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2023-08-26 15:04:09


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Hey guys , it's me JSH Diy and welcome back to my channel in today's video .

We are going to be testing out no glue slime recipes to make slimes out of ingredients like candle brownie mix and toothpaste .

I'm so shocked because we are about to hit 2.3 million on it .

So to kick off somewhere , I'm going to you give away a blue iphone 13 alongside a phone case and some slime .

So if you would like to be entered , all you have to do is be subscribed , watch this video till the end like this video and comment down .

I'm not sure yet how long this giveaway is going to last .

So keep checking in on my channel and I will keep you guys all updated first slime .

I'm gonna be showing you guys how to make today .

Is this soft soap , antibacterial hand soap slime starting off .

I added some of it into a container and then I sprinkled on some salt .

Then I added some of this resume shampoo and then I mixed everything together until it was jiggly in text added also a little bit more salt so that it could get a little bit thicker in texture .

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I mix everything together for about five or six minutes until everything was fully combined .

And I put this into the refrigerator for four days .

After four days , the slime was really cold and the slime was fully done because the salt fully dried out the shampoo and the soap and it was a super good icy cold slime .

To again , next recipe we're going to be testing out is diy dish soap , no glue clear slime .

They recommend using the Dawn dish soap , Platinum .

So that is what I got just to follow this recipe and they said , pour some of the Dawn dish soap into an airtight container .

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And then next , the other ingredient you're going to be needing is salt and you're supposed to just add in a small spoon of salt into the Dawn dish soap and you're supposed to mix it all the way in thoroughly .

I have actually never made any sort of slime with this dish soap before .

So I wasn't sure what to expect , but it's slightly activated after mixing it in .

And then I let this sit for three or four days and I wasn't sure what to expect .

But after taking off the lid , I noticed it was super goopy and had turned into slime .

Oftentimes dish soap , slimes can sometimes be on the thinner side .

So I was super happy with this texture because this is the exact texture of a good Dawn dish soap slime .

If you wanna make this recipe , just be sure to add the right amount of salt .

I would recommend starting with about a half a teaspoon at a time until you kind of get a jiggly activated texture .

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And then don't worry if it doesn't feel fully activated because after you let it sit , it seems to thicken up a little bit more .

So this recipe was a success .

This next some recipe that we are going to be testing out is something I have never seen before .

And this is a brownie cream cheese slime .

This recipe says that you can make slime using a brownie mix and all you're going to be needing to make .

This apparently is a mixture between brownie batter and also some tapioca for this recipe .

You will also be needing three tablespoons of granulated wax for texture as well as foaming hand recipe says that you need to add in an even amount of the tapioca starch as you've already added in of the brownie batter .

So I just added in an even amount of those two powders and then I started mixing them together with some foaming hand soap .

Now , this recipe says that it makes a cream cheese slime which I don't know if you guys remember those , but this is what those look like .

They're kind of a spread glossy slime .

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Now , I'm not sure if this recipe is supposed to use the brownie mix as kind of a gimmick or if it's supposed to make it kind of a brownie themed slime .

But I don't see if there's any sort of ingredients in there that could possibly transform this texture .

But I just continued to add in foaming hand soap until it started to kind of clump up into a ball was also a big concern because I know for sure there is sugar inside of the brownie mix , which sugar is oftentimes not the best ingredient to work with .

As I continued adding in the foaming hand soap that it felt more like a sticky dough that had a little bit more of a slime like consistency than just a normal powdery kind of flour dough , which was interesting since I got everything super well combined .

I added in a ton of foaming hand soap because I noticed as I was adding it , it felt more and more slime like .

And I think this has to do with the tapioca Starch .

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Tapioca Starch is I was just adding like than just a dough .

So I just continued in foaming hand soap .

And once it got to a super liquidy state , I decided to put this in the microwave because I know when you add liquid to Tao Starch and microwave it , it always makes slime .

So I microwaved it and it came back a little bit more sticky .

So I decided to add in a bit more tapao starch .

But I did notice after taking it out of the microwave , it did feel really slime like .

So I just mixed that tapioca starch in which actually took a really long time to do .

Surprisingly .

And after getting it mixed in the color kind of lightened up just because I added it in a lot more white .

But this was the consistency I got , it was kind of like a super , super dense place line but different at the same time because it was made out of tapioca .

Surprisingly , it didn't really have much of a scent despite using the brownie batter .

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And I think that this just had to do with the tapioca starch kind of covering up .

But overall , I think this worked , I just don't know if exactly this is how the texture was supposed to fully turn out because it was supposed to be like a cream cheese lime where the slime that I ended up with was more of a super dense corn starch kind of no loose lime .

So I feel like this would have worked in theory if I maybe changed the ratio of foaming soap I used or maybe didn't microwave it , but I'm not exactly sure .

So let me know in the comments below what you guys think of the brownie batter slime recipe .

It's always ask me for no edit , clear slime .

So today we're gonna be making a dish soap , clear slime recipe without any sort of edit with this recipe .

I'm going to be combining water with the seventh generation clear dish soap .

This dish hope is fully clear and it activates extremely quickly when you add any sort of salt to it .

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So starting off , I'm just adding a little bit of water and then on top of the water , I just pour it on some of this dish soap , which is going to be the main ingredient for this recipe .

Then next , you are going to be needing to add some salt and I like to add a little bit at a time .

But for this recipe , you do need quite a lot of salt .

So you just wanna add some and mix it up and instantly you will see something really cool happen .

And that is that it's slowly going to activate the soap .

Basically tell that this is not just like activating glue and borax because it looks completely different than if you were activating glue and borax .

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Then after mixing , I added the lid in order to let this clear up , I let this sit for , I think it was about a week and I wasn't sure exactly how this was going to be , although I knew for sure the dish .

So we used thickened up so much after making it .

So I was pretty positive this one was going to turn out pretty well .

But here is how this recipe turned out .

You guys can see it's super crystal clear and also it's very thick .

So I'm just gonna let you guys enjoy the slime sounds and just watch the clips .

I lost .

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Now , I had never tried this candle slime recipe before .

But today we're gonna be testing this out to see if this works for this recipe .

You're going to be needing a AUA based candle , which is something I've never heard of before , but I got this one at Target that said a something .

And what you're going to be needing to do first is you need to melt the candle .

Next two ingredients you're going to be needing are Jell O and also cold water , which I just took this bottle of water out of the fridge for this .

So starting off , you're going to , you need to pour a little bit of jello mix into a container and also you're going to pour a little bit of that cold water and you're not supposed to mix it , which is odd .

And then you're supposed to pour some of your melted candle wax into this mixture .

After that , you're supposed to actually start to mix everything up .

And I instantly noticed it was congealing and actually solidifying to kind of be this semi transparent look , which was interesting , but you're supposed to just mix it up as much as you can .

And then , and it's the most important thing about this recipe is actually just the way you put it together .

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So the order that you put the Jell O and then the water and then the candle wax is the most important part , but it seems like there might not be that many ways to mess this recipe up .

It's just kind of combining the jello , mix the water and also the candle wax .

And after it was starting to cool down , it did become a less transparent , but I just tried to get it as mixed as I could .

And then I let this sit to cool down once it's cooled down is when you can really see the texture of it , especially as the jello can kind of set in and solidify .

But this is kind of what you get .

It's kind of like a ball of slime and you can try to microwave this in order to get some of the little waxed beads out a little bit more , but it takes a little bit of time .

So just be patient with it .

This if you're trying to get it to be one fully consistent texture .

Despite there being sugar in the jello , which could make for a super sticky slime , the wax actually kind of eats up a lot of that stickiness because of the dryness of the wax .

So this is kind of the perfect formula for a no glue at home .

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Easy slime wasn't really sure how this is going to do after sitting just because of the nature of the sugar inside of that jello .

But I decided to divide it into two containers .

One that I later on did a bunch of intervals on the microwave to try to get a little bit more consistent in texture .

And then the other one I just let sit out without a lid to see how that would react .

But the one thing I noticed about microwaving this mixture more is that it will become a little bit stickier .

And I think this has to do with the Jell O and also the water , but it did become consistent in texture and the way that there was no little beads of wax .

And the other one also was pretty good still .

So this recipe was super cool and I'm super impressed with this candle wax lime to share idea of I hack to make any sort of slime using toothpaste .

And that is it for the slime , you're going to be needing a toothpaste that contains baking soda and that is it , it doesn't matter what kind of toothpaste it is as long as there's baking soda in it .

And you're also going to be needing something off in a bowl .

You're going to need to add in some toothpaste that contains baking soda .

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I'm gonna be making a really big batch .

So I'm going to be adding in quite a bit of the baking soda , toothpaste .

But if you're making a smaller batch of slime , you're not going to be needing as much taste .

So just keep that in .

Now , the secret to this recipe is that there is baking soda inside of the toothpaste because that is going to be our activator later .

But after adding the toothpaste , you're going to need to add in some water .

It doesn't really matter the temperature , but you don't need any sort of like hot water or cold water , just any little bit of water .

You're gonna need to mix the toothpaste into the water until you get a fully consistent liquid with absolutely no chunks of undissolved toothpaste .

Once you have fully mixed up your toothpaste water mixture , you're going to need to add in a shampoo of your choice .

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It does not really matter what shampoo you're going to be adding , but I'm just using this swath strawberry shampoo and you want to mix this into the toothpaste liquid and instantly it's going to start to act , you may notice right away that the clarity is going to be ruined by the toothpaste .

But actually after just letting this sit for a couple of hours that will go down and all that cloudiness will go away .

It's also going to get super , super foamy by the nature of it being tooth .

So it will turn a fully white and it should be super , super bubbly and foamy before it becomes fully .

Now , it is super important that you mix , mix , mix , mix , mix because that is the way this is going to activate .

And even when you think that you have a fully activated slime , you just need to keep , it is a little bit less foamy and you can see a little bit more of the , you can let your shampoo sit uncovered for 3 to 4 hours , if not a little bit longer .

And it is going to help all of the bubbles have time to get out of the shampoo and you'll left with a clear slime super quickly .

My slime took absolutely no time to clear up .

I just let this sit out for a couple of hours while I went and did some other things and just forgot about it .

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And instantly I was super excited to come back and find my slime fully crystal clear and the texture of the the shampoo slime was so , so the cloud from the toothpaste went away after some time and also this slime smelled super great like this fresh strawberry scent .

It was amazing and the texture was perfectly thick and hold based on new to my channel .

Make sure that you are subscribed so that you can also you can go follow me on Instagram at JSH Diy to see .

No , thanks and


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