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2023-08-24 07:37:25

How To Make Instant Pancake Mix! Easy, Quick and Inexpensive!

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Happy Monday guys .

I am making my pancake mix , um which I keep over here in a jar for the kids .

Uh It's instant pancake mix .

You guys don't need any milk , no eggs , no oil or anything like that .

So this is perfect to take with you guys if you go camping , if you camp a lot .

Um It's also great as an emergency food .

Uh because if you , you lose power , this is something really easy to make .

All you need is water .

So instant pancake mix .

I got this recipe um from my girlfriend Nada and I tweaked it a bit uh over the past couple of years that I've been using it .

Uh just to kind of , you know , kind of customize it how we like it .

Um So I changed it just a sliver .

Um But it's pretty much still the same .

I love it .

It's , we live on this .

I don't buy biscuit anymore .

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I don't buy pancake mix anymore like Mima or even those specialty pancake mixes .

I don't do it .

I use this .

It's fantastic .

So what we're gonna put in here is you first off , you're gonna need a really big bowl .

Um , my camera doesn't justify how large this bowl is , but it's pretty large .

So , um , you're gonna need a big one .

So get as big of a bowl as you can .

If you don't have a super big bowl , you can always have this recipe .

I do that sometimes too .

Um , but we use it quite a bit , especially during the summer months when the kids are home because all they have to do is take equal parts , mix with equal parts water , mix it up and make themselves a pancake in the morning .

So we're gonna start off with 12 cups of all purpose flour .

So I'm gonna get some , I'm gonna get 12 cups in my bowl and come out .

Ok .

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So after you get 12 cups of all purpose flour in here , we're gonna add a cup , uh , between a cup and a half or two cups of , um , sugar .

I do about a cup and a half of sugar .

And then we're going to add two cups of dried milk powder .

This is where of course the dried milk powder comes in handy .

I'm using my half cup scoop .

So , yeah , four .

Now I've noticed on this recipe you don't really have to be super precise .

So you don't have to like level anything off or anything like that .

Um , a little give or take is fine .

Then we're gonna add two tablespoons of baking soda .

All right .

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So two tablespoons , I'm baking soda .

And five tablespoons of baking powder .

Cheers .

Three for five .

All right .

And then we're going to need a tablespoon of salt .

Grab that , put that right in and that is it .

So what I do is I take a wire whisk and give this a really good mixing .

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You wanna make sure everything is really well blended .

So take a couple of minutes and really blend that in .

And then once you're done , I store it in jars .

Now you could store it in a bigger jar like that , something like that .

It is way too big , but maybe one gallon um would work .

You could do the little um I think these are the little half gallon sizes that I keep my brown sugar in which I need to make more of today .

Um It's up to you .

I store mine in one of these French Le Parfait jars um which I've made videos on .

So um and I think the link is down below .

I try to keep the links of the things that I get most asked about down below for you guys .

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So , um that's how I store mine .

I just put a funnel in here and I will fill up the jar and then of course I'm gonna have leftovers .

So if I have um a half gallon mason jar , like I keep my uh pasta in and I have some beans in up there .

Um I'll put it in a half gallon jar if you don't have any half gallon jars , you can put them in quart size jars and just put them in your pantry .

Just label it up and put it in your pantry .

Um , on a Sunday morning I make about three cups .

I use about three cups worth , uh , which I'm just gonna go ahead and put in a bowl right now and mix it with water .

Now you , um , do about half a part um , water to , I guess .

How would you word that ?

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Equal parts , mixed , equal parts water .

There you go .

So if it's three cups of mix , it's gonna be about three cups of water .

Now , you can do 2.5 cups of water and make thicker pancakes .

If you like your pancakes thinner , you can do 3.5 cups of water .

It's very forgiving .

You just tweak it and , and you know , do things as , as the way you like it .

I like to add a teaspoon of homemade vanilla extract to mine .

Um , and then it'll give it a little vanilla flavor .

So if you're out camping and you don't mind taking a little bit of vanilla with you , you can do that .

Um , but you can add blueberries to this chocolate chips .

That's what we do .

We make sometimes I make chocolate chip pancakes for the kids or blueberry pancakes for the kids , but it's super , super easy guys and it makes vel pancakes .

Now I'm gonna go and make some pan pancakes .

So I have my mix over here .

I'm gonna bring you over to the stove .

I'm gonna show you how these cook up so you can actually see it for yourself .

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I'm gonna get this in a jar first and , um , once I do all that , I'll take you over to the stove and we'll make some pancakes .

Ok , guys .

So here we have it .

So there's three cups of mix in here .

I've got 2.5 cups of water , but I'm just gonna add to it and then you guys can see how it mixes up here .

Ok ?

You now , of course , three cups of water is buying two .

I like my pancakes a little bit on the thicker side , you know .

So they're a little thicker and fluffier .

Yes .

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And then I'm also going to add , um , a teaspoon , not a teaspoon of my homemade vanilla extract .

So you can kind of see the consistency there .

So if you like it a little thinner and the three cups , if you like it thinner than that at 3.5 .

But , uh , this mix is really , really forgiving .

And , um , you know , if you add too much water and you want it a little thicker , you can go ahead and add more mix to it .

It's really , but , you know , you can play a lot with it .

So , all right , let me get my , um , pan pan out and I will show you guys how these suck .

All right guys .

So let's scoop this in .

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Cook it here , Matt .

You can probably hear Matt in the background .

He's home from work today .

Actually , he's working from home today .

Um , because a hose went out in our minivans .

A hose that should be $20 and maybe $50 in labor to fix ended up costing $400 because Chrysler has decided to make one hose into 15 hoses .

So when one goes , all 15 have to be replaced .

Lovingly known as the octopus .

Isn't that nice ?

So , our car is in the shop , so he has to work from home today while it gets repaired .

So that is why I am making pancakes this morning .

All right .

So there you go .

You see , they scooped on very nicely .

We're just gonna let these , um , kind of cook up and I will flip them over once they get nice and holy .

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And , um , I'll show you guys how , uh , how great these actually cook up .

I love this pancake mix .

I will never ever buy pancake mix again , especially since it's so easy to make it at home .

And I'm sure all of you guys have all of the ingredients .

I mean , if you , if you bake bread , you have all the ingredients .

So , um , or cookies or anything like that .

So , all right , uh , let's let these cook up and I'll , I'll bring you back .

Who was on .

All right .

OK , so they are ready to flip .

So let's flip these and I will show you how beautiful they are .

Look at that perfect pancakes .

My favorite part of the pancake is the crispy edge .

I don't know about you guys , but that's my favorite .

So light and fluffy .

I wanna show you one up close .

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You can see if we can get it to focus .

There we go , like boom and fluffy and jumping off my spatula .

There you go .

That and they taste perfect .

So I love this pancake mix .

Like you said , you can add anything to it .

It's very forgivable .

Perfect if you can't or like I said , you ever lose power .

Um So yeah .

All right guys , I'm going to turn down my down my burners a bit and get more pancakes going here , get these kids fed , get the morning going .

I have papers to wash today .

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I have this video now to um to edit for you guys and get this up and I'm sorry , it's taken me so long to make this .

I know my kids have been dwindling on this pancake mix .

You know what I do ?

I send it um home with my two older boys so they , they have it um to make themselves pancakes .

So if you have kids in college or like me live in their own apartment , make them up some pancake mix so that they have and uh I can , they can have mom's cooking uh on their own without having to come up here for it .

But here's the plates and I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you give this a try .

Let me know .

And um yeah , especially if you make a video , let me know so I can come watch .

All right guys , I will talk to you later .

Let me get this , these made and this video edited and up to you guys and um I will be seeing you soon .

Bye guys .

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This is for me .

I already gave me .

Oh , that was Mina .

We only had one too .

That's all right .

Just give him an extra one .

So Mina is now eating pancakes .

Guys .

She turns one in two weeks .

I can't believe it .

Um , but just a little add on in the end here just to give you an idea of how many three cups will make .

It makes about a bake , it makes a baker's dozen for me .

Um You see my pancakes are good size um , on a regular dinner plate .

That's the size of one .

So , um , it makes 13 .

So if you need more than 13 , you know , do four cups , if you don't need as many as 13 , make two cups .

Um , my kids when they make , even when I make pancakes really quickly for , um , Mason in the morning , I'll just do a half a cup of mix and a half a cup of water and that's it , you know , I don't even add any vanilla for him .

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So , um , just to give you a reference of how much roughly three cups makes and how much I got from that mix that I made .

He's walking .

Um , I filled up my , uh , these are three liter jars .

I filled that up .

And then in my pantry , I got two quart size jars , uh , wide mouth .

So , um , it makes quite a bit and then of course , I had three cups in my , um , mixing bowl .

So , um , just , just to give you guys an idea of how much it will make for you .

All right , guys .

Pancakes .

I like .

Do you like mama's pancake ?

You ?

And what about you ?

You can feed yourself ?


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