tissue dance .

Uh No , and I don't want you in it .

Oh , that's just wrong .

You , man .

The castle is almost ready .

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Just need to get this last roof in this morning , whatever .

By the way , where is my promised candy ?

What ?

When did I promise you ?

Candy ?

You probably forgot you were following asleep last night and then said , oh , I was not really .

I'm sorry .

You right .

The castle is ready .

I just have to assemble all the parts and this one is here .

How and that there ?

Stack it on top ?

Oh , man , it's so close .

Hm .

Nice and squishy .

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We'll add it right here at the bottom and some more love touch and wow , guys .

Did you like the Sand Castle ?

If you did give us a thumbs up and subscribe to Sam's channel .

We'll have a lot of fun .

Bye thing for that coming .

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Oh , the weather outside is the place to go .

What are you doing here pretending to get ?

So you are .

Oh , come on .

I think you make a really cute snowflake .

Ok .

But uh why I was thinking is it possible to make snow at home ?

So it would melt .

It would be really , really nice .

When I was traveling in the mountains .

I nearly feel so like when I was wandering in the snow , beautiful , so cold snow at home .

I think I've heard about experiments like that .

Let's try .

Now , we aren't we going to the fridge ?

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Hey , guys , today , I'll be making snow for Sam and we will build the , is that really a thing you'll see ?

Just make the snow , the snow guys .

Do you like snow ?

Give a thumbs up if you do .

So , I'll try making the first type of snow with these Granules and water and the second one from shaving foam and baking soda .

Buy me a candy to stop my anxiety here .

Hm .

Thanks .

Welcome .

Right .

For the first experiment .

I'll need this container and I'll pour in the Granules .

Add some water .

Yeah .

Thank you .

Wow .

Yeah .

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Yes .

Look just like real snow .

Whoa .

Even cool to the touch a bit .

Huh ?

I feel like I could play with it forever .

Mm .

He said hair .

Hello ?

Who , now let's build this .

Right .

Oh , it won't stick together at all .

It falls apart .

See , it's too fluffy .

It was fine .

No snow balls .

But just look at the way it falls .

It's so pretty .

Come here .

I want to make the other snow .

I think someone hasn't subscribed .

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Well , no , just seeing things .

No .

Ok .

For the second experiment , I'll put some baking soda into the bowl .

Hm .

That should be enough .

Now , we'll squeeze out some shaving foam .

Hello ?

Get some foam on me .

Need to wash it off and .

Oh , start stirring .

Oh , thanks .

I manage .

Hm .

Looks done .

Let's see .

Oh , Sammy , this one sticks together .

Really well .

Ok .

I'll take a big scoop and press it together .

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Then I'll shape it just like this up and the final touch .

God .

Very true guys .

Which snow did you like more ?

Right ?

In the comments .

And if you like today's experiment , give a thumbs up and let's get it to 2000 thumbs up to inspire us to make another experiment .

Bye .

Oh , the fire .

Holy Garden and my dear with you .

Ok .

Bye bye .

As long as you are loving me .

So I'll show you .

Hm .

Milk .

No .

It , where is it ?

Oh , here it is .

Ah , yeah .

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What is all this noise ?

It's a stone slab .

It's not just a slab .

It's an ancient stone , marble mountains .

They say that deep inside lies the magical power or their writings or their candies .

I don't remember what I wanted inside .

Do you want to become an archaeologist ?

I try , I want to become some archaeologist .

I just want to break this .

What ?

Break it ?

No , Sammy , it doesn't work that way here .

Let me show you .

Phone doesn't work this way .

I'll put it here and take out some special tools .

Well , you broke it yourself .

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I'll take this and start removing the layers slowly and carefully .

Just like this .

Be very , very careful .

You don't wanna hurt what's in there ?

Yeah .

Listen .

Who is this archaeologist ?

Da ra aist , not Archa .

It's a specialist who studies historical findings .

Usually things found in the room .

Many historical findings have great value .

You wonder if I found a historical candy .

It would be of incredible value , especially for me .

All right .

A little bit more .

Oh , look , there's something here .

Hm .

I need to take the brush and carefully remove the dust .

Hm .

Let's , it's not clear yet , but do continue .

And I will be the moment .

I wonder what we'll find in here guys .

Have you ever seen an archaeological dig site ?

Give a thumbs up if you have , I'll continue digging .

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Yeah , Sam is missing as usual .

Stops .

What is with you ?

Help you speed the process up ?

I even brought you a quick a brush .

Well , thank you .

But it's very delicate work and that kind of tool can really damage it .

Wow .

I actually wanted to bring a drill .

It will be just wonderful if you really help me .

OK .

What do I need to do here ?

Take this brush and start removing the dust working like I be here .

It is not that easy to get a magical power .

OK .

Busy bee .

I think we found something like that .

Are dinosaur bones .

Meow .

What do you mean ?

Ew .

This is a historical binding .

Let's put it together .

I don't want to be an archaeologist for some dumb bones .

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It's not there .

Instead of a magical power .

I get some old bones .

Look here .

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This is a skeleton we've dug out .

Oh , I think it's so cool .

Hm .

It doesn't look like an ancient message from the Tibo monks .

But , oh , well , uh what kind of dinosaur is it ?

It's hard to tell from a , well , I have these cards .

Let's take a look .

Oh , how about this one ?

Um , this one now here .

Hm .

That one either .

What about this ?

Oh , they , uh , no , not the one here , guys .

Do you know what kind of dinosaur this is ?

Right in the comments .

If you do .

We're really curious .

Oh , if I leave a candy for a long time , a theological , I'm not sure .

Maybe if you leave it for a few 100 years , it will .

00 , no , I can't wait that long .

But let's go and have a talk candy .

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Just you and me guys give a thumbs up if you liked our archaeological dig and let's get it to 2000 thumbs up to see Sam's new adventures as soon as possible .

Bye .

Yeah .

Oh , yeah .


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