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2023-08-25 06:53:55

MODEL diet tips ANYONE can do to LOSE WEIGHT (how I lost weight)

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I just want to support other people in their journey if they want to make a change as well and everyone's not in them to see right .

So hello .

My name is Dave Rose .

I am a fashion loving London girl .

I'm also a model .

And today I wanna share with you my model diet tips anyone can do to lose weight .

If you watched my video about my weight loss journey called how I lost £30 and became a model and you'll know that there are a lot of factors that helped me to lose weight , including my mindset or how to lose weight and how I got the motivation to do it .

So the other video was like the theory test .

And this is like the best I wanna like address , particularly the reason that I was bigger And what makes probably most people who have excess weight bigger .

And that is bad eating habits .

If you wanted , you could stop here , not watch the rest of this video go on some sort of restrictive , You know , actual diet diet .

But they're not sustainable .

You're not gonna be happy .

Maybe you'll lose a bit of weight .

You might probably end up gaining it all back because restrictive diets make you binge afterwards .

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And , most importantly , you're not addressing the root of the problem .

To make a real lasting change , you've got to change your eating habits .

Before I start this video .

I wanna say this video about intentional weight loss .

So if you are triggered , if you do not like the idea of intentional weight loss if you are offended , don't watch this video .

This one's not for you .

The very first tip I wanna give is Stop comparing your body to other people's body and not just physically .

I'm talking about inside what people are eating .

Stop comparing yourself to what other people are eating .

The most beautiful thing about humankind is that we are all so different , and we need different things .

For a long time , I was completely in denial .

I thought that it couldn't be my food because that's what everyone else was eating .

Or that's what I was seeing people on TV eating in school .

All my friends were eating McDonald's every day and not putting on a single bit of weight , whereas I was like piling on the pound our bodies were just different , and I had to like , come to accept that I can't do that .

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But the other thing is you don't know other people's whole life , so you can't compare yourself .

You don't know what Betsy is eating all the time or how active she is .

What sports she does .

You aren't with Betsy every single day .

You can't compare that one meal that you see her eating to your own meal .

If you look on instagram and see your favourite influencer putting a giant plate of food and you think , Oh yeah , that's what my food is supposed to look like .

No , no , no , no .

It's probably not in general , to be honest .

Food just looks more aesthetically pleasing when it's on a bigger plate , but really like , really , it's unlikely .

You know , that Pilates with Patricia , who's 52 and has a tiny waist and abs of steel , is eating piles and piles of food .

Unless they're like an actual athlete who trains like four hours a day or something like that , they're not gonna eat so much food .

I mean again , you don't know their whole life .

Maybe you are training that much , but you're not so you can't eat that much .

You just know your life .

So you have to do what is best for your body .

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Eat what's good for you and what is making you feel healthy .

What is making your body feel like it's at its optimum level ?

I was always told that you should eat breakfast , lunch and dinner .

But no , that didn't work for me .

I started eating 5 to 6 times a day smaller kind of low calorie meals or snacks , and it was just amazing for me for so many different reasons .

My digestion was better .

I had more energy and I never felt deprived .

I always was eating , which made me feel like always full .

But at the same time , and because I was eating small bits regularly .

I never had that feeling of like Oops , I .

I ate too much and I have this uncomfortable fullness .

A slow kind of regular form of eating actually helped me to train my mind to know when I was four , when I didn't need any food and not eating too many calories , which is basically the next step that I took .

It sounds so simple and easy and straightforward , but it's actually kind of hard to do something that we do so often eat when you're hungry .

Stop when you're not .

It's something that we don't do all the time .

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I realised there was so many instances where I was just eating for the sake of eating .

I like to eat small meals , especially because if I have a big dinner plate , I'm gonna just keep eating and eating and eating , and I will go past the point of me being hungry .

I will just eat because it's on the plate .

A lot of us have that mentality from when we're younger of just eat all your food .

You have to eat everything .

They starving Children .

Obviously you don't have to eat small meals like me .

You can eat big meals , but just try eating and then waiting , just sorting out your fullness level .

So I eat weight .

Feel it out .

Then if I'm hungry , I go eat more when you're at a restaurant , especially , I mean , sometimes you just feel the urge to keep eating because you know you pay for it .

But at the end of the day , if your goal is to lose weight and you have a true solid purpose behind that .

Just eating your plate because you wanna , you know , make up for a few quid .

It's not worth it .

Besides , being at a restaurant is more about the company , and you know the ambiance and being with your friends and your family .

Not just , you know , the food .

Oh , free food , too .

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That used to always get me .

It's so funny because it's like the opposite .

If I passed a stall in M and S and they had a little free sample section , I would 100% go over .

I would eat anything that they gave me for free .

I'd be like , What's over there ?

Oh my God , it's free .

My own free cookie day at subway .

Obviously , I'll eat both .

Why ?

Because it was free .

And that's like an extra 200 calories just because it was free no more .

Just because it's free does not mean I have to eat .

Food isn't always equal .

Good general .

Well , just be mindful with your food .

If you find yourself eating a lot for the sake of eating , you need to really , really look deep and think of why truly be really honest with yourself .

There is a reason why you're eating For the sake of eating , it might just be out of boredom , to be honest , I mean , we're all bored these days .

Keep busy .

Get up .

Do something .

Distract yourself .

If you're eating out of emotions , you really need to address those feelings .

Maybe go see a therapist .

My next tip is to have a plan .

I don't know why I didn't put this first , because this is so important .

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Failing to plan is planning to fail .

Honestly , this is number one .

If you are waking up today , thinking right tomorrow , gonna have a whole new lifestyle change , Gonna eat super healthy .

The fridge is still full of box Mac and cheese and your side roll still has a bunch of Oreos in it .

You're not gonna lose weight for me .

It was kind of hard when I first started losing weight because my family all ate this stuff , but I just made sure I had loads and loads of healthy options .

Make sure you go to the supermarket beforehand .

Before you start any kind of new chain healthy lifestyle , you need to go to supermarket .

Actually , no , you need to watch your YouTube videos .

Go on Pinterest , Go on instagram and see what kind of meals you you wanna make things that you would truly enjoy but are still helpful to your journey .

Walk around the supermarket and really Look , I know there are aisles that you've never been to before .

Go to those aisles .

You gotta see what's good .

I will check .

They are healthy .

They are not high in calories and they fit your lifestyle .

That's probably the most important thing .

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If you see Suzie tagging her long ass Pinterest recipe , but you work 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. you're not gonna do the recipe .

When are you gonna have time to read the recipe , let alone make it be realistic ?

You know , if you're on the go a lot , especially like me , If you're on the go a lot , then you need things that you can eat on the go .

You also want to be in a kind of routine when it comes to eating .

I'm a model , so it's hard because I work in different places all the time .

I'm always running around the city , the casting to this or that .

But if you can be in a routine .

It's gonna help when I'm on set food is normally provided for me .

And in this industry , I mean , usually the food is quite healthy .

You know , I'm not in control of what's happening , so I need to make sure I have , you know , alternatives .

Because if I suddenly feel super hungry and there's like a bowl of cookies , I'm gonna eat that .

My next tip is to replace bad habits .

Sometimes there are like rituals that you do so I love cereal .

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I always have one bowl of comfort cereal in the evening , and it's something that I actually look forward to having at night .

Now .

It used to be like Coco Pops or like crunchy nut custards .

But obviously I had to change that .

I literally just go in the store and buy the cereal with the lowest amount of sugar in it , so I like bakes corn flake , sometimes rice crispies .

You know I still have my cereal ritual , but you know , less colour .

So it's like replacing the bad habit .

Would it be helpful if I just cut out cereal completely ?

Probably .

But at the end of the day , you've got to be , like , lenient with yourself .

I mean , if you're too strict , you're gonna just , you know , rebel .

And , yes , you have to take big steps to make big change .

But enjoying a few comforting things in a smart way will just keep you on track .

Anyway , thank you so much for watching guys .

I really hope you enjoyed this video .

Make sure you watch my other video called How ?

I lost £30 and became a model where I talk about my weight loss journey .

I highlight a lot of things that didn't work for me .

And yeah , I think you should definitely watch that to make sure you don't make the same mistakes as me .

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I will see you in that video , have you ?


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