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2023-08-24 07:36:29

How to make Korean Pancake Crispy 2021 - BEST RECIPE!

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Have you ever made one of those crispy Korean pancake recipes here on youtube ?

Only to get something that was gluey and soft I have and it is super frustrating .

So today I'm gonna show you how to make the ultimate crispy crunchy Korean pancake .

And I'm gonna tell you about how I let all of you down .

But if you're here for just the recipe , then make sure you go ahead and skip to this point in the video .

Now , about a year ago , I made a video called How To Make Korean Pancake Crispy and it's been my top performing video and I really did try to address the problems that people were having uh when it came to making Korean pancake recipes .

Now , if you take a look at the different Korean pancake recipes here on youtube , you'll find a lot of creators describe their pancake as being crispy or crunchy .

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Um Let's just go and take a look crispy , savory pancake stuff .

And when you look through the comment section , you will find some form of this question right here .

So , in my Korean Pancake video , I tried to address that problem and did I succeed No , I actually missed the mark by a lot .

Take a look at these comments here .

That last comment ouch to all of you who tried to make my Korean pancake recipe video .

I'm sorry , I really did try my best .

But when the rubber hit the road , I left you sitting at the starting line instead of celebrating a crispy crunchy victory .

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So I went back and I , I tested and tested and tested and I ate every single failure that I produced .

I gained a few pounds in the whole process because let's face it .

Flour and oil is not a superfood .

It's , it's more like a super size me food .

But I , I digress , I put out a recipe that you took the time to try and I disappointed you .

But that all changes today .

I have improved my technique and recipe on how to achieve that crispy crunchy crust that you're looking for .

And I'm gonna show you what it looks like .

First , the bottom deep golden brown indicating a super crunchy texture in the middle vegetables in a bit of batter .

The texture soft and creamy .

A great contrast to the crunch .

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The top , a thin shell of crisp that provides structural integrity to the pancake .

The overall crunch has increased by 200% and we've reduced the chewy dough by over 60% and the level has been increased from one to over 9000 .

The results are a completely reengineered Korean pancake that is crunchy , delicious and addictive .

I'm not gonna let you down again .

So let's make the crunchiest Korean pancake recipe here on youtube .

Now we're gonna get started with our vegetables here of which we need some Chinese leeks .

Now , if you can't get your hands on this , do not substitute them with regular leeks .

Instead you wanna use green onions and we're gonna cut this into about five inch pieces .

Next , we're using a little bit of onion and this is not uh wholly traditional to this specific version of Korean pancake , but I like the taste of onions .

So we're gonna use some of that and all of the vegetables are done .

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Now , I'm just squeezing the onions here to kind of separate them so that they're easier to work with .

Now , the batter is the crucial part of this recipe .

First , we're starting off with one part flour and an equal part of starch .

Now , this is important because we don't want to create a lot of gluten in our batter .

We wanna make sure that it is nice and creamy in the middle while being crispy on the outside .

Now , if you can't get potato starch , you can definitely use corn starch instead .

Now we're also adding in a bit of baking soda to introduce some air into our batter to make sure that it's light and a pinch of salt for some flavor and for the wet ingredients .

I'm using an equal part of soy sauce and miso and you can definitely skip this if you don't have them on hand .

These are totally optional and I'm using carbonated soda .

The acid in the carbonated soda is going to react with the baking soda and it's gonna give us a little bit of a rise .

So in goes the corn starch along with the baking soda and the pinch of salt .

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Now whisk everything to combine and for the wet ingredients , I'm combining my miso and the soy sauce together and then adding in the carbonated soda .

Now , very important is that you want that soda ice cold to prevent any gluten from forming in that batter .

So now we add the dry ingredients into the wet and we're giving it a whisk and you're gonna see it starts kind of bubbling up just like when you mix baking soda and vinegar together , it's gonna ensure that our batter is not doughy , it's not chewy , but instead we get something that's crispy and creamy in the middle .

Now , for my pancakes , I like to use a heavy duty cast iron skillet .

That's because it can hold on to its heat really well .

So when I pour that cold batter directly into the pan , it's not losing a lot of heat .

If you're using a nonstick pan , which you totally can do for this recipe .

I recommend that you heat your pan a little bit hotter and to ensure that we get a very , very crispy Korean pancake .

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I'm adding in four tablespoons of oil and I know that sounds like a lot and it is a lot , but that's really the only way you can get it .

I've tried this recipe with one tablespoon , two tablespoons , even three tablespoons of oil and it just didn't come out completely crispy .

I found that four tablespoons is perfect to get a very crunchy crust .

And if you're using a larger pan than I am , then you're gonna need a little bit more oil .

You wanna make sure that there's enough oil on the pan .

So when you tilt it , it pulls up on the sides , now we're gonna go ahead and hit the like button , hint , hint and then we're gonna turn the stove on .

Now , as you can see , my stove is on medium heat , which is number five , but this burner is a little weaker than a gas stove .

So if you're , if you're cooking on flame , you wanna make sure that you're kind of on a medium low heat for me , that's gonna be medium .

If you're cooking with a nonstick pan , you're gonna make sure that your heat is just a little bit higher than this .

So we're gonna let the oil heat up for about three minutes .

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Now , you can test the oil by pouring a few drops in there and there you go .

You see how it just fries up instantly .

That's exactly what we're looking for .

So once you get this , then you're ready to go .

Now we're gonna pour half of our oil into the pan and try to get it around the whole circumference of the pan .

You can see , I'm not doing a very good job of that here .

Uh If you missed a few spots , you can just pour a little bit of batter into there to fill up those little cracks and crevices .

And now I'm adding in my onions , edge to edge .

And then we're going with those Chinese leeks just right on top like a green blanket .

Now , I'm pushing the vegetable into the batter with the spatula because you don't want them to come separated .

You don't want these to be two separate layers that fall apart .

You want it to hold together .

So while the batter is still slightly raw , you wanna push the vegetables into there so that they , that way they adhere to the pancake .

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And with our leftover batter , we're just gonna pour it right on top and we're gonna continue to press down on those vegetables to get everything mixed together into one pancake .

Now , we're gonna give this about three minutes to cook and then we're gonna flip it over .

Ok .

So let's go ahead and flip this over and there you go .

Now you can see this .

This is what you're looking for .

If you can feel it with your fingers , you'll feel that it's extremely crunchy .

This is probably the crunchiest Korean pancake .

That you're gonna find here on youtube .

So make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell because I've got so many more of these videos coming up very soon .

OK .

Three minutes are up and I'm flipping it over again and look at that .

Now , you can see there's a big color difference between this side and the bottom side .

Now this is our serving side .

This is the side that we want to look pretty .

The uh batter on this side is not gonna be as crispy as the one on the under side .

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But don't worry , it is absolutely delicious and it's gonna be so crunchy and now I'm gonna take it off of the pan and add it right onto a cooling rack just for a second and then we're gonna slice it up .

Now , what I like to do is I like to cut this into slices like a pizza and we're going with eight equal pieces here .

So there we go .

The Crispiest Korean pancake here on youtube .

And now we just need somebody to try it out .

You can hit the nail with this .

Yeah .

Yeah .

You nailed that .

Oh , it's so crunchy .

Oh my gosh .

Let me try that .

The outside part .

Can you hear ?

I can hear it from here ?

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I can hear the crunches I can hear from here .

Wow , this is very , very crispy but inside is very , very creamy at the same time .

How did you do this ?

How did you make this ?

It's like a two different , totally different texture in one pancake and it's not greasy at all .

Now , when we look at this from the side , you can see why it's so crunchy .

Adding in that batter first gives us a really nice layer of crispy crunchiness .

You can just see how golden brown it is and the vegetables are sandwiched in between .

You can see that layer of batter there .

It's still soft and it's really , really creamy .

And then of course , we have that top layer of batter on there that adds just an extra layer of crispiness .

That bottom crunchy layer prevents the moisture of the vegetables from leaking out and uh making that bottom layer soft .

Now , you might see other Korean pancake recipes where they mix everything into the batter first and then add it into the pan .

But that doesn't give the bottom layer a chance to crisp up like this .

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So if you're after that crispy crunchy Korean pancake , you have to cook that batter first .

All right .

Now it's my turn to truck .

Hey , what ?

We just make another one .


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