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2023-08-25 07:28:22


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Now I'm going to take the beige color sand and I'm pouring that into a bowl .

Then I'm going to drizzle the slime inside and basically the sand is going to cling onto the slime and you just wanna keep working with it to add in more sand .

The slime does have a gritty texture to it .

Of course , this slime is so , so stretchy and it's super fun to play with .

This is probably one of my most favorite slimes I've ever made .

And I'm not even kidding you guys at the dollar store .

I found this container .

It was a pack of 10 for like a dollar and I thought it would be perfect for this lime combination .

So I'm filling half of the container with the sands , lime and half of it with the clear water .

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One I'm in love with how this one turned out .

I think it looks really pretty .

And after that , what I did is I thought I would add like these little seashells that I got again from the dollar store .

The next lime that I'm making is popcorn slime .

So I'm adding about one cup of glue in a bowl .

Then I'm going to add a few drops of yellow food coloring and give that a quick mix .

After that I added in the baking soda and contact solution .

Now , one of the things I quickly wanted to mention is that if you want , you could make a butter slime recipe , um It would kind of like go with the popcorn , but I personally wanted the slime to be runny and sticky just because I feel like once you add in the styrofoam , it does tend to get very thick and it's kind of hard to play with .

So that's why I wanted the slime to be kind of runny .

Instead .

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I really hope that makes sense .

I had this styrofoam block that I got in the mail from a package and I broke it into small little pieces .

I put that in a bowl and then I'm drizzling the slime on top .

Again , the styrofoam is going to cling onto the slime just like the sand .

I think this popcorn slime looks pretty legit .

It also has a nice crunchy sound to it and it's super fun to play with .

The next time that I'm making is kind of inspired by cotton candy .

So , what I did is I took one cup of glue and I'm pouring that into a bowl .

I'm going to add a little bit of shaving foam .

Then I added in a few pumps of body lotion .

I really don't know if that made a difference , but it smelled good .

I'm mixing that all in .

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So I wanted to add in the food coloring before I add in the baking soda , but I kind of forgot here .

So I added the baking soda first and now I'm adding the food coloring .

It doesn't really make a difference .

But I mean , I was filming a video so I was like , I should do it this way because I wanted to kind of show it to you guys .

I don't really know what I'm trying to say .

Now I'm adding in the contact solution .

I'm mixing that in and then I'm going to add more contact solution and keep mixing until it's not sticky anymore .

And there is the completed line .

Now I'm going to make a blue color as well .

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So I'm going to do the same exact steps except this time I'm adding in blue food coloring as a kid .

I always loved cotton candy .

So I thought I'd use that as inspiration for the colors of this line .

The final slime that I'm showing you is the metallic gold one .

So for this one , I'm taking a bowl and I'm adding in one bottle of clear glue .

I'm adding half a teaspoon of baking soda to get that metallic finish .

I'm using pearl powders that I got from Amazon .

You can also find these at Michael's .

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If you don't have pearl powders , you can also use metallic paint , which personally , I do prefer the paint more than the pearl powders just because I think that you're able to really build up the metallic finish .

I'm not really sure if I was supposed to dump in the entire jar inside , but I did add a pretty decent amount of the powder as per usual , I'm adding contact solution a little bit at a time .

It definitely does have that pearl finish to it as you can see .

Maybe I'm like , kind of mixing the two things together for some reason .

But anyway , now I'm taking some Hexagon glitters and I'm also adding that into this line and that is pretty much it for today's video .

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Let me know in a comment which slime was your favorite .

I hope you guys are having a fantastic day so far .

I love you so much and I will see you in my next one .

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Come on , I'm gonna let you just let , let me try and fix the , just cut , cut the more sharing cream , the prettier .

Mine will be .

Oh , could you just quit the challenge .

No , no , no , no .

Watch Paul .

Just stop .

Ok .

I'm ready .

Mom .

Give it to me .

All right , for the next round .

I want you guys to make this line pretty .

There's yours .

There's your gosh , this is even worse than the last .

It looks like like somebody puked in a bottle and then put glitter in it .

You know what I can fix this ?

I know not to use green this time , but I'll fix it .

What color is this ?

Ok , let's give you a hard one , but let's go get our supplies guys .

I'm first .

Ok , guys , I'm not making the same mistake as last time .

Guys .

I'm thinking about what I'm putting in this line .

White clay , we fix it and definitely not green clay .

Uh You know what ?

I have an idea , pig me will fix it .

I'll take this giant bag of pigment right here .

That'll definitely fix it .

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Oh , I know .

I just glitter .

I put it pretty glitter and it's gonna make it pretty , pretty and I'm gonna take brown , not green .

I'm ready for this .

Let's do it .

Ok , guys this time .

Um , I'm gonna , I'm gonna use some clay still , but I'm just trying to get a little bit of white clay just to whiten it out so I can kind of like make it better .

I , I don't know , I'm just gonna put a little bit of clay and then I'm gonna put some foam because I feel like it might look really cool .

So I think it has red glitter and I have no idea .

It looks like it's brown , but I have no idea what color it is .

So when I put the clay , it's probably gonna turn pink .

So I guess I'll just add , you know , pink and purple and blue Foy .

I think that should be good .

Ok , I'm gonna get some blue fo me and some purple foam beads , add some pink foamy Perfecto and then to top it off , I'm gonna get some marshmallow and we mix it all up .

Oh , that looks so pretty .

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Yes , this is gonna look so good guys .

Ok , so I got my click my full beats and hm should I get something else ?

I don't know because Paul got a lot of stuff but it didn't turn out so good .

So you know I'm gonna get one more thing .

I want to get some sprinkles .

I think I'm gonna put these 1 50 that matches my whole thing going on .

Ok , guys , I think I'm ready .

I'm super excited .

I really hope I , I do good on this because this limp looks horrible .

Amira .

How long you take ?

Finally ?

And that's all you got again .

I got a lot more stuff than you .

It's gonna definitely turn out prettier .

Ok .

You said that last time and look what happened to you .

So yeah , Paul .

Ok .

So first I'm gonna add my clay me too .

Wait a minute .

That was my idea .

Well , I didn't know clay mixing .

I'm not satisfying .

I'm just fast worker .

Ok .

My turn .

Ok .

I'm adding some clay .

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I'm not adding all of it though .

Oh , what is this color ?

Oh , jeez .

No , this doesn't , this didn't turn out like a good color .

What is that ?

What ?

Oh , this doesn't go along with my phone bead .

This is a lot worse than I thought .

Oh no .

Ok .

Oh my gosh .

What is this ?

I'm adding my whole clay now , you know what ?

I'm gonna put my brow because my brow has gotta fix everything .

Ok guys , this looks horrible .

I wish I would have gotten some food curry or something .

We're gonna add my phone meats .

Hopefully it just looks like my phone beats .

It doesn't match .

Oh no guys .

I think my brown is working out pretty good .

I'm making it look like some kind of brownie batter .

This is gonna be awesome .

I think mine looks fantastic .

Ok ?

It looks like unicorn cake batter and I'm gonna add some sprinkles and it's gonna look fantastic .

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Oh , look at how pretty look at , look at how pretty .

Oh , it looks pretty good .

Oh , you know what it looks like ?

Unicorn rights crispy .

It's unicorn rice crispy guys .

Mm Come on , you can think how to make this awesome .

How do I make this pretti or it's pretty pretty already .

Look you guys I know I'll just give it a name .

It's a unicorn rice crispy .

You want my unicorn rice crispy ?

That one's ugly Amira .

Look at my beautiful cinnamon bun batter .

Cinnamon bun batter .

Look at it .

The little red pieces are cinnamon and then and then it's better and it's cinnamon um cinnamon gross batter .

No , no Amira .

It is pretty .

It is beautiful .

I love it .

I'm gonna have to say it does look pretty good but I don't think it looks as good as my unicorn rice crispy .

I think mine is better .

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I check how is pigment gonna show in brown butter slime .

That's a waste of pigment .

I should arrest you for using pigment in such a horrible way .

Guys .

Come over here .

Tell me if this prettier than this .

I don't know .

I think it looks the same except this one's just more red .

I'm just gonna keep it like that .

OK ?

I'm ready for my final submission .

I'm ready for my final submission .

Am R All right .

Go .

OK .

So we have my unicorn rice crispy .

I here's famous unicorn crispy .

So here's my unicorn rice crispy .

Looks delicious .

This one is gonna top it off guys .

Watch this .

I'm gonna actually do some good AM R because I have to win this round .

Oh Look at that .

It spreads like butter .

I can spread too .

OK ?

No .

And it's , I don't know .

Imagine this is a batter that's about to go in the oven .

Mm Yummy and look look Look , this is the proof that I'm going to win this challenge .

OK ?

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There's little marshmallows .

If you wait long enough , they go on top but I wanna put them on top for you .

OK ?

Look at that marshmallows .

That means it's hot cocoa .

Now it's not just batter but it's hot cocoa batter .

Cinnamon taste .

What about this ?

Mine has sprinkles on top of the rice crispy .

That , that , that , that , that's not good pretty .

It's hot cocoa .

You love hot cocoa .

Choose mine .

All right guys .

No , you want it .

Let me , let me touch it because this is going to be a hard decision guys .

This is like so buttery and I like the fact that it has the marshmallows and everything but then Amira , it's so colorful and cool .

Well , I think , I think I'm going to give it to Paul this time .

Oh yes , I wish .

Yeah , I don't know .

I think they're both pretty nice .

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So I mean , I'm giving it to Paul but maybe , you know , you guys can also comment down below what you guys think or if you guys think it was right come down .

If you think that she made the right decision , I think definitely won this because this was a hard decision for me because they're both like nice .

I gave it to Paul rice crispy .

I think they're both pretty cool .

OK , mom , I'm ready for the next slide .

Give it to me .

I'm gonna win again .

And I'm gonna win the whole competition .

This is the third and final round guys .

It's gonna decide our fate for the whole challenge .

I really hope I win .

I'm pretty sure I'm gonna win because I'm gonna really think hard about this one .

So let's do this .

Give us the slime mom .

All right , guys .

There's yours , Amira ?

There's yours , Paul ?

All right , guys make this line pretty .

Ok .

Oh , my gosh .

Why is there candy in here ?

I , I don't know .

I just thought you guys might like some candy .

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What is that ?

Is this shaving cream ?

Oh , there's a kinder egg .

Oh , that's nice .

That's not that bad .

Let me see .

There's a kinder egg .

Is it ?

It's chocolate inside .

Oh yeah , that about that , that one that , that was for me .

Thank you .

Well , there's still one more and I'm taking it .

Ok ?

That was good .

What is , what is this ?

It looks horrible .

Yeah , so you guys can fix it and make it all pretty and nice .

Are you guys so excited ?

I don't know if I can be excited about this but I'm winning this .

I'm confident .

OK .

I think I have an idea on how to fix this guys .

I really hope it works though .

Ok ?

I go get my ingredients .

OK , guys .

So what I'm gonna do is I'm going to make the slime jiggly .

OK .

So I'm obviously I'm gonna get this slime to put in this bucket and I'm gonna put some water and I'm just gonna mix it so that maybe it can get a bit clearer .

And then guys , this is give me my secret ingredient .

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I'm gonna add gold pigment .

I really hope it works guys .

It , if , if my analysis is correct , it should make a nice roast gold , jiggly slime .

So I hope it really works .

But we're also gonna get some gold glitter , you know , just in case I don't know , something bad happens .

So we got to fill it up with that and uh maybe something else let me think .

Is there anything else I can use ?

We're going to get some extra fine gold glitter .

OK ?

And then let's go over here and if all goes bad guys , uh I'm just gonna get some blue clay in case it does not work .

I'll just put some blue clay and hopefully it'll turn like purple or something .

But let's do this .

OK , guys .

Uh I know what to do .

I don't know what to do .

I need help .

Uh Freaking out guys .

Got it .

I wanna get shaving cream because that fixed my really ugly one last time and , and I wanna get , I wanna get you look pretty microphone beads .

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Wait a minute .

Shaving cream , microphone beads that doesn't really go together .

I'm just gonna get microphone beats .

Yeah , I'm , I'm thinking this time guys , I'm gonna win this time .

This right glitter is gonna definitely do it .

No , it's not gonna do it .

Uh , this purple glitter is gonna do it and , uh , yeah , I'm gonna get this and I'm gonna get this and , and I wanna get this .

Yes .

And I wanna get that yellow thing right there .

I'll do it .

I gotta get one more thing .

Activator just in case my slime starts to get a little wet .

Where's Paul ?

I don't know .

Maybe he quit the trolley there he is .

I guess I just get a head start on my slide .

Ok , I'm gonna start making it jiggly .

Ah , finally .

Ok .

Yes , I got everything I need to succeed in this job .

Oh , Paul .

Ok , let's do this .

I'm trying to fix some really bad slime and it's gonna work .

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Yellow with purple .

What kind of monster are you smart one ?

Let it snow and fix this for me .

All right .

Kind of looks like guts .

I'm ready to win this challenge .

Let's mix it and see what we got here .

Ok .

Let's see .

Do you guys think it's gonna turn out good when I mix it ?

Uh , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no , no .

Don't say it yet .

Give me a chance .

Just give me a chance .

Don't say it just yet .

Ok .

All right .

Let's , let's just let him work .

Ok ?

Well , my slime move on to a mirror .

It's definitely melting .

So I'm gonna add some activator and I hope that it helps it .

Can you spare me some activator , please ?

Oh , thank you could you spare me some shampoo or soap ?

Yes .

Go ahead .

Take some my hands a little full right now .

Adding some foam soap that I definitely had and I didn't steal from Paul because I kind of overactivity my time .

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Oh , mine was activated the whole time .

Yeah .

Uh-huh Paul .

Ok .

Now it's time for me to add some gold pigment .

Um uh I'm gonna add my gold pigment now and I'm sure that will help my slime .

Mine looks like guts .

What is wrong with this lime gold pigment ?

And they just fix everything right ?

Oh look how pretty it's a little over activated but it's ok .

As long as it's pretty it's fine right ?

Ready as soon as it's done mixing it's gonna be the the prettiest slime ever .

Oh my gosh .

What happened to your stop looking at it ?

What is this ?

Alright .

Mine is all gold .

Now look at it .

It looks whoa .

Ok .

And now I'm gonna add some gold glitter .

Oh my gosh .

That was way too much Paul .

What are you doing ?

What ?

I'm just adding some glue .

You know what the rules don't say ?

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I can't add different ingredients .

But did you collect that ingredient ?

Yes , I collected that ingredient and I just saw you .

It was right there I guess technically he did collect it .

Huh ?

He just went down there and got it .

Ok .

Well I'm all doing my slime .

It's a nice beautiful jiggly gold slime .

Look at it .

All right .

Who ?

It's not very stretchy but yeah , it's very , very nice , little bit of tender loving care .

Like some , um , glue .

It can look fantastic , but it just needs a massage right now .

How's yours looking , Paul ?

It's looking great .

Thank you .

I just need to mix it .

You don't have to look at it just yet .

Just don't look at it just .

Oh , ok .

Well , I'm all done with my slime .

I think it looks fantastic .

Um , I love it .

It's better than I imagined .

Like , honestly , like I didn't have to use emergency clay .

Um , uh , Paul .

Are you gonna show yours ?

Um , here it is .

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Uh , what is that , Paul ?

What ?

It's slide ?

Oh , wait , hold on .

Don't touch it .

It's not , it's not to touch , it's to play well , I guess you can touch it but it's just to catch , look , watch , catch .

000 , what is that Paul ?

Catch him here ?

Hey , you dropped my slime .

All right .

Well , um , I think we should see .

Here's my , they look now .

Very nice , jiggly , um , gold .

Oh , I love the color of Mirra and it is very jiggly .

Hm .

See I've made so sparkly .

Oh , it's beautiful .

Right .

Yeah .

All right .

Let me see yours now , Paul Paul .

Here it is .

All right .

Can you play with it ?

Yeah .

All right .

Um , well , it's a ball .

Ok .

This is Am Ro .

Ok .

Is that a new style or ?

Yeah .

Oh , here May I catch and pass it around ?

This is AM r time .

Oh Come on .

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I think it's falling apart .

I think I deserve to win on this one guys .

Hashtag Tira , I mean , look at this beauty .

It's all golden and stuff .

It looks fantastic .

Sure .

It's a little stiff but it's fun .

All right .

Well , I think I should make my decision now , this one is not going to be hard at all .

So there's false pretty .

Yeah , there's beautiful .

Yeah , so I think um I choose Amira .

Oh my God .

Yes , I knew it .

Look at how pretty it is .

How could you that Jesus .

Oh , it looks amazing .

You know what I'm gonna admit , Amira .

That one , that one you do win .

Yes , they did this .

But Martin is fun to play with .

It's a ball catch .

Come on .

Ok .

Look guys , you guys call , tell you think she made the right decision or who you thought won this challenge .

I think I won this challenge .

My fun looks really good .

All right guys .

Well , that is different .

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It is when you make sure you guys comment down below what you think our new game app is gonna be and yeah , fun .

It's gonna be fun .

Yeah , it's gonna be fun .

What do you guys think it's specifically gonna be ?

Alright guys .

So I really hope I see you next time .


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