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2023-08-25 07:33:26


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Everyone .

Welcome to my video in today's video .

I am testing out Elmer's magical liquid .

I ordered this off of Amazon .

I will have the link down below for you if you want to check out exactly where and how I purchased it .

This is the same thing that they have in their slime kits if you've ever seen or used their slime kits .

It usually comes with a small bottle , um , maybe that high .

So this is a pretty big one .

It's 8.75 fluid ounces .

I can't remember what I paid for it because I ordered it a while ago , but I will find that information out for you and I will have that down in the comments as well .

So today , what I was going to do is test out Elmer's glue slime recipes that they have on the back here .

So it says choose any one of these four ounce to six ounce Elmer glues .

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They have a regular four ounce school glue , they have a five ounce clear and a glitter six ounce .

And so that's what I'll be doing .

All they say you need to do is add 1/4 cup of magical liquid , which is this to a full bottle of each of these .

And you will get one batch of slime instructions for one batch , pour entire bottle of your choice of 14 to 6 ounce Elmer's glue into container , add 1/4 cup of magical liquid a little at a time and mix into glue until fully blended .

Take slime out and begin kneading with both hands until slime reaches desired consistency and number four .

Enjoy .

Ok .

So let's get started .

But before we do make sure you're subscribed to my channel so that you don't miss any of these wonderful slime videos that I do .

I love testing out slime ingredients , making a ton of slime .

I have over 200 slime videos my channel .

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I've been really active on Instagram posting a lot of stories on there too .

So if you aren't getting enough of my slime videos on youtube , be sure to head over to Instagram .

I'm at Rainbow Playmaker there as well .

Follow me , turn on notifications and you will be good to go .

Ok , guys , I have an announcement to make .

It is a new giveaway .

It will be one month long and I am so excited to announce it today .

You will be able to have to have the opportunity to win $100 worth of Elmer products for slime and that could include anything from glue to glue , to glue , to glue , to glue .

What else does Elmer make for slime , I don't know .

I was going to put together a bunch of items , uh , that were Elmer and that could be glue and that could be more .

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What else does Elmer make ?

I don't know , glitter glues , it could be activated and glue .

And I don't know , I have to look into it .

Honestly .

What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go on Amazon and I'm gonna keep adding to Cart until I've reached that $100 mark .

And then I'm going to ship it to the winner .

That's what I'm gonna do .

So I'm gonna ship it to the winner .

So make sure you enter the giveaway .

You have to like this video , subscribe to my channel , comment , hashtag slime , all the fine print and details will be down in my comment section and description .

So be sure to check that out if you're interested in entering this giveaway .

If you want extra entries , you can head on over to my Instagram .

Follow me there .

Hashtag Slime saying that you want to enter the giveaway .

You can uh tag your friends to get an extra extra entry and you can also get an extra entry .

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If you have uh one of your friends come to my youtube channel and say that you sent them here .

This giveaway will end at the end of January and depending how many entries we get , I could be picking more than one winner .

Ok ?

So let's get started .

I am going to start with the Elmer school glue .

OK .

So I literally just filmed pouring in the magical liquid and I forgot to film it .

I didn't press record , so I am going to do it again for you guys .

All right .

Round two .

OK .

So here is my glue and then I need to add in 1/4 cup of magical liquid .

OK .

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And they said to do a little bit out of time .

So it's all combined .

Mhm OK .

I would say I did a little more than a little bit at a time , but it's OK .

I have a feeling it will work out .

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Ok .

So what I said in the first part that I forgot to hit record for was the nice thing about the magical liquid .

If you are going to go this route instead of just using borax , then uh it's kind of like a detergent activator like a tide or all .

Uh But the nice thing is it has a pleasant , soft and light scent to it whenever I've used tide or any of this uh detergents that have a stronger smell .

Even if I use free and clear , it's just too much the smell for me .

Like I don't even want to play with this line because it just has too much of a detergent smell .

So this magical liquid I feel gives a detergent type activator feel , but it hasn't a nice smell to it .

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So just my note is that sticky .

Mhm .

Oh , ok .

I got a lot of like on mama take mama .

You're welcome .

You're the best .

Oh , thank you .

I think you're the best now .

You're the best .

No , you're the best .

The best .

No , you're the best we give this mama .

Love you .

No .

Oh .

Mhm .

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Yes .

Just pick out which one you want .

It looks like over here on the table .

But the , or was I bought the orange one ?

Orange .

Ok .

I love love on you .

Do I know we do ?

Ok .

So it made kind of like a jiggly type slime .

That is pretty nice .

You could actually tweak it to make it even nicer by adding maybe a pump of lotion .

Uh of course some funk .

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So because I love foam soap and slime , but right now I'm just gonna leave it plain and we're gonna do the other two and we'll just let this sit for a little bit .

Ok .

So the next combo we're doing is clear Elmer five ounce and then we will add 1/4 cup of magical liquid .

Do do do do do do with the magic , the magic .

Ok .

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And it said to add a little at a time , I'll have to rewatch my Elmer's glue slime kit videos again .

I don't remember the magical liquid being clear , but this one is definitely clear .

So interesting .

I will have to look and see if they tweaked something to make it more clear because if they did , that's awesome .

For the clear glue because then you can keep it clear .

Yep .

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This one is still very sticky .

I'm just going to keep needing it with my hands because that's what the directions say to do .

We should come together .

I don't know .

It's still pretty sticky .

I like the consistency .

I just want it to be a little less sticky .

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So I'm going to let it sit for , oops , maybe five minutes and then I will come back to it and see if it is still on the sticky side .

OK .

So I let it sit for about 10 minutes and I'm going to see if it is not as sticky or if it's still just as sticky .

Here goes again , it has that jiggly feel to it .

So it actually is a nice texture .

It still is too sticky for my liking .

And I actually like sticky slime .

So if you're trying this at home or at the park or at school or wherever you are making slime , uh maybe you just wanna add a teeny bit more of the magical liquid , not a lot .

It won't need a lot .

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Uh So I am going to just put this in a container and then let it sit .

I will update on my Instagram what it looks like later if it did get less sticky or if it stayed the same consistency in my next video , I would like to do a transform a slime video with these slimes that I'm making in today's video .

So if you could let me know in the comment section , what kind of slimes you would like me to make from each of these ?

I still am making a glitter one but just comment clear .

So we'll call this the clear one because it use clear glue .

Uh You could say you want me to transform this into a snow slime or you want a cloud slime or you want it to be more jiggly .

Just let me know and majority will rule so far when I do these polls , the majority is always cloud .

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So I am curious to see if you would like me to turn these into a cloud , a cloud , magical Elmer cloud .

OK ?

So I'm gonna put a top on this and just let it sit with its friend over here .

OK ?

So now on to the glitter , the glitter Almers test the glitter Elmer's magical liquid test 1/4 cup of magical liquid coming up .

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Oh You could probably make a good four slimes using the magical liquid bottle , the 8.75 fluid ounces just in case you're wondering , I need to switch that Elmer's glitter glues are so pretty .

And a lot of you that have purchased from my slime shop , ask about a particular extra slime that I throw in on .

Um If you spend a certain amount or I have a promotion going or you're a repeat customer .

Uh Sometimes I throw in little extra 1.5 ounce slimes or two ounce slimes .

And it's kind of like a butter slime .

But I made it in my first Transformer slime video .

I'll have it linked down below for you if you want to check it out .

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But uh actually it wasn't the first video in the series .

There are three videos I think in the series and it's the second video of the series of my original Transform Asli series .

And anyways , I just make a basic glitter glue slime using the Elmer glue and then I mix iso clay into it and it makes the most amazing soft , smooth butter slime ever .

And so when I send them as extras , I don't have a name for it .

So I just , you know , put my Rainbow Playmaker sticker on top and I don't name it on the bottom because it's just a free slime and I get emails all the time .

People asking me what that is .

So I am going to do a tutorial on that for those of you who are interested at super easy and you just get the most amazing slime ever .

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So stay tuned for that .

Oops .

Also those of you who watched my Borax video , my hands fine .

Just the same as always .

Nothing happened .

OK ?

So it definitely made slime .

It seems more like a jiggly type slime to me , but it's not too bad .

Of course , I prefer just making slime 100% from scratch .

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Ok .

So I am going to let all three of these rest for a little bit .

We will follow up with them on Instagram and then based on what you say in the comments section as far as what you would like me to turn these into that will determine what I turn them into in my next video .

So for instance , I could do like a milky slime for this one .

I could do a snow slime crunchy .

I mean , I could try anything really .

And this is the clear one still on the stickier side .

And then this is the one that we just made .

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Oops , I could also add glitters or different embellishments to all of these too .

Thank you so much for watching this video .

I hope that you enjoyed it and I hope that you learned something today and I hope this video helped you determine if you are going to give Elmer's magical liquid a try .

And again , I will post down in the comment section .

How much I paid for this ?

I just have to go look at my Amazon orders to see the price I paid .

Don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe and thank you again so much for watching my video .

I really love you guys .

You're awesome .

So I'll see you all next time .


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