ऍम मैंने थ्री मंथ्स में कॅश किया था जिसके लिए बहुत ही अच्छी डाइट और एक्सरसाइज बाॅक्सर साइड से काम कहाँ बनता है ?
भैया इस टाइम पे मैंने बहुत सारे ॅ फॉलो किये थे जो आज इस विडियो में मैं आपके साथ शेर करने वाली ऍम माइ वेट लॉस जर्नी फॅार्म एशिन स्टोरी विद यू इनमें से हो सकता है तीस तीस आपके काम हो सकता है पंद्रह बीस में ही आपका काम बन जाए ।
हो सकता है कोई ॅ आपकी पूरी लाइफ चेंज कर दे तो पूरी देखो ध्यान से देखना स्टार्ट करते हैं ।
फॅमिली मैं तो ऐसी जैसे सपने में भी पूछ ही दिखाई देता है ।
आपकी तरह मेरा भी मूड , मूड सेलिंग , अच्छा खाना मेरा मूड और मेरी तबियत दोनों ऍफ हो जाती है ।
अगर आप भी इस बात से खुद को रिलेट कर सकते हो तो आप भी ना आज ही फॅमिली यही मैंने भी अपनी वेट लॉस जर्नी में किया था ।
डाइट फॉलो करना इतना आसान नहीं है ।
कुछ ना कुछ खाने का मन करता है , क्रेविंग होती है और इसीलिए मैंने एक क्रेविंग लिस्ट बनाई ।
Hey there , my friend , welcome .
My name is Dr Anthony Baldus .
I'm the founder here at the Fit Father Project and my team and I are the men's health and weight loss experts that have helped over 10,000 guys in their forties , fifties and sixties lose over £100,000 of fat .
You can see some of our amazing program members here on this page and that's why I'm so excited to shoot this video on the best weight loss tips for you as a guy .
50 plus because the fact of the matter is is that this age , the stuff that works when you're in twenties , thirties and forties doesn't work now and you need a specific sustainable and simple approach that's actually going to work for you long term .
And this is what we specialize here in the FFP .
And you might be thinking , what is this young guy doing ?
Telling me as a guy over 50 you know what I need to be doing , losing weight .
Well , the fact of the matter is this , this topic in particular really hits me close to home as growing up .
The reason I actually started the Fit Project is because I watched my dad work himself to the bone , eat unhealthy miss workouts gain weight .
And he eventually died at 42 years young .
He didn't even make it to his 50th birthday .
मैंने अपनी ऍम एशिन जर्नी में यूज डाॅॅ जिससे मैं हमेशा ॅ अपने आप बढ जाते थे तो आप भी आज से फॅस पहनना शुरू कर दो ।
चलते ऍफ नंबर थ्री पे जब मैं अपनी वेट लॉस जर्नी पे थी तो एक चीज जो हमेशा मेरे साथ वो थी मेरा ऍम धर्म की तरह फॉलो करती थी ।
कभी भी उसे अनफॅालो नहीं करती थी और ऍम होने के बहुत सारे बेनिफिट्स मुँह पहले से ही अपने मील की प्लानिंग करोगे ।
अपना मिल पॅन करोगे तो आप उसे बहुत ही पॉट फूली डिजाइन करोगे आप उसके अंदर वो सारी चीजें जो आपको पता है आपके लिए सही ॅ आपके अंदर जंग कम से कम रखोगे तो मिल ऍम आ इन फल ईटिंग बट अब मील प्लेनिंग करनी कैसे आपको अपने ऍफ का पूरा ॅ पहले से ही तैयार रखना है ।
आपको जो चीजें पसंद है आप उसके अंदर डालो ।
अगर आप फॅमिली के साथ रहते हैं तो सब की फूट चॉइस का ख्याल रखो ।
क्वॉन्टिटी हर इंडिविजुअल पे डिपेंड करेगी ।
हर इंडिविजुअल ॅ आप अपने हिसाब से लो बाॅलिंग फूट आइटम को आप फ्री प्लाॅन रखो ।
कोशिश करो की एक फॅमिली लो ।
मतलब उसके अंदर ॅ प्रोटीन , सारी चीजें और अपने पास से सीखो ।
मान लो आपने इस हफ्ते एक मॅन बनाया बट आपको पूरी तरह से नहीं कर पाए ऍम और उन गलतियों को नॅान सुधारो उनको ॅ करके ब्लॅड गाइड अगर आपको पसिफिक फिटनिस गोल है जिसके लिए ॅ करवाना चाहते हो तो उसके लिए आप आॅन रोल कर सकते हो , जिसमें मेरे सर्टिफाइड डाइटिशन आपको आपकी माॅर्निंग और साथ में फॅमिली प्रवाइड करेंगे ।
इस की सारी डिटेल आपको डिस्क्रिप्शन में मिल जाएगी और अब हम चलते हैं फॅस जर्नी तो मेरा एक गोल था हर रोज कम से कम चार लीटर पानी पीने का और इस गोल को मीट करने के लिए ।
मैं सुबह उठते ही सबसे पहले पानी पी के अपने दिन की शुरुआत करती थी ।
बट हाइट डूइंग इस मैंने रियलाइज करा की ।
इसके भैया बहुत सारे फायदे हैं ।
So my whole life I've been passionate about this topic of what does it take for you as a busy guy out there who wants to lose weight to actually keep it off ?
And what are the tips that actually work on a research base ?
So that's my promise to you in this video .
This is going to be longer than those little 10 quick tips bs kind of videos .
But I can tell you this , we're actually going to share the research proven foundational principles that we've used here at the FFP to help those 10,000 guys lose all that weight and you can apply these into your life this week to start seeing real results .
And we actually also some free resources for you below our free one day weight loss meal plan for guys over 40 .
So as a 50 year old guy , this is perfect for you and our free 24 minute metabolism boosting workout .
Those are link in the description , you can check those out as well .
But what we're going to do is we're going to get into the seven foundational weight loss tips for men over 50 you're going to learn a ton this video .
So get out your pen and paper , take some notes .
And let's dive on in Fit Father project dot com .
All right .
So let's get straight into the best weight loss tips for men over 50 .
And the first thing you need to say is a lot of guys , 50 plus who want to start losing weight naturally think the right place to start would be to , you know , get on a diet or start doing exercise .
Right .
Well , it turns out that's the wrong first step .
The right first step is to focus on fixing your sleep .
Yes , I actually said sleep and this may seem a little counterintuitive , but most guys don't realize is that sleep pretty much controls the master clock of our metabolism and fat burning hormones when we're not sleeping well , our body does not burn fat .
Well , we do not process carbs .
Well , so anything that we do on the diet and excess front is just going to be far less effective .
And the research actually supports this , what they find is they put people on weight loss diets .
Some people , one group is sleeping well , one group is missing sleep .
The group that misses sleep does not lose as much weight and the weight they lose largely comes from muscle tissue .
And that's the worst thing you want because as a guy , 50 plus you want to maintain your muscle because that's the foundation of your metabolism and you want to make sure all your hormones are working properly .
So also when it comes to the declined testosterone levels which a lot of people talk about for guys , 50 plus missing sleep is one of the fastest ways to plummet your testosterone levels .
So , without getting too deep into this topic , we've linked below a deep dive sleep guide on our blog , the Fit Father , the project dot com .
We have that sleep guide that you can check out .
The first thing I need , you know , for the purpose of this video is get seven hours of quality sleep per night if you're not hitting that target and you know , your sleep could be better start there .
Focus there first because everything else that we're going to layer on in this video kind of rests on the foundation of the fact that we know you're sleeping well .
Now , the second thing we're gonna do is we're not actually gonna focus on a diet or the foods we're gonna focus on meal timing .
The whole diet industry has this whole thing wrong because the best diet for you is the one you can actually stick to long term .
So naturally you're gonna , you're gonna think that the best diet for you might be different than the best diet for me because we have different schedules .
So what we do uniquely here at the Fit Father project is we help you pick a meal timing set up that's gonna work for you .
And it means that you're eating meals on a reasonable time that works with your schedule , not against it .
So gone are the days where you need to pack a cooler of tiny meals .
You eat every two hours and all that crap .
There's lots of new research on different meal timing set ups in this video right now , I'm going to cover the two famous ones we use here at the FFP .
The first one is the four by four meal plan and this is great for guys who get up early in the morning and leave for work and want a convenient on the go breakfast and a simple lunch .
And basically the four by four works like this .
You have one meal roughly every four hours .
So that might look like something like this .
Breakfast somewhere around 7 to 8 , lunch , around noon , a snack or a mini meal around three and dinner around seven .
So roughly every four hours you're having a feeding .
So it's like eight noon , 37 .
And the beautiful thing about getting meal timing in place is that we're going to hang on the right kinds of foods and I'm going to talk to you about foods in this video .
But if we don't have the structure in place , then everything is haphazard and we become reactive with our nutrition and we're not proactive , I want you to be proactive .
So you're not like reaching for snacks in the middle of the afternoon because you didn't plan something ahead of time .
So a little bit of planning when it comes to weight loss goes a long , long way .
And if you're interested in knowing the exact foods , we have a free one day weight loss meal plan for guys , 40 50 .
It's the link below in the description .
We'll send that straight to your email and it covers exactly what to eat during those times .
So the four by four is a really great set up .
Another great setup is intermittent fasting , which works super well , which is essentially the idea that we're going to skip breakfast for that first meal .
Have that first meal come sometime around 11 to noon .
We'll have that snack at three and dinner at seven .
And there are fat burning benefits to extending that period where you're fasting throughout the night and you get some additional fat burning and additional hormone like growth hormone boosting effects .
That's another viable set up .
But listen , I don't care about that stuff .
I care about what fits your schedule .
So if you're a guy that loves breakfast , do something like the four by four .
And a lot of our program members like the guys you see here on this video , we actually make sure that they use convenient quick breakfast , like quick protein shakes that only take like five minutes to make .
So you're not spending hours cooking in the morning because that's going to be hard for you to keep too long term .
So fat burning breakfast shakes or you can intimate it fast as I say .
And we cover both of those in our fit free one day weight loss meal plan .
Below the third tip I have for you is we got to start increasing your water intake .
You've probably heard the stat before that your water , your body is 70 plus percent water .
And it's absolutely true .
Water is involved in pretty much every single metabolic reaction involved with helping your body burn , fat and water also increases your energy levels , helps you feel full .
And here's the thing , most guys , especially the guys who work 250 plus are chronically dehydrated because look , we don't drink water throughout the day because we're too busy .
And if we remember we maybe do , but then we're sleeping for 678 hours per night and we're not drinking , then , then we get up in the morning , we make coffee , which is a mild diuretic and this whole cycle of like low level dehydration repeats itself and that really does hurt your fat burning and actually can make your energy levels low .
And if you're a guy that feels like you have energy crashes , frequent headaches , drinking more water absolutely helps .
So , one foundational habit that we cover in our free one day meal plan , I'm going to tell you about you .
Here is the first thing you do in the morning , drink 20 to 32 ounces of water .
If you want to supercharge that you put a pinch of some pink Himalayan sea salt for all those trace minerals that will rehydrate your body .
And trust me on this .
If you're not drinking a lot of water , first thing in the morning , if that's the one thing you take in this video along with the sleep and the meal timing and you implement that you're going to start feeling better this week and it's going to help control your hunger , make your metabolism work better .
That is essential .
Now , once we have the sleep , the meal timing and again , we're going to cover the foods in that free one day plan below .
And we have the water .
The next thing we need to look at is actually getting some daily activity and notice they didn't say exercise again .
It's a big myth that guys believe that they need to spend hours in the gym to lose weight .
In fact , some of our programmers , you've seen the photos on the , on this video , they don't actually do formal workouts .
Yes , we have workouts , we have great metabolism boosting workouts .
I'm going tell you about those in the end of this video .
But the point is what the research shows is that a good meal plan plus good sleep , plus hydration plus 30 minutes of daily activity is enough to get you to start losing weight .
And what does daily activity mean ?
It means taking a walk and this doesn't have to be 1 30 minute walk it could be 3 10 minute walks .
It could be getting your iphone or your Samsung smartphone out and having a pedometer app on there where you're tracking your steps and you're getting 5 to 10,000 steps per day .
Get your body moving .
The research supports this .
We have something in our brains called the minimum activity threshold .
If we do not move our body enough , it turns out that our brain hunger and appetite circuits get haywire , we get hungrier .
We don't process carbs as well and let's face it .
So many of us are driving in our cars for hours per day .
We are sitting at desk jobs and we're not getting enough daily activity .
If you just get your body up and you drink your water and plus when you increase your water intake , you're going to be peeing more , you're going to be moving around more and your body is going to start burning fat automatically .
That's the key here .
We want stuff that you can sustain over the long haul .
And once you have your daily activity in now , we can talk about formal workouts .
बीस ॅ कम्प्लीटली चलते ॅ कई बार हम आधा घंटा एक घंटा या उससे भी लंबी कॉल पे जाते हैं ।
फॅमिली कॉल हम अपने काॅल्स करते हुए लेते ।
बीच में हम पहुँच भी बदलते रहते और कई बार ऐसा हो जाता है जो हमारी बॉडी के लिए सही नहीं होता ।
जाॅन की अगर यही कॉल वॉक करते हुए ले तो कितना बेनिफिट होगा ।
आप सोच सकते हो आप आधे घंटे की कॉल में डेढ सौ दो सौ ऍम कर सकते हो ।
अगर आप वॉक करते हुए ले रहे एक घंटे की कॉल में चार ऍम कर सकते हो ।
मतलब पूरे मिलके ॅ आप बंद कर सकते हो ।
सिर्फ अपने फ्रेंड से बात करते ॅ कॉल करते हैं ।
बात करते हुए वॉक करने का पता भी नहीं चलता ।
चलते ॅ मेरे उन भाई बहनों के लिए जो दारू का सेवन करते हैं ।
यू नो बीर के एक पॉइंट में ढाई सौ ॅ होती है और वोट कर के एक शॉट में सिर्फ ॅ होती है ।
So you're getting the benefit of the strength , you're doing functional movements that are good for your joints and you're getting cardio all in one that 24 minute metabolism boosting workout .
A half of your link below is one of these M RT workouts .
And the best part of these workouts is literally you can get a workout in with a pair of dumbbells around 5 to 10 ft of floor space in just 24 minutes .
And that 24 minute workout can boost your metabolism for up to 48 hours .
So imagine this , most guys who feel like they approach exercise where they're trying to burn calories .
If you just do three M RT workouts , space throughout the week .
You do it on Monday , it takes 25 to 30 minutes .
You get a metabolic boost through Tuesday .
You do it again on Wednesday , you get another spike .
You do it again .
On Friday , you get another spikes .
Your metabolism is constantly elevated because you space these M RT workouts throughout the week and again , what did I just describe it ?
90 minutes of exercise .
Look , I know you're a busy guy like me , but you can fit this stuff into your schedule .
Like the thousands of guys , 50 plus who are working with here at the FFP , you just need to know the right kinds of workouts and they're challenging , but they're short and they're going to get your body fit very , very , very fast .
Now , the next thing we can talk about is smart supplementation and I'm doing this in order , right ?
Because the sleep is more important than the meal time , which is more important than the water and then all the way down .
But supplements can help in their , but by their very nature , they're supplemental .
So unless you have your diet , your sleep and your exercise and check no supplements going to get to lose weight .
But there are some supplements that work for guys .
50 plus the main ones that we really like to get guys on in our core supplement stack that we cover in our Fit Father 30 X weight loss program for guys in their forties , fifties and sixties is a quality probiotic .
A lot of guys don't realize that your actual digestive track .
It plays a huge role into how well you burn fat , break down your food and lose weight .
And if we get the right probiotics and digestive tract , you can actually start losing weight almost automatically a high quality multivitamin , some fish oil , some vitamin D three and some quality protein powder .
Very , very , very simple supplement stack .
And notice these are not like gimmicky fat , burning 9000 pills or anything like that .
These are the core good supplements that are going to help your health long term .
But these are going to help get your body functioning better and losing weight .
And the last tip I have for you here is to understand and you probably know this intimately that weight loss is not always about the tips and the tactics .
It's often about your mindset , your discipline and your motivation .
This is as much of a behaviors game as it is about knowing the right things to do because look all know the salmon is the healthier option on the dinner menu than the burger .
But we've got to get ourselves to order the salmon and that comes down to finding your motivation and your discipline .
We spend a lot of time helping you with that here at the FIFA project .
If you choose to join our 30 day program .
We actually help you write a mission statement , which is why you want to lose weight .
And this is what we call this final tip is finding your , why .
Why for you right now , are you watching this video and seeking out advice ?
There are some reasons and I guarantee it's not just to get a better looking body .
I'm sure that might be a factor here .
But for me , reflecting my life and the thousands of guys our team has helped and we know , and we've seen literally 10,000 mission statements and they typically look something like this .
Hi , Anthony Baldus , am committed to losing £15 in the next 30 days because I want to be the strongest version of myself .
I want to be there to see my grandkids grow up .
I know that if I continue on the same path , I'm going to run into the same disease , sickness and early death that I saw my father go through and I willingly accept the cost of sleeping more , getting a meal timing , set up , drinking some more water because I know that this is absolutely essential to ensure that I get another 2030 40 50 years out of my life as opposed to dying early .
Like so many guys that could be a mission statement .
And certainly look , we want to have better looking bodies , we want to feel better , we want to move better .
We want to see our grandkids grow up .
That's what we're about here at FFP .
And so we're going to encourage you when you stick around with us .
When you get a free meal plan , when you get a free workouts , or you join our full blown fit Father 30 X program to help you get very clear on what your motivations are to write them down , to print them out , to review the , to keep yourself motivated and accountable because it's not just about the water or the push ups or eating the chicken breasts .
It's about in here .
It's about finding your why and having that motivate you and keep you on track and listen .
Also getting around a brotherhood of guys in their fifties who are all committed to doing the same thing as you , you don't have to go at this alone .
We have a proven system .
We have hundreds of videos on this youtube channel .
So listen , this is not about selling you crap .
That's why we give you our meal plan and our workout is 100% free .
We've had over 200,000 guys in their fifties , download that meal plan and we get it away for free and they write us and like this thing changed my life .
So I want to invite you to come deeper with us and I hope this video at least gave you the big picture on the things to focus on in the right order .
The message of hope I have for you is look , it's not only possible to lose weight in your forties , fifties and sixties , there's a proven path , but you got to do things differently than you might have done when you were younger .
You got to be a little more sensible .
You got to make sure you're using joint friendly exercises , being on a realistic meal plan .
You can stick to and finding your deep motivation to make sure this is not a quick fix diet but a for life transformation .
So I hope you found this valuable and you at least got one or two ideas .
Your next action step for sure is to download that free one day meal plan and we'll send it straight to your email or that 24 minute fat burning workout or check out our full blown fit .
Follow 30 X program .
It's linked below .
You can see videos and hundreds of before and after pictures of guys who have joined our programs in their fifties and they literally transformed .
If not saved their lives , we are here to help you .
I'm so happy for sticking with me in this video .
I know it's a lot , but we can make this step by step and get you a real transformation .
So thanks for being my friend .
If you like this , check out those resources below consider subscribing to our channel .
We literally have hundreds of videos on the channel and we have a group of over 100,000 guys in their fifties who are committed to living healthier .
They're below .
They hit the subscription button and check that little .
Not be .
I want to invite you to do the same .
And if you like this , give us a thumbs up , drop us a comment below .
All those free resources and guides are below .
We'll send them straight to your email and we can help you start losing weight this week .
You no longer have to continue spinning your wheels .
My team and I have the proven path and we'd love to invite you to join us here at the FIFA project .
Thank you , my friend .
I'll see you in there free resources .
I'll see you on the channel and I'll talk to you very soon .
उसी को हम कंसिस्टेंट ली करते हैं और वही हमारी ऍफ का एक पाँच बन पाता ऍम में भी हम डाॅन के साथ साथ वर्कआउट ऍम भी देते हैं ताकि सभी वॅार साइड करने की भी ॅ बिट बन सके और उनके पास एक फॅस को वो ठीक से फॉलो कर सके ।
चलते हैं अगले ऍम अगला ॅ उसके लिए है जिसको अगले दिन वर्कआउट करने का मन नहीं करता ।
एक बार करने के बाद इतना थक जाते हैं ।
डी में एक होते हैं पेन होते हैं कि हमारा फिर से वर्कआउट करने का मन नहीं करता क्योंकि हम वर्कआउट को क्लोज ठीक से नहीं करते ।
हम वर्कआउट के बाद ही एक बहुत ही इंपॉर्टेंट चीज मिस कर जाते हैं ।
उसको अंडरएस्टिमेट कर जाते हैं जो कि है पोस्ट वर्कआउट स्ट्रेचिंग ।
और हम ये बार बार सुनते हैं , पढते हैं और हर किसी से देखते हैं कि पोस्ट वर्कआउट शॅपिंग बहुत सारे बेनिफिट्स है जैसे की ॅ बिलिटी बढती है , बॉडी में ब्लड सर्कुलेशन बढता है ।
फॅमिली और ये सारे बेनिफिट्स के साथ ही हमारा अगले दिन फिर वर्कआउट करने का मन करता है ।
नहीं तो हम गिव अप कर जाते हैं और इन सब चीजों से ही हमें किसी भी वर्कआउट ॅ होते हैं ।
चलते हैं अगले ऍम मुझे याद है बचपन में जब हम कोई गेम खेलते थे , छुपम छुपाई ॅ तो कुछ टाइम के बाद हम उसे बोर हो जाते थे और उसके बाद या तो हम कोई दूसरी गेम खेलते थे या फिर उसी के अंदर हम ऍम करते थे ताकि हमारी गेम ऍम जिंग रहे और इंट्रेस्टिंग बनी रहे ।
इसी तरह हमें अपनी वेट लॉस जर्नी को भी ॅ बनाना इंट्रेस्टिंग बनाना है ताकि इसमें भी हम छक्के लगाते रहे ।
मैंने अपनी वेट लॉस जर्नी कैसे इंट्रेस्टिंग बनाया ?
नयी नयी डिशेस ट्राई करके ऍम फिक्स था उसमें इन्ग्रीडियेंट्स फिक्स क्वॉन्टिटी फिक्स थी बट उन्हीं को मैंने ऍफ ट्राइड करके क्रिएटिविटी के साथ मैंने नई डिश ॅ जैसे कि अगर ब्लॅक है और रात को पनीर है तो आइ विलटेक स्पॅाट मुँह प्लेड आइ डिड सम क्रिएटिविटी ऍम एडिट इंट्रेस्टिंग तो ये दिमाग तो आपको भी खुद ही लगना है ।
मैंने अपनी पिक बाॅक्सर साइड को भी इंट्रेस्टिंग कॅालिंग बनाया कैसे ?
स्टार्टिंग में मेरे से एक भी पुशअप नहीं लगता था ।
ऍफ की मुझे पुश अप लगाने हैं ।
लगने लग गई तो दस करने दस होने लग गई तो बीस करने बीस होने लग गए तो डाइमंड पुशअप डाइमंड के बाद ॅ क्रिएटिंग ॅ आपकी लाइफ का कोई भी गोल हो इस चीज के बिना वो पूरा नहीं हो सकता ।
और वो चीज है डिसिप्लिन जो कि आपका ऍफ नहीं ।
एक चीज है ।
अब डिसिप्लिन को पकड के कैसे रखना है वो करना है ।
फॅमिली वन नाइट बाॅस होने से पहले ऍफ लिस्ट में लिख लेती हूँ जिससे मेरा ॅ ज्यादा प्रोडक्टिव हो पाता है ।
ज्यादा डिसिप्लिन हो पाता है ।
मुझे टाइम मिलता है सारी चीजों को पूरा करने का वर्कआउट करने का तो जो भी लोग बोलते हैं हमारे पास टाइम नहीं है ।
हाँ मेकिंग आॅफ मैं बताऊँगी आप कहोगे कहना तो आसान है मगर क्या करें जब मुझे भगवान भी खुद से नहीं आते उन्हें बुलाना पडता है ।
नींद भी खुद से नहीं आती , उसे बुलाना पडता है और नींद को बुलाने के बहुत सारे तरीके ऍम इनको पीने से आपको अच्छी नींद आती है ।
आप पिलो मिस यूज कर सकते हो ।
ऍम ये सारी ॅ आपको नींद लाने में हेल्प करती है ।
आप हाइट नौं कर सकते हो जैसे कि वॉटर फॉल्स लो बेजिस सारी चीजें आपको ऍफ करेंगे ।
गुड क्वॉलिटी ॅ क्वॉन्टिटी स्लीप देने जितनी मर्जी डाइट कर लो जितनी मर्जी एक्सरसाइज कर लो जब तक इन छोटी छोटी चीजों को नहीं इम्प्लीमॅन्ट करोगे छोटी छोटी चीजों को नहीं मानोगे ना तब तक कुछ नहीं हो सकता ।
ॅ सिंग उं कम्पलीट और वॉटर इनटेक ॅ वॉटर ।
अब वॉटर इनटेक को पूरा कर कैसे करना है इसके क्रीएटिव आइडिया मैं नहीं आप मुझे दोगे काँग्रेस में बताओ कि हम किस तरह पानी की इनटेक को पूरा कर सकते हैं ।
चलते है अगले ऍम मैंने सुना था कि वेट लोस करना है ना तो ग्रीन टी बहुत कमाल की चीज है ।
इसे पीते ही आपका खाना डाइजेस्ट हो जाता है ।
बट मेरी प्रोब्लम ये थी कि मैं जैसे ही ग्रीन टी लेती थी , मेरी डाॅ रहती थी कि मुझे फिर से भूख लगने लगती थी ।
अब वेट लॉस जर्नी में वेट लूज करना था तो इसके लिए मैंने एक जुगाड निकाला स्टाॅक ग्रीन टी लाॅचिंग फोर गोइंग ॅ ।
इससे मुझे बहुत बेनिफिट हुआ ।
इसीलिए आज ऍम आपके साथ भी शेयर कर रही हूँ ।
एक तो सोने से पहले ग्रीन टी लेने से रातोंरात डैडी का भला होता नाॅन होती रही ।
ॅ वॉशरूम जाने के चक्कर में जल्दी नींद खुलती थी और पानी पीने का मौका बन जाता था ।
फॅमिली इससे नींद भी बहुत अच्छी आती थी ।
बट मेक शुर सोने से पहले जो ग्रीन टी या कोई भी हर्बल ड्रिंक आप लोग तो वो डॅाक मैंने इंडियन मम्मियों से सीखी है जो पहले सब को खिलाती है और ऍम खुद बैठ के खाती है ।
दो ।
ये कल्चर मुझे बिलकुल पसंद नहीं है ।
बट अगर किसी को डाइट कंट्रोल करना तो ये ट्रिक बहुत ही कमाल की है ।
देखो खाने का ॅ तो हम सबके साथ ही करते हैं ।
बट अगर साथ सबसे पहले करते हैं , तुम्हारी इनिंग्स काफी लम्बी खिंच जाती है ।
अगर आप की फॅमिली फॅमिली की तरह सब साथ बैठ के खाते हैं तो आप शुरुआत में फॅमिली से स्टार्ट करो और उसके बाद आप अपने मेम फॅार हो जाए ।
कुछ बोलो ना हो पाए कुछ मिस हो जाए , कुछ ऐसा खा लो जो नहीं खाना हो तो इन सब चीजों को काॅल करने का सबसे पहला स्टेप है ।
तो फॉरगिव फॅमिली मीन मूविंग हाँ , क्योंकि ऐसे तो आप हर बार गलती करोगे और हर बार खुद को फॉरगिव कर दोगे ।
फॉरगिव इसका मतलब है तो इस चीज ऍम करना कि हाँ मुझसे गलती हुई है उसके बाद उसको ॅ करना कि भाई मुझसे गलती क्यों हुई ?
उसके बाद उसके ऍम ढूंढना कि ऐसा क्या करुँगी ।
अगली बार ये गलती ना हो ऍम करना इसे कहते हैं रील फॉरगिवनेस सलूशन ॅ फॉरगिवनेस तो गाइड ये थे आपके ॅ बट पिक्चर अभी बाकी है मेरे दोस्त एक बोसॅन आपके लिए यू नो उं समथिंग इन पलव सब कंजूस माइंड क्योंकि ये आपके कोई भी गोल्ड आपको अचीव करवा सकता है ।
बट इसको यूज कैसे करना है , इसको मैंने यूज किया ।
अपनी ऍम एशिन जर्नी में विश्व लाइ कुँए मुझे बिपाशा बासु की मुँह बहुत पसंद थी ।
उनकी फिटनिस को बहुत ज्यादा ॅ करती थी ।
इसलिए इस जर्नी को स्टार्ट करने से पहले मैंने उनकी पिक्चर को अपने विशन बोर्ड लगाया ।
इंट्रस्ट मुझे बहुत हेल्प मिली तो आॅफ फॉर यू की !
अगर आपको किसी की भी फिटनिस किसी की भी मुँह पसंद है तो आप भी उसको अपने विशन बोर्ड पे लगाओ ।
मेरी आप अपनी खुद की कोई पुरानी पिक्चर आप जैसा बनना चाहते हो , उस को अपने विशन बोर्ड पे लगा सकते हो ।
बट ये विशन बोर्ड क्या है ?
वही उसको कैसे बनाना है ?
यू हाँ तो हटो ।
मेक और विशेष बोर्ड ॅ प्लस वन बोसॅन फर्मेशन जर्नी से आपने एक स्पिरिंट से निकाल निकाल के आ जा ।
आपके साथ शेर किए हैं ।
हो सकता है कि इनमें से कोई ॅ ना भी बनाए ।
बट वो मेरे अपने एक स्पिरिंट थी ।
ये सभी चीजें जिन्होंने मुझे ऍम आप में से भी बहुत लोगों को हेल्प कर सकते हैं ।
आपको सबसे अच्छा और सबसे कम का ॅ कौन सा लगा ?
वो मुझे ऍप्स में जरूर बताना ।
विडियो पसंद आयी हो तो लाइक करना मत भूलना ।
अभी तक ऍम सब्स्क्राइब नहीं करा तो फॅस क्राइब इस तरह की विडीओ मिस नहीं करनी चाहिए ।
ॅ विडीओ फिट रहो , हिट रहो