Hi , my name is Nick Osborne A K A , the coffee detective from coffee detective dot com .
And today we're going to address a ticklish question , which is how much coffee , how many , how much coffee grounds should you add to a certain amount of water when you're making coffee in a drip brewer ?
I'm gonna address this because in the question and answer area on the site that is by far the most frequently asked question .
And when we get into this , you'll see why that is .
It's the coffee maker manufacturers do not make it easy for you to figure that out .
So here we have a , a black and Decker Midrange drip coffee maker .
There's a water reservoir in the back , there's a filter basket in the top , a craft to collect your coffee and a heating plate at the bottom to keep it warm .
So you buy this and I'm not beating up on black and Decker , all the other manufacturers will do the same thing to you .
So I get my , I take out the little how to guide and I look through and I figure I want to figure out how much water should I put in here and how , how much coffee grad should I put in here to make a nice cup of coffee ?
Well , when you read through what it actually says is it says fill up on the back here , up to the number of cups you want .
And there's a little thing , it's got 468 , 10 , 12 , same as same as on the kara here .
But when it comes to coffee grinds , it says add coffee grinds to taste .
In other words , no use at all .
So they give you this little scoop here , which is a little coffee scoop .
But again , there's nothing on here that tells you what it is or what the capacity is .
Uh Now , in fact , fortunately , I know that that is a standard size coffee scoop and contains two level teaspoons , two level tablespoons of coffee grinds when you fill it to the top level .
So at least I know that a bit .
Now we'll come back to here .
The four , the sixth , the 8 to 10 .
How many cups of coffee ?
Well , it's confusing because if I take my kitchen measuring jug and I fill it up to two cups and I pour it in there , it actually comes up to about three and three quarter cups .
So these don't correspond to what you might think of as being an actual cup .
The next question is and , and let's assume now that somewhere you found maybe on the coffee detective side or from a neighbor or whatever you found out that actually what you should do is have one coffee scoop per cup of coffee .
So , on the face of it , looking at this , if you were going to make eight , you'd put eight of these in .
But of course you wouldn't because these markings don't actually correspond to what a cup is .
Certainly in the kitchen .
And what kind of cup do you want ?
Do you want a little cup of coffee ?
Do you want like a regular mug of coffee or do you want a serious sized mug of coffee ?
Because depending on what kind , you know , what , what , what the amount of coffee you're gonna make is gonna depend on how much water you put in here and how many coffee grains you add .
Well , that's a bit greedy .
That's not enough .
And I think a lot of us when we get up in the morning , like a cup of coffee .
Now , the rule of one level coffee scoop of grinds per cup is based on the premise that a cup contains six fluid ounces , but it doesn't , that's the one that contains six fluid ounces , that's about eight fluid ounces and that's a little over 10 fluid ounces .
So things can get complicated because if you just try and follow the manual , which is no real help or follow some abstract instruction , you're gonna end up with a brewer .
That's either a brewer that's either too weak or too strong .
So I'll tell you what I'll do .
Eight fluid answers , not six .
So instead of doing a level scoop , do a heat scoop .
It gives you just that bit extra that takes you up from the sixth to the eighth .
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Have a great day .
Thanks guys .
So I know that I got enough water for four cups , eight fluid ounces each .
So let's say I'm gonna have four cups .
I've put in four times , eight fluid answers into the reservoir .
Then I get my grand coffee .
We've got what have we got here community coffee grand dark roast .
Very nice coffee .
And I'm gonna use those big scoops .
So here we are , I've got my filter paper in place which I'm gonna put in there .
Your , your brewer may have a permanent gold tone filter and that's fine too .
And so I just happily put in one to three .
And in fact , doing a , doing a heap scoop is much easier .
I'm quite generous with it because I quite like a , a dark brew .
So there we go .
I put 44 heat coffee scoops in the filter four times that in the water .
And now I'm ready to go .