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2023-08-27 08:27:06

WATER SLIME 💧Testing NO GLUE recipes!

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But the main reason I add so much corn flour is because the activator I use contains a lot of water .

So if you don't add that much , then it's not absorbing it , and it kind of becomes jiggly and kind of gross .

So the activator we're gonna be using is Kershaw's laundry such , and I use three tablespoons of this and then pop it into a four ounce container , fill up the rest of the container with some cold water .

I then mix it all up , and you need to add this very quickly .

It isn't the type of activator that you can have sitting around because all the powder sinks to the bottom , so make it just as you finish mixing all the other ingredients just at the end point , and it will be fine .

But what happens is the slime becomes really hard , and then the more you stir it , the stickier it becomes , which is kind of weird .

It's the opposite of what you want to happen when you're activating a slime , but I find that once I've added my whole cup in , that's enough to fully activate the slime , even though it may not look like it at first , you just need to keep stirring it , and eventually it will become too hard to stir with your spatula and you may need to go into your hands .

And what I find is that it's really sticky inside , but on the outside , it's quite tough .

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So if you play with it for five minutes , then it becomes like a normal slime , and it's so fun to play with .

If at first , like me , you don't add enough shaving foam .

It's perfectly fine to go with it afterwards , and it will make no difference to your mixture .

The next recipe is for a clicky glossy slime , and we're gonna start off by adding the same P VA we used in the first tutorial .

And then we're gonna go in with the deep conditioning conditioner , and this one is from Aussie , and it's the miracle nourish three minute moist .

I'm pretty sure any deep treatment conditioner will work .

So if you don't have this exact one , but you have one that's similar , feel free to add it and add lots of it , because this is what makes it super clicky .

And then we're gonna go in and add quite a lot of foaming hand wash just to add a bit of fluff without adding shaving foam .

And then after that , I like to colour it .

And the colour I use is from Tesco , and it's the Go create one .

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Thank you so much for watching this video .

I really hope that you enjoyed it .

And if you did , don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe , and I'll see you next week .

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Yeah , then for the first step to activating this , you are just going to add in a small Sprinkle of salt .

When I say small , just add in a really little pinch .

And then after you add it in the salt , you're just going to add in some baking soda .

Those two starter activators into the Dawn dish soap until it is all well combined and there is no lumps of baking soda and then add in some more table salt .

Once you've done all that , just put some baking soda on top of the Dan Dis soap , this is really what is going to dry out the soap and turn it into slime .

Once we let this sit for a couple of days and leading me to that topic , we are going to be letting this sit for 2 to 3 days .

I actually end up letting mine sit for five days .

So I could have a crystal clear slime .

And here is how mine turned out after that , you guys can see the baking soda totally dried out the slime as well as the salt because salt actually dries out liquid consistency was great and the slime actually held up for many days after I made it .

So it was a great recipe .

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Right .

So , while I was brainstorming ideas for the studio , I came up with the amazing idea to try to make slime inside of a painting .

We're gonna be testing it out to see if we can make slime inside of the shampoo bottle to do this .

I'm just putting a funnel into our shampoo bottle so we can mix all of our activators and everything straight into the bottle .

And right here , I have my salt .

So I'm just gonna be putting it in here .

You guys can wash it , go in there .

I don't know if you guys can see but it is going straight into the bottle of shampoo .

That looks so cool .

There's like a little bubble of celery there .

Your things to actually use to mix is actually a knife .

So I'm just gonna use the bottom of the knife to just mix this because you guys can see it will fit right into there .

So let's just try and mix all of these salt in .

Well , I already feel it activating .

It's already turning into slime .

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It is totally already turning into an amazing because Pantene does not fill up the shampoo bottle all the way full .

There's this little gap of an air bubble .

And so I was trying to use the air bubble to mix it because there's a little area at the bottom of the shampoo bottle that was not getting the salt mixed in some reason .

So I was doing that and it actually did work pretty well .

So if you are struggling mixing the salt into the shampoo bottle , try turning the bottle up and down and it should kind of mix from the air bubble .

I got it as mixed as I could possibly get it .

I feel like the salt will slowly start to sink in when we let it clear up .

So I'm not too worried about this bit of shampoo .

I'm just gonna pop the lid back on here so that everything will stay in here without evaporating and we will check on this tomorrow and hopefully if everything goes well , we will have a perfect clear slime .

It is still inside of the Pantene bottle one a day since I made this slime .

I think it's exactly 24 hours because it is 4 26 and I made this around four o'clock yesterday .

So here is our bottle of Pantene that we made the slime in .

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So I'm super excited to see if this actually turned into slime .

So let's check it out .

Ok .

It looks like the same as it used to , but I'm gonna try squeezing it out of the top of the bottle and we're gonna see if it actually turned into slime .

Ok .

Whoa .

Oh my gosh .

It is lying right .

OK .

It's a little bit sticky to be honest , but it totally turned this line .

Yeah .

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So last night I was scrolling through Amazon when I should have been doing homework .

And I came across these amazing little tiny nutella and I thought they were so adorable .

So I really quickly went onto Amazon and I just ordered them .

And the next day Amazon sent me , of course , I came up with the wonderful idea to fill these with little tiny slimes .

So we are going to be making no glue nutella slime .

So let's get straight into to the recipe .

The first thing you need to do is just put some of your shampoo into your bowl .

I'm using this Aussie shampoo because a lot of you guys said you guys had it and you wanted to see a slime recipe to use it for and to make it look like nutella .

I'm going to be using some brown paint .

You could probably add a real nutella in there to color it , but I decided to just go the less organic way and just use some paint .

And the , it took me a little bit of time to achieve my perfect nutella color .

But once you get to that point , it is time to activate this lime .

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And to do that , you are going to be needing some hairspray .

You don't want to add in so much hairspray that it starts to melt your slime , but just add in a good amount and it's not going to turn into slime instantly because you do need to let the hairspray dry .

So once you've added in your hairspray , just let the slime dry for a little bit .

You're so surprised when you see what the hairspray has turned your shampoo into .

As you guys can see , my slime was a little bit sticky because I'm pretty sure I added in way too much hair spray after mixing the slime for a while and just playing with it with my hands , it ended up being super amazing .

So I was so excited .

So now I'm very excited because it is time for our tiny little nutella jars to join us so that we can put our nutella slime into our nutella jar .

First , I have to clean the nutella jar out so I can put the slime in it and by cleaning it out , I mean , just eating all the nutella out of the jar .

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And after I was done eating the nutella , I just rinsed out the container and it came out perfectly .

The container is all empty .

It is finally time where we can put our slime into the nutella jar .

I let the slime settle into the jar for about 30 minutes so that the air bubbles would kind of clear out of the slime .

So I'm going to now play all of the amazing poking clips .

So enjoy the A SMR in my last couple of videos I've been experimenting with coming up with new ice lime recipes because they're super fun to make .

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But today I thought we would do a Spooky season addition and try making slime with dry ice .

I've been really wanting to make a toothpaste ice line because I feel like we could maybe freeze the toothpaste or something and turn it into slime .

Basically , dry ice is just frozen carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide does not freeze until it is at negative 78 °C .

So normal ice is 100 and 10 degrees warmer than dry ice .

So dry ice is super cold .

And basically when you put water on dry ice , it creates a process called where it skips the stage of turning into a liquid and it turns straight into a gas .

Not gonna lie .

I kind of feel like some sort of a witch right now with this like concoction in front of me .

I thought it would be super interesting if we put the toothpaste straight onto our dry ice to see if it will turn into slime after it free .

Comment down below if you guys think it's going to turn into slime or if it is not going .

Ok , guys , I have let this sit for several hours now .

So the dry ice is dying down a lot , but I'm going to add some more water onto it .

So that , oh what the heck .

Oh my gosh , you guys can see it .

It's literally bubbling up like crazy .

Ok , I'm literally a scientist at this point .

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But now I'm just going to add in some more toothpaste so we can hopefully make a super big batch .

I still have no idea if this has actually turned into slime or not , but it should freeze a little bit .

And I'm having a lot of fun with these bubbles in the meantime , not expecting the dry ice to last for close to 10 hours .

But I poured out some of the water and I basically revealed our toothpaste line drummer , please .

It was a fail .

But seriously guys , if you have any other ice lime recipes that I can use to make toothpaste slime and ice lime altogether .

Comment them down below because I still am not giving up on my goal to make toothpaste lime with the ice slime method recipe that we are going to be testing out is lemon slime .

You guys always request me to test this .

So we are going to test it right now .

If you are going to be needing some lemon juice , you could definitely use the bottled lemon juice , but I'm just using a irregular lemon .

You have your lemon juice in your bowl .

You need to start adding in your hand soap and you want to make an even ratio from hand soap to lemon juice , the lemon and the hand soap together .

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And don't worry if it does not feel like slime yet because we have not gotten to turn this into slime yet .

So in a second , I will show you guys how to transform this into amazing clear slime .

So weirdly enough , what we are going to be using to transform this into a perfect clear slime is apparently sugar .

The recipe says that once we microwave this , which is actually the next step , it is supposed to turn clear and the lemon juice is supposed to take the crystallized sugar and make it soft still .

And the hand soap is also supposed to help with that .

To be honest , I do not know if that's gonna happen .

But first I'm just adding in some food coloring and I'm also adding in some of these fake lemon slices that I got from one of Karina's kit .

Ok , guys , it is technically now time to microwave it and I'm very confused if this is going to turn the sun , but I guess we'll see you in a second .

So I'm just gonna pop it in there .

Ok ?

Guys , I just opened up the door even there's six seconds left because I looked over and it was completely like popped up .

So I'm gonna put it back in the last six seconds and we'll check on it .

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Then I just took the slime out of the microwave and right now it is of course all melted .

But you're supposed to put it in a container that has a lid .

So I'm just transferring it into this container and now we are going to go put it in the freezer for 10 minutes .

Oh Hey guys , it has been 10 minutes now and now we get to check out how our slime looks .

I will say it is very clear for only clearing up for about 10 minutes .

So you're already super surprised because it looks like slime .

So I'm just going to include this as a SMR .

So I'm gonna stop talking and I'll give you my review on how I think it turned out in a second .

So honestly , I was super impressed with the slime because originally I was thinking it would be a failed slime recipe .

It was pretty sticky because of the sugar and it was pretty cold and it did melt after a little bit .

But if you want a slime for about 20 minutes , this will be a really good recipe for you .

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So Andrea Andrea posts on her Instagram story , this picture of this giant iceberg slime and it reminded me of like 2017 slime .

So after a couple of failed recipes , I figured out the perfect way to make a diy iceberg slime without any glue .

So let's get straight into the recipe starting off .

You want to mix together 1/4 cup of shaving cream and about two tablespoons of clear shampoo .

I use the coconut water shampoo because I found that it was the only one I could end up getting to work .

But if you guys find any other shampoos that work for this .

Let me know in the comments below the activator that you will be needing to make .

This lime is just simply salt , which I know you guys all probably have at home after you've added a couple of sprinkles of salt into this lime .

It is going to be a perfect fluffy slime which we will be letting dry so that we will end up with an iceberg slime .

When you first take your fluffy slime out of your bowl , it is going to be pretty sticky , but try mixing it with your hands and it will start getting less sticky , especially if you add a little bit more salt .

One tip I have is do not add it too much salt .

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I know I always say this , but if you add too much salt into your slime , it will actually melt the shampoo and make it more runny than it was before .

It's putting the fluffy slime back in the bowl so that we can let it sit and turn into an iceberg .

So we are going to probably need to let this sit for maybe a couple of days , but we will see , I will just keep checking on it and I will update you guys every day when I originally made this slime .

I was expecting it to take a couple of days to turn into an iceberg .

But you guys can see this is actually only after one day .

So I'm just gonna include this as a sr .

So I will stop talking .

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Now , here was my original trial at making a Nobu iceberg slime .

I tried using egg white and shampoo and this is what that looks like .

So I just wanted to include it so you guys can see what my failed draft to look like .

This week , I experimented with some new water slime recipes because I really wanted to make some clear water slimes and let me say some of them did not work so well .

But this one actually on the other hand works super well .

So I'm gonna be sharing with you guys right now .

Starting off add one cup of shampoo into your container .

I'm using this Pantene shampoo because it makes the least sticky water .

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So I'm going to be making some clear slime cubes and I haven't done this for a while , but I have done this in two videos before .

That would be fun to bring it back today .

I'm going to be making my clear slime cubes , pink and blue because I thought that would look super cool , but you can make your slime whatever color you want .

I just finished clearing this slime and if you guys are at this point too , it is time to add the activator , which is going to be baking soda .

Basically baking soda can dry out any sort of liquid .

So it is super beneficial when we're using this to activate our shampoo because the shampoo is also going to naturally dry out by itself .

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If you have a super thick shampoo already and you want to make your slime a little bit more clicky , you can add a little bit of water , but this is optional because if you do add water into a thinner shampoo , it is going to make it super sticky and not very hold .

So check your shampoo before you do this , you guys will also start to see your slime activate at this point too .

If you don't mind getting your hands a little bit sticky , I would definitely recommend putting your hands in there so that you can make your slime up .

And if it is super sticky , just add in some more baking soda .

And if that's not doing the trick , you can also add in some salt , which will always help .

I'm going to be letting my sun clear up over time .

So because I don't want it to melt , I'm gonna be putting some more baking soda on the top of this .

This will also help make it more hold once we are done .

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Ok , guys , I'm going to give these a couple of days to clear up and I'm actually going to be putting them in my backyard because I feel like these sun always makes air bubbles rise faster .

So we will see how these slimes turn out in 2 to 3 days .

Yeah , as you guys know at the end of every video .

I always mix something interesting into slime .

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So I thought it would be festive to mix a pumpkin bath bomb into slime .

So we will see what happens .

I really have no idea if it's gonna fizz up like a normal bath bomb .

But we will see , I'm just gonna mix this into our water slime from earlier .

So it's really weird because it's kind of making this slime melt again and turned back into shampoo .

But at the same time , I feel like the baking soda inside of the bath bomb is actually reactivating this slime even though I did not originally use baking soda to activate the shampoo .

So it's a very weird phenomenon where it feels like it's melting and also reactivate at once .

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As I was mentioning before , the baking soda , I did reactivate the shampoo and I actually was surprised because I ended up with this amazing slime that smelled super good because it smelled like the pumpkin bath bomb .

So overall , I'm actually super happy with this mix for watching this video .

I had a great time making sign with you guys and if you are new to my channel and enjoyed today's video , you should definitely subscribe for new uploads .

I'm uploading all the time and if you are wanting to enter in the sign package , giveaway , check out the description because I have all the rules in there , just make sure to follow all of them and I will enter you to win one .

I love you guys .

So I will go see you on one of the videos on the screen .

So go click on one so we can hang out over there .

Bye guys .


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