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2023-08-27 08:14:35

How to Gain Weight Naturally In Less Than a Month

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How to gain weight naturally .

In one month for some people , weight gain is as painful as weight loss for others .

These opposites never collide .

However , having low weight problems may be just as bad for your health as being fat .

There is so much information about weight loss , but how do you act to achieve the opposite ?

The basic principles are the same for losing and gaining extra weight .

Are you a hard gainer or just want to build up lean muscles , check out these methods and let us know in the comments which methods work for you .

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One change your diet .

You should do it for many obvious reasons .

We need healthy food to build up a strong body , think productively and sustain optimal health .

It's the fundamental part of our life since our body composition is 80% diet , we should not ignore the crucial role of food in a weight gain struggle .

An average person needs around 3500 calories to gain a pound .

You need an extra 500 calories a day .

If you want to put on extra weight in a week , food paradise , you might think not so fast being mindful of what you eat is important .

When we say food is important , we don't mean any food you like , don't set your weight gain on the enormous amount of pizza , junk food and Coke .

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Of course , they'll help you gain weight , but may damage your health too .

You know , that muscles in your body weigh much more than fat , but fat is a fast grower .

Don't be misled by a quick weight gain based on unhealthy feeding habits .

Here are some dos and don't about healthy eating , eat more protein rich foods .

Protein is the key for muscle building .

It will help you gain muscle weight rather than fat mass .

Good sources of protein are red meat and poultry .

Eggs and whole grains .

Salmon is high in calories and healthy fats .

Yogurt is high in protein too .

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Enjoy your toast with butter , jam , peanut butter or honey .

However , keep in mind that protein is also very nourishing so it can reduce your hunger and appetite significantly .

Don't fill your stomach with water before meals .

Otherwise you won't be able to eat as much as you need .

Always carry a healthy snack .

Don't be lazy and bring cheese and crackers or dried fruit to your office or in the movies .

Olives and cheese are great when you want something fresh and new carry energy dense snacks to fill your hunger when you're out .

Diet on vegetables and fruits .

Choose them smartly though vegetables with calories are much better than watery ones .

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Choose avocados , potatoes , sweet potatoes and corn , fruits like bananas , blueberries , grapes and mangoes can give you calories and fiber change your eating habits .

This means eating more meals during the day .

Instead of overeating once a day , eat as much as you want .

But avoid feeling bloated and extra full for a hard gainer .

Eating 5 to 6 times a day should be enough .

Remember to make your portions smaller and diverse .

Eat one small snack , one hour before bed , it will help you gain weight two , build your muscles .

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Now that you have healthy food as an essential element for gaining weight , you can start shaping your muscles , maintain a balanced mix of cardio weight training and flexibility exercises every day .

The basis of your training should consist of squats dead lifts , presses and push ups .

These train multiple muscles and are familiar to all .

If you see the progress in weight gain in a week or two , feel free to add in other exercises , cardio strengthens your heart and burns chubby belly fat .

At first , you will notice a major weight loss , but don't freak out .

It's just your training burns fat in your body .

When the main amount of fat is gone , your muscles will shape up and you'll start gaining proper weight .

So don't forget to eat before and after your workout as good food will help heal muscles .

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After intense training , set your weight goal with the help of your physician , the aim of weight gain must differ from men and women .

So don't try to put up with your friend's standards .

When in the gym , talk to a personal trainer and create a proper training program that will help you reach your goals faster .

The instructor will guide you through specific exercises or routines that can help you add weight .

But remember that everything needs time .

Don't burn yourself out in the gym .

It won't do any good to your health .

Muscles can't grow if you train them every day with lots of exercises .

So be moderate and take proper rest .

Three , stay motivated .

Your whole plan to gain weight starts in your head .

Yes , it does .

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As soon as this thought was planted , it grows and develops to become a reality and puts you into action .

So please don't underestimate the power of an idea .

Be strongly committed to what you started and remember why you did it .

We advise you track your success , make a food and workout journal to see where you started and where you need to get .

You can download an app that will help you keep track of your accomplishments .

The internet is filled with different downloadable forms of eating routine plans or workout tables .

Find a way that suits you the most and use it .

Remember that gaining weight takes time , but as soon as you achieve your goal , don't stop reorganize your diet and training program to keep the weight on a set point you've done an incredible job in healthy eating and tough training .

So we believe nothing is impossible for you .

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Now , share your experience in gaining weight in the comments section .

Don't forget to share the video with your friends and click .

Subscribe to join the bright side of life .


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