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2023-08-26 15:02:36

DIY MOST SATISFYING CRUNCHIEST SLIMES EVER in under 5 minutes _ Slimeatory #24

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What to the lay .

Ok , guys .

So I'm here with my sis Jamela .

She also has a channel .

So make sure to check her out .

I will have a link for it in the description down below .

So , yeah .

Ok .

So today we are gonna be trying out four different crunchy slime recipes , but it will also be a competition and like we'll see who can make the crunchier slime .

Yeah .

And there will also be a five minute timer to make it more exciting and don't forget that I'm also having a giveaway .

All you have to do is de-subscribe and if you are already subscribed , then you are already entered and I am giving away a yarn of blue , a bottle , liquid starch and a bag of litter .

I watched your video from here .

But since our mail has grown so much , I decided to make the giveaway bigger and this time I will be giving it out to three different winners .

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So make sure to subscribe and each other the giveaway .

Let's get straight on into the video .

Yo , so the first one the ever for me attempting to do is this rubber band slime .

So all I need for this time is glue and rubber bands and some type of activator , whatever you want .

So uh I think we're ready .

Let's start the timer .

You know that doesn't work .

It has to have like oh at the end are you kids ?

No .

Ok .

32 .

Oh that's what .

Yeah , this is a technique of m is not using , she is not putting her first .

Uh that is a technique that I'm gonna be doing tomorrow .

Alright .

Yes , that's gorgeous , darling .

So gorgeous .

Oh my God .

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Look at this right and then don't look , it's like a masterpiece .

You know what ?

You know what ?

You can't judge a book by its cover .

I know you just threw yours right ?

Ok .

We got three more minutes through a cookie .

Start turning into something .

Do you see how water the color is ?

Tiny water but you know .

Yes .

Yes , I thank you .

So my idea .

Two minutes and 40 seconds go see mine's different guys .

That's what you guys should love about mine .

It's different , it's , it's unique .

It's special here .

How are you doing ?

Everything ?

Perfect .

Done .

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Yes .

And so are you supposed to use loans or ponies ?

Something that I don't know .

Maybe you can these um done hands up , don't touch it .

Ok .

I'm gonna get on to it and am I me first ?

Oh , I should have known better .

All right guys , this is my slime .

Let's do some poking noises now .

Alright .

Look at that .

It's unique guys .

That's what you have to love about it .

OK .

OK .

Guys , so here's my slime .

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I don't know about you but this kind of looks like ops .

OK .

I'm gonna do some crunchy noises and then I'm gonna put it back into there .

Now .

We're gonna put it inside the ponies .

Mhm .

Mhm .

Wow .

I know .

Right .

OK .

You guys ready ?

Yeah .

Was that one ?

And what they called decorative Village going to need some glue ?

OK .

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So next , what we're gonna be doing is fish bo , lime , fish , bo OK .

So yeah , all you need for this one is clear glue and the fish ball rooted fillers .

Are you ready ?

No , just start .

OK .

32 .

Yeah .

Uh Yes .

Yes .

Look at guys .

It's gorgeous .

I need fishes because somebody donate some fishes to me , preferably Nemo fishes .

So it looks like it was Nemo fishes , you know , and now I'm gonna put , I'm gonna be savage and I'm gonna put the whole bottle of blue .

I don't know .

She's getting into my little because I'm savage .

Why did I know that ?

You use blue ?

Now , I'm going to use a strategy of MS not using water this first time we have one minute , one minute and 50 seconds .

What is this ?

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I was all up to one minute and 50 seconds ago .

Wonder it .

Interview .

It's what are you doing ?

OK .

I'm winning .

That's what I'm doing .

What are you doing ?

Yeah .

I don't know .

Oh my God , I'm tired .

It hurt guys .

Oh , I'm like , ok .

Oh , wait , oh my God .

This is why I wanna show you what I do on 12 , 12 2nd for a second .

Yes .

Take your time .

Jere .

If you only have 12 seconds , it's ok .

I call , oh , here is my , now I'm putting it in the bowl .

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I'm just gonna flip it over because , and I just don't wanna come out pretty all right .

So we're gonna do some a SMR now a SMR .

OK .

And back it's OK .

Like it's gonna be crunchy .

It sounds so cool .

Yes .

OK , guys , I'm going to put a little bit more glitter .

That's cheating but it's just adding glitter .

Fine .

I get to do it then .

Yeah , that's enough .

That's enough .

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There you go .

Hashtag go poop under guys ready .

OK , guys .

So the next one we're gonna be doing is a fluffy slime .

This one is a very old one I think , right ?

OK .

So uh let's get started .

Shall we ?

What ?

To pick up ?

It's mine .

No .

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Yeah , guys la uh three minutes , three minutes .

So I fly every time .

Go to your gym .

Yeah , I'm gonna add some water in mine to make it a little more .

Giggly Jama doesn't stop copying me .

Hashtag I'm so excited .

Look at how pretty this color is .

I like it .

I may need a lot more cream .

No .

God , sorry .

Hashtag I guess .

Circuits .

What are you doing ?

Tomorrow .

Glitter .

Glitter .

All right , mine's right .

Mine prepared heads up .

I got these are first jump .

So I am going to be doing my SMR now .

But you guys are real happy about that .

All right .

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So let's spread these sparkles out because I love sparkles .

You just have to have it in everything .

How quick ?

Nice .

Look how jiggly that is .

It's so cool .

Look at how jiggly can I Yeah , go ahead .

Yeah , it's nice .

Shrek poop .

It's a Shrek poop guys .

Hashtag Shrek poop .

Right .

And go .

Look at how beautiful it is .

I love how Chile it is .

That's my favorite part about it .

Do you guys hear how it sounds like a balloon ?

Like ?

Ok , so here's mine guys .

It's a little bit jiggly because I added some water but it's ok .

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So it's not so crunchy .

Yeah .

II I don't know why but I thought that fluffy slime was part of the crunchy family .

Apparently it's not maybe just because of poking out .

Do you see this ?

It's so jiggy .

Looks like a drive .

Ok .

So the last one you're gonna be making is no Jamal since this is the last time .

Can you actually go with me now ?

Go .

Are you ready ?

Can you tell me where my heart ?

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You sleep ?

Do , do you have Liquid Star ?

You have four , three minutes , three minutes .

I was supposed to take my time , but never mind .

Oh Right .

Oh .

Oh , over .

Yeah .

How much time do we have ?

I don't know .

2 46 .

Ok .

Ok .

On my fingers .

How am I supposed to do this , Jamala ?

All right , I'm ready .

It's gorgeous .

I want a little bit more together but I was trying 30 seconds I think I can manage to do this .

Just take these extra 40 bucks from using and I'm ready .

How are you doing ?

Great .

Alright .

Hands up .

Can I take these extra phone calls if I go first ?

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Oh , that's gorgeous .

Yes .

All right .

Ok , so I got a nice pretty orange lime right here .

Oh that's pretty .

Thank you .

Oh yeah , that sounds so cool .

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Ok guys , so we decide to like you know , take a little bit of our leftover slides and kind of like mix it to make like a nice mega crunchy slime , you know , you know what I'm saying and uh yeah that's what we're gonna do .

Ok .

All right , here's the first one we made the Roan one .

Where's yours ?

I here .

Uh well I'm gonna give one of mine away so I wanna save it so you don't have enough of what you and also I'm gonna do like a little update on my Instagram .

So yeah .

All right then we go to the next one and that is this Frenchy Slade .

This one you're so pretty .

I know I look at here's yours and then here's and I um slime baby that we made .

All right and then the fluffy ones .

Here's my fluffy mine is like , can you guys look at that ?

Like , do you see the glitter on that ?

It looks so pretty .

Right .

And then my phone one , so I'll just put it right here .

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Now , where's your phone one ?

II , I also am gonna give that away too .

Hm .

Ah , they're still pretty .

Mix it .

Mhm .

And add some purple in there .

Good .

Now , that's cool .

Ok .

Here you go .

Looks like Gypsy slime or something .

Yeah .

Right .

Ok .

Let's do it .

Oh because I was like , oh that's cool .

Ok , let's do a poop .

Ok .

That looks like trash .

I know it looks like a trash lime .

I want to speak it .

Oh yes , that's the world's crunchiest lime , dry sand .

Yeah .

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Get a girl .

Ok , guys .

So we're done with the New York slimes and I really hope you guys liked it and if you thought that my slimes won , go ahead and comment down below hashtag team Amira .

And if you think my mom then comment down below .

Hashtag team jam having another giveaway where all you have to do is comment down below hashtag whatever name slime that you want .

So example if you want this slime , you'd go down and comment down below .

Hashtag Amir's pony slime and then also comment where you're from .

Yeah , for this one you do like Shrek slime and then comment where you're from because we like to know our our guys are from and the last one we're gonna be doing is this trash line .

So if you guys want this line , go ahead and comment down below hashtag trash line to get a chance to win a 5.5 ounce of this one .

Ok , guys , I love you so much and I'll see you guys next time .

Bye .


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