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2023-08-27 08:30:08

How To Make Clear Slime In The UK! No Pure Borax British Slime Recipes and Slime Ingredients

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Hi guys .

In today's video , I'm going to be showing you how to make clear slime in the UK with British ingredients , and I really hope that you enjoy it .

So first up , we're gonna need some clear glue .

And the clear glue I use is from purple cat education .

And I really love this because it's a one litre bottle for £3 which is cheap even for white glue .

And I just go ahead and add some to my bowl and then I grab my activators and activators I'm gonna be using today are bicarbonate of sober , which is baking soda in the US and also some eye drops .

And these have to contain boric acid .

It's really important that they contain this thing , otherwise it will not work .

This one actually contains borax as well , I think .

But you can get ones without borax if you don't like using borax , and you need to use a lot of this .

It's a really expensive method to do so .

If you can get other activators , I do recommend it , but if you're in the UK , you might not be able to , so you wanna add this gradually and then you just want to play with it in your hands .

And as you can see here , I already have a clump that's gone super hard .

And my problem with this is that it goes too hard if you keep adding your activator .

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So what you need to do before adding anyone activate it is just keep massaging the other glue that's kind of liquid into the hard glue , and this just helps to soften the slime that's already been made and make it all into one product again .

So you don't have to separate out the liquids from the hard stuff and activate it separately .

Once it reaches this stage , we can just go back in with our eye drops and our bicarbonate of soda and add it really gradually , with this specific glue , I tend to start adding activator when the slime goes stringy in my hands , because when I play with it even more for kind of like two more minutes , I do find that it hardens itself and then also when it's left for some reason , using clear slimes always go a tiny bit harder and they lose a bit of their stick .

So don't worry if it's a bit too sticky because you can always activate it at a later stage anyway , So it doesn't really matter if you want to colour your slimes .

The thing that I recommend using is icing colouring , and this is because this is really pigmented .

So you only need about three drops of this to get a really nice colour like this .

And to get your slime clear like this , all you need to do is leave it for 4 to 5 days .

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If your slime's a bit harder or you've overactivity a bit too much , you can leave it in the sun to speed this up and just melt it down a bit .

The next slime we're going to be making is slushy slime .

And I always get so many requests from this because no one knows where to buy the beads .

So today I'm going to reveal that , and we're gonna start off by making the slime in the same way we made the previous one .

So we're gonna use the same glue and the same activators .

But instead of activating it fully , we're only gonna activate it slightly because we need this to be super sticky to hold in all the beads because the biggest problem that people have with slushy slimes is the beads fall out or it hurts the hands too much .

And I always find that the reason this is is because they activate the slime way too much , and then the beads just can't stick in .

And the beads are called plastic filler beads , and you can get these on Amazon .

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This is where I get mine from , and I think they also come in some stuffed bears .

I like to add my beads at this stage , mainly because if the slime's sticky , then I know it can hold it .

But if I add too many beads when it's like Oh , just glue , then I won't know how many beads this lime can hold .

I might add too many , and it might just be a bit of a mess .

So I recommend doing it this way to just ensure that you get the maximum crunch and it's a really nice texture , and with this one , you can leave it to clear up .

But personally , I don't like to , because it's just more fun to play with it instantly , and it doesn't really clear up because the beads are wide .

But it is a beautiful little .

And I love it .

Thank you so much for watching this video .

I really hope that you enjoyed it .

And if you did , don't forget to give it a thumbs up and I'll see you next week .


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