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2023-08-27 08:09:50

Galaxy S8_S9_S10 - Connect to Any TV, Computer Monitor or Projector w_ HDMI 4k @ 60fps Cable

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Hey , what is going on guys ?

So today I'm gonna show you how you can screen mirror your Samsung Galaxy S eight S A plus S nine S nine plus S 10 S 10 es 10 plus to any TV .

Doesn't matter if it's a smart TV or a non smart TV , any computer monitor as well as any projector , as long as it has an HDM I port .

The only thing you need is one cable , which is right here .

This is a USB C to HDM I cable .

This one goes up to four K at 60 frames per second .

And once you connect it , everything on your phone is gonna be on your TV or computer monitor or the projector , you'll be able to show photos and videos that are stored locally , any work documents like Word Excel , any other apps like your browser or Skype or even if you want to play games .

So first thing is let me show you what this cable here looks like .

This is a new one that I just got in .

So here's the box here and if you look on the back here , now there's other things that you can use this cable for as well .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

OK .

For instance , if you have another device that has a USB type C like certain laptops , uh some IMAC pros , some tablets , uh some smartphones , you can go ahead and connect this to any TV , or smart TV , not smart TV , any display such as a computer monitor , even projector as long as it has an H I port .

So what is ever on these displays here ?

You can relay it down here to the big screen also on the bottom under product description , you can see it's a USBC to I cable supports at the four key has 60 frames per second .

It is plug and play as well .

There's no adapter or no software to download , you just plug it in and it's going to mirror right to your display and I go ahead and open this up .

So this is exactly what you get .

It's simply one cable here .

Ok .

So this is 6 ft long , give you an idea of what this looks like here .

And here's the HTM I , you go ahead and plug this into your projector , your TV , or your computer monitor .

And here's the USB type C here where you plug your phone into .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Now , I'm not going to plug this into my projector , but again , you just have to have a HDM I port on there for a projector .

Ok .

Anyways , I have my , I had this cable inserted into my TV as well as my computer monitor .

So I already have my Samsung Galaxy S Nine here hooked up .

This is the TV , here and you can see here and I'm going to go over some photos and videos as well as some gameplay in one moment .

Ok .

So here's another phone here , here's the Samsung Galaxy S A plus .

All you got to do is simply just pop it in just like that and it's plug and play , give it a second , it should , it should connect automatically .

Now , the thing is the only thing you gotta do with the TV S , you have to make sure it's on the correct HDM I input port .

OK .

So you can see S A plus is right there .

Here's the Samsung Galaxy S 10 plus .

Of course , it'll work for the S 10 as well as the S 10 E .

Just go ahead and pop this in and right away .

You should automatically connect here as you can see right there and let me just go into a gallery here .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

So here's a video as you can see right here .

Let me go ahead and attach another phone here .

Let me pull this out .

Here's a Samsung Galaxy S eight .

This is hooked up to my computer monitor .

Let me go and pull this out .

I'll go ahead and put another phone in here .

Here's a Samsung Galaxy S 10 , just plug it in just like that and let me go ahead and open up some apps and whatnot .

Now , the thing is if you guys want to use internet , it's going to be using the internet from your phone .

OK ?

It doesn't matter if you're on a home wifi network or , or you're using simply your mobile data .

OK ?

So for example , you can see that we're mirrored , we are using this uh HDM I to USB type C cable here .

You can open up like office documents like word or Excel or anything that you open up .

Your phone is gonna be open up onto your display here .

Let me go ahead and open up my gallery here .

I'll show you a photo and a video here .

So here's a video right here .

Of course , I can go ahead and turn this into landscape mode .

Let me focus in on here .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Let me go ahead and press on play that 123456789 10 .

Now take note the volume will come out from the uh display or TV or projector or monitor .

OK ?

It doesn't come out from the phone , but you can increase and decrease the volume using the phone .

And let me show you a photo here .

So here's a photo right here .

As you can see , you can zoom in and out .

Let me go ahead and move this over and we can see the photo right there .

Let's go ahead and open up a uh browser here and let me turn that over and you can see here play a game too .

Let me go ahead and do a demonstration of uh let , let's play pub G .

So , all right .

So let me show you how responsive this is .

Uh let me focus into the uh computer monitor there and you can see it's quite responsive .

Definitely much , much better than doing like a wifi or wireless connection here .

video content Image generated by Wilowrid

Well , there you guys go .

You guys , uh pretty much got the message there .

If you wanted to disconnect , then you simply just go ahead and just unplug it and there you go .

Let me go and plug it back in here and we are connected again .

So there you guys go .

Any questions or anything ?

Just comment below .

Thanks for watching guys .

Bye .


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