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2023-08-27 08:34:57


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Hey guys , it's me JSH Diy .

This week's video , we're going to be testing no glue , no Borax , no activator slime recipes all based on things you can find in your house using simple ingredients .

So if you want to see which no goo slime recipes work , just keep on watching before we can get into today's video .

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We have tested out so many different variations of shampoo slime recipes .

This first type of nobu slime recipe we're going to be testing out today is a Diy shampoo no recipe .

It is a little bit different .

So starting off in a shallow container , we're supposed to add a small amount of dish soap and then on top of that dish soap we're supposed to add in some .

The interesting thing is is that it doesn't say any sort of like specific type of shampoo .

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And a lot of different soap slime recipes will say a very specific type of shampoo and even down to the scent .

So this one did not even say any sort of specific shampoo .

And then also on top of our shampoo and our dish soap , we were supposed to add a small Sprinkle of salt .

And then the recipe says to put this into the refrigerator for 30 to 45 minutes until you can touch the surface and it feels dry and doesn't like stick to your fingers , the container , the dish soap and the shampoo into my fridge in my slime room and sometimes the fridge doesn't get super cold .

So I had put it in for 45 minutes and I didn't touch the surface because I wanted to film my instant reaction .

But I had seen that the shampoo when I took it first out of the fridge kind of seemed liquidy .

So I was actually not quite sure what to expect because I also was thinking that the dish soap was going to be more underactivity than the shampoo because that's how oftentimes dish soap slimes are .

They're kind of more liquidy .

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But you guys , when I took this out to film with the white background , I literally struggled to not make sounds of how surprised I was of how thick this slime was because I usually try to be super quiet when I'm filming so that you guys can hear slime sounds .

But I was completely because somehow the combination between the dish soap and the shampoo gets extremely thick just from only chilling in the refrigerator for a little bit how this works with other brands .

But if you guys want to see me test any other specific dish soap or shampoo brands to do this exact combination .

Let me know in the comments down below .

Next .

No goosey recipe .

I'm going to be showing you guys how to make is diy clear cardboard slit .

Starting off for this .

You're going to be needing a brown paper product .

This type of Amazon bag will not work because it has a plastic coating and this cardboard box also will not work because it is too sturdy .

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So what I'm using today is this brown paper bag .

Make sure that you are not using a brown paper grocery bag because those will be too sturdy and will not work .

Starting off .

I'm going to be cutting the bag into small , also remove the two handles .

Once removing the handles , I just continued to cut the bag into strips .

And then once you cut your paper bag into strips , you want to cut the strips into small squares .

Your entire bag is completely cut up into one inch squares .

You are going to be needing some soft soap , hand or you can use any other type of hand soap refill .

And once you've added in your hand soap , you also need to add a small Sprinkle of salt .

Do not add too much salt because it will melt our soap and also you do not want to mix it .

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We will be letting this sit uncovered for three weeks and the salt will all absorb into the hand soap , which will become slime like and also excess water will evaporate out of the hand soap , which will leave us with a slime texture and the paper dissolve into the slime over time if this hopefully works after three weeks of waiting for so so long , this is what it looked like .

As you guys can see it kind of lowered from the evaporation , which I was very happy about because it meant that it was going to have been thickened .

And instantly I was met with how thick the slime was .

I have never seen this crystal clear soft soap before and I was so happy with how thick this slime turned out .

And instantly , I was also excited to see that somehow this line had this unusual fiber texture to it , which was obviously from the paper bag .

You guys can see how there's kind of some texture to the clear slime .

And that is just from the paper bag , it felt kind of fiber , but it was so so thick .

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And once I mixed it up , it also kind of became a little bit more brown .

At the very start of quarantine , I tested out a recipe to make cloud slime out of toilet paper .

And on that video , I was left a comment that said that there was a better method to making more drizzly cloud slime .

So right now I wanted to test out that recipe .

Starting off for this recipe .

We are not going to be using toilet paper like the last one .

Instead , we are going to be using paper towels .

So that is one distinctive difference between this recipe and the last one .

And then the next difference is kind of a big difference because it is a difference in this .

For this version , we are going to be using hairspray on all of the paper towels .

And apparently this is going to keep our cloud slime together and also will kind of act as a binding agent to make our cloud slime stick together .

I thought this whole paper towel hairspray idea sounded super cool .

And so I was really excited to test this out .

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Also , we were supposed to add a little Sprinkle of salt on all of the little areas where there was hand soap on top of the paper towels .

Once we had quote unquote , applied the three ingredients we needed , we were supposed to start to tear the paper towels up slowly making our cloud slime .

Last time when we had done the toilet paper clouds sign , we use shampoo instead .

But in this recipe , it said if we use hand soap , the drizzles will be more defined because the shampoo kind of gives you more of a jelly slime like consistency .

So I was also excited about that adaptation .

Once you start to mix it , you're supposed to also slowly add in more hair spray .

And as you mix it , you should also see that the little bit of hand soap and salt should also start to interact with each other and form a little bit of a slime coating in the paper towels .

As I continued to add in the hairspray , I noticed that the paper towels were really getting slime like .

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And as I mixed it in between my hands , it kind of was forming into a ball when I was playing with it , I could totally see the little paper towel like fiber drizzles .

But I decided to put this in the freezer for 5 to 10 minutes or so and I left it in there so that it could get a little colder and I could see more individual drizzle because it was all cooled down from being in the .

But this recipe really did work very well .

So I was so happy that you guys were able to share this with all of us a couple of months back in a youtube video , we discovered that you can actually take shaving cream and pair it with another ingredient .

And over time it slowly becomes clear .

And if paired with the right ingredient , we can actually kind of make a lot of people commented that they thought the combination between the food coloring and the shaving effect on this recipe .

So today , I wanted to test out a different version of this recipe because I wanted to see if we could do this .

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But by using mousse ingest food coloring and not adding in any other ingredients .

So in a large bowl , I added in some mousse and I added in a bunch of drops of this yellow food coloring .

And I basically just mixed it in until it was fully mixed .

As you guys can see , it deflated a little bit .

But then after mixing this , I set a bowl on top of it and I let it sit for one whole entire week .

I wasn't sure if this was going to work because the first time when we had made this recipe , we used shaving foam instantly .

I noticed that the foam was white on the top , but I did see some yellowy clear stuff on the bottom .

So I basically just kind of pulled it out .

And as you guys can see , we got a different type of slime than the shaving cream slime .

It was different , but I wasn't mad about it .

I was thinking it was going to turn out clear , but as you guys can see , it almost actually looked metallic and the slime consistency was so good that I didn't really mind that it didn't turn out clear .

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It's so interesting how the shaving foam and the moose do this .

And if any of you guys ever come across more recipes like this , please let me know there is one , no recipe that is justifiably underrated , but in my opinion , one of the best no go sign recipes in closest recipe to an actual glue slime .

And that is egg dish , soap slime .

I just think that everyone's a little scared to make it because it kind of seems gross and I honestly completely understand for many different reasons , especially because of safety reasons with egg .

And that's why I've never really promoted it .

But also I've never really personally done experiments with this take of making slime , which has left a lot of unexplored territory with eggs , especially considering how good the classic dish soap , egg slime is .

But to give the egg slime credit , I wanted to experiment with some different recipes mostly just for entertainment purposes .

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So we can see if there's any different ways we can make egg white slimes that could possibly be good in any other way .

So that is what I decided to do today .

For the first experiment , I decided to kind of play it safe , but also risk it by mixing an egg white , some baby oil and also some hand soap because I figured that most likely the egg white in the hand so will work no matter what .

But I let this sit overnight .

And the next day , this is what the slime turned out as decided on using the baby oil just because I wanted to do something interesting and experimental , especially because this is a completely experimental recipe .

But I was kind of confused because when I first took this out of the fridge , the slime almost appeared a milky white .

But really quickly after taking it out of the freezer , it instantly started to become clearer .

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The slime had quite a thick gummy consistency and felt pretty similar to a classic glue made slime recipe .

There's not much more I can talk about with this slime recipe other than the baby oil , not really playing much of a role .

But if you guys have any more information that you guys would like to share or ask questions about what this slime recipe .

Let me know in the comments down below a texture of slime that I don't see made often in no goose slimes is a thick and glossy slime .

Today , I wanted to test out a recipe to make one using condition maybe oil , acrylic paint and some salt and water for this recipe .

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You're supposed to add all these ingredients into a bowl and mix everything together until it has become clump and apparently oatmeal like in texture , which is a texture that I've never really seen with any sort of no goose lime before or really heard of slim got thicker as I mixed and I just added in a little bit more salt to activate me further because I wanted to make sure that over time after I let this sit , it would become slime like So I let this sit for about a week .

And I think in combination with the acrylic paint and the salt , the conditioner became super thick , not only was the slime thick , it was also extremely shiny and glossy because of the baby oil we added , I haven't successfully made that many slimes using conditioner before .

So this was kind of a first and I think that the acrylic paint really helped make this slime actually come together .

Also , I think it is really important to note something .

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I actually ended up having to put this into an airtight container because the container I had made this in which is this glass bowl was not airtight and I was worried it was going to dry out .

So I had transferred the white slime into an airtight container .

And also , as you guys can see I added in all of these fun cereal charms .

Thank you guys .

So , so so much .

If you made it to the end of this video , I love you guys all so much .

And if you guys are new to my channel , make sure you are subscribed for more videos .

You guys can go follow me on Instagram at JSH Diy .

If you guys want to learn a little bit more about me and get behind the scenes updates all the time .

I love you guys so much and I will see you guys over on one of the videos up on the screen .

Bye guys .


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