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2023-08-27 08:24:36

A Guide to the Perfect Cold Drinks Menu - How to plus a FREE recipe guide!

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Hey guys today , I'm talking you through the cold drink menu .

We're gonna cover everything from cold brew , iced lattes , ice on blacks and , and these are the top 10 drinks you should find on a good cafe menu .

I'm gonna talk you through the way that we prepare them and our recipes .

So let's kick it off with an iced latte .

Now , often some confusion between an iced latte and an iced coffee .

So let's start here with our 2 20 mil latte glass .

Now I'm gonna need um my , I'm gonna use a single shot for this one .

Now , all of these copies are gonna be based on the artist recipe , which you can go back and watch the video .

We'll put a link below to how to prepare the artist recipe , but it is using a 21 g basket .

We've got 22.5 g of coffee in our head and our full double double shot extraction will be 45 g of yield .

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So therefore , when I'm doing my single shot , I am just using 22.5 g of coffee from one side of that double spout .

If I'm doing a double reto I'll be catching both sprouts and I'll still be getting that 22.5 g of coffee .

Now , I'm going to grab this , I'm also just gonna chuck one little cube of ice in there .

I'll catch the other side , but I'm gonna use this single shot because I'm cooling that one down .

So obviously , we're trying to avoid dropping hot coffee straight on to , into the drink and warming up the drink , which is not ideal , but you know , sometimes you can't avoid it if you're in the rush , we still want the coffee to taste great throughout this whole process .

I'm still trying to use fresh coffee but not necessarily the hottest coffee .

So while that's running , I will just get a good amount of ice in my glass .

Yeah .

Now make it look pretty .

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I'll go a little bit low tide on that one .

Grab this already pre chilled and that right there is an iced latte .

Beautiful .

I love those .

I often order those myself .

So I haven't mentioned this already .

Stick it out with me .

Keep going through these and I've got something special for you at the end of this video .

So let's just move straight on to an iced chai .

So this is a little bit different now where I've made a mix , I've just melted down some of the chai powder .

Um You can also use a chai syrup and you're basically just wanting it to be nice and chilled and preprepared .

I've got that ready to go .

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So again , I'll just chuck some ice in my glass , top her up with milk and then I can go straight over the top with my beautiful and sweet , nice little chilled drink for your summer .

So let's jump straight over and do a nice turmeric again .

A bit of an odd one .

But , you know , something quite different if you're looking for a point of difference in your cafe .

So we sell a golden Turmeric .

Uh It's Alchemy brand .

Um All of these products you can buy through us .

If you have an AUM account , you can connect to us and order these products through us as well .

But we've tried and tested these , we love them .

They're great products .

So , um and a lot of our wholesale cafe partners are using them as well .

And obviously , when we go into summer , everyone stocks up to be able to make these , you know , unique drinks on their menu .

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So , again , just for the customer's experience , we're always chasing that .

When you put that cup down on the table , you want it to look beautiful .

If you've got the opportunity to grab a tasting card that you can put with that um that coffee that you're serving or the drink , and therefore you'll be able to give that customer even better experience of what they're tasting .

So there we go .

Now let's jump straight into cold brew , so cold brew , we obviously have to prepare prior to making the drink on the spot , which makes it a great drink , a great cold drink for any menu because you can preprepare it .

You could even have it ready to serve on the spot as a customer orders and speed up your service for us .

We have a range of different brewing devices that we use and we , we sell these in cold drip .

You've got your brewer system that is a puck puck attachment um that goes onto your AO .

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So if you have an air , you can turn your air into a co brew device and it's amazing .

So I've also go unprepared here .

I've got an Ethiopian uh gui in here that's been chilling .

There's more , there's more videos on our , on our recipes for these .

So I won't go into um how to brew those right now .

But obviously having them pre prepared is gonna be key to success on the cold brews , but it's very simple .

We just have that ready to go .

You just top that up straight on top of that ice and that is your culberry .

So one drink that we don't come across a lot would be the iced long black .

And there again , a lot of confusion around this one .

But basically , you're preparing a long black um chilled cold water ice .

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Now I'm just gonna prepare some ice in this shot glass because I'm gonna put my double reto shot straight on top of that ice and start chilling it .

I will also just prep this as well .

So while this is , I'll get my shot on in a second , but I've got a good amount of ice there , I'd use some chilled , chilled water to just have that ready to go and we'll get that double of straight , straight on for that .

Now , I'm using our Champion blend here , but again , you could , you can change it up , go to a single origin and have that better experience for the customer , you know , change the range of flavor that they're going to get .

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Alright , so ice on black .

Good to go M to four and I would just sit that straight over the top .

Again , you maintain that creer .

It is nice and fresh , fresh in there and that is an iced long black .

Now , all of these recipes are obviously based on our small size .

Should you go to a large , if you wanna do a big one , if you're doing a takeaway , you wanna go in like a 500 mil um takeaway cup .

Obviously , you can increase the recipes much like you would have a small coffee , single shot , a double ache .

You can just go up to your double shot all your triples .

But I always encourage all of our , all of our cafe partners and everyone watching to taste everything .

If you want to get the best experience for your customer , you've got to taste them .

You should know what they taste like when you're selling them .

But also just to get your ratios right .

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So again , these are the right ratios for our recipe .

The 2 20 mil glass , the 1 70 mil um tulip cup there .

So try and test it all tastes delicious .

Now everyone should know an arigato .

But how do we make it here at artist ?

We are simply dropping a double shot straight on top or a double shot that I'm gonna pour over the top of ice-cream .

Nice creamy vanilla ice cream .

So I'll get that shot started .

Yeah , so this one there's obviously more you know we know it is like a dessert kind of drink but beautiful on a hot , hot day again .

Change the experience with the nice um iced drink .

Where am I going ?

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Alright , I'm gonna drop this over a straight on top of some ice again actually .

Now what I've done a double reto bar that's not what I want .

I'm gonna drink that one anyway , but I actually want a double shot .

So let's do a double shot .

That's what I get trying to do many things at once again .

I'm also not gonna chill my glass cos I don't want that ice in there .

I'm getting caught up on all the other drinks .

I'm just gonna go , I'm gonna go straight into my life into that pilo glass .

Now .

Yes , I will probably get comments about people saying that you're leaving Cremer behind on the PLO glass .

I understand that that is a part of the process , but I also want to not completely melt this ice cream prior to , prior to serving it .

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So let's , let's make sure that the whole experience is great .

It's nice and warm here in Australia .

So our ice cream is already melted for us .

There's plenty of ice cream .

I went for one scoop .

I probably ended up with uh more than one scoop .

I've got a double shot of ice cream .

I'm gonna pour that straight on top .

Now , that is beautiful .

To be honest , I could have backed off on the ice cream a little bit .

I like ice cream .

So I'd be pretty stoked if I got that as an avocado in , in a cafe .

Nice full double espresso , 45 g of liquid .

It's such a good experience for the customer and they'll love that .

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So that is our small drinks because now we're gonna move on to our iced mocha , our iced coffee and iced chocolate and then do a , so let's move over and we're gonna prepare an iced coffee .

So I've got a 500 mil um tall glass here .

I'm gonna start by putting a good amount of ice in the bottom of this glass .

Cos what I wanna do is is obviously make sure it's chilled , but get the , get the ice cream scoop to the top of the surface .

I'm gonna serve this with a straw and a spoon .

So I'm gonna sneak them in there early .

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I could have put them in the starter , but sneak them in there early now just to make this video a little bit faster and cheat a little bit myself .

I'm just gonna , um , prepare this one .

But if I was doing an iced chocolate , I'd be doing the same thing I'd be making .

Um , I'd just be putting a drizzle of chocolate around the outside .

I'm gonna need a double shot for this one as well .

So I'll just get that ready while I talk .

But basically , if I was making nice chocolate , I would have done this same process .

I would have just put a little drizzle of chocolate around the outside and poured that chocolate straight on top and that would be my iced chocolate .

Now , same process again .

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Well , I'm gonna turn this iced coffee into an iced mocker so you can see that right .

You'll notice obviously I'm a little bit low tide on , on that cos I've got to fit the coffee in .

The last thing you want to do is fill up with milk and , and then you're gonna run out of room for your , for your coffee .

Beautiful , cool .

So there's our double espresso coming in again for the customer's experience .

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We wanna make sure that they're getting a beautiful looking espresso pouring through that milk and they get that experience and I can top that off a little bit of drizzle and Choy on top there .

So that to me is a delicious iced coffee .

Now , like I said , if I hadn't put the chocolate , the coffee in there and I just put some chocolate around the outside and I put a drizzle of chocolate um all through it .

I'd be making an iced chocolate .

Now , I can turn this into an iced mocha just by adding that chocolate .

Now , this is curly chocolate that we sell and we use here .

It's in our shakers for our cappuccinos .

We use it for our hot chocolates , but we also melt that down and put it into a pump bottle .

So when we're busy , we're not always mixing little trick for you .

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But um basically I can now just that is an ice Tomoka .

Now , obviously a customer's gonna get that , they're gonna mix that through and experience that whole thing .

But for you , as much as you're tempted to mix that through for them , for the drinking experience , they will do that .

You can send it out looking beautiful like that .

So that is now an iced mocha moving on to our coffee frappe .

Now these can again , a little bit of work .

So what we're gonna do is just get our ice ideally , you know , partly crushed ice is , is helpful .

Big ice cubes can be , can be challenging .

Now , a fr is , is predominantly ice .

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It's not going to be um not really supposed to be a super milky drink , but I do put some , a little bit of ice cream in there .

A little bit of milk and that coffee .

Now I'm gonna use this .

Now , I'm gonna put a fresh shot on for this one .

So again , I will use a full double shot espresso in this , that 45 g of yield .

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Great .

Like I said , predominantly icy .

Leave them out cool .

I'm gonna snake a little bit of ice cream in there .

Of course , you know , you do it your way .

This is how we do it here .

It tastes great .

So we've got a double shot gonna that straight in there .

So gonna make sure that I've got plenty of ice because that's the , that's gonna be the main thing for me because it's gonna make it really icy and you want that consistency .

You're not making an iced coffee milkshake .

Essentially .

We want the ice to be the dominant thing here .

So you know what , I'm just gonna make sure I've got plenty of ice just using a Nutribullet .

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Nice and simple obviously is far bigger and better blenders that we could be using .

But you go see , I want lots of ice in there .

But the challenge is to make sure you've got enough liquid to make sure you've got a good amount of good a man in there .

See , we're close , I'm just gonna top up a little bit just so I can make sure that it's gonna get out of there .

But for me , I want this to be nice and icy .

Let's go one more time .

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Wonderful .

All right , here we go .

Yeah .

Oh big jug skinny glass .

But this is , is what we want .

We want this to be this .

Now , I will say like if you're a bit of a sweet tooth and you want to make any of these sweeter , of course , you can always sneak a little squirt of vanilla in there .

Look at the mess I'm making .

It's alright .

It's all good fun .

You can always sneak a bit of vanilla in there .

A bit of caramel , anything you like just to just to sweeten it up .

But for me , we wanna make sure that we do maintain that that coffee flavor and we're not , you know , changing the cof flavor of the coffee too much and that right there .

I think I'm gonna need that spoon .

Syringa .

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I think that is that for me it's a tasty coffee .

Now , if once we've got our iced mocha iced coffee , iced chocolate .

They are the 10 main drinks I would love to see on everyone's good coffee menu .

The other thing that you could do that I um wanted to add was there's no reason that you can , can't get creative .

You could buy coffee drip bags like this and it will pour over bags , take the top off , brew , brew this coffee drip bag , put it in the fridge and then chuck it in your favorite takeaway cup to bring it out of the fridge when you want just for home .

Um So there's plenty of ways to drink cold coffee .

You can chill it .

You're just trying to maintain the flavor .

So that's another quick one , guys , they are all the drinks , but stick around .

I've got something for you .

So we've done this before with our hot drinks menu .

So if you haven't got this before , you can see the hot drinks menu .

But I have created this PDF , this downloadable , I'll put a link to it below .

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You should be all going to grab this PDF so that you and your staff can make all of these drinks in your cafe .

Make sure that everyone's on the same page being consistent .

Every customer gets the same drink and that's why we're big on these um PDF S and we want to make sure everyone's making the best coffee they can if you've got any questions or if you've got ideas for cold drinks or something special that you make in your cafe , maybe that you would like to see more in cafes , put them in the comments below .

We replied to everything and we love to see the community grow .

Um Hit the like button .

If you haven't already subscribed to the channel , there's always new content coming out guys .

I appreciate you watching this video and I'll see you next time .

Thanks .


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