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2023-08-24 08:09:42

☕ How to Make Cold Process Coffee Soap - A luxurious recipe with shea butter and cocoa butter!

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Hi , everyone today I'm making coffee soap .

This is one of my favorite soaps to make .

I haven't made it for quite a long time .

Um , but I've got all my ingredients ready to go .

I'm gonna show you through what I'm gonna do and why and we'll make the soap .

There's lots of ways .

Well , there's a few ways to make coffee soap .

I'm gonna go through two of the ways that I know of in this recipe and that might inspire you to make your own coffee soap .

It's a really nice soap to start off .

I'm just gonna explain everything that I've got going on here because this is a , a different recipe than my usual style .

Um , it's got more ingredients and I'm using a lot more butters and more coconut oil than I normally do .

I thought this would go really , really nicely with a coffee soap .

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So I have got , I'm using 30% coconut oil , 20% each of rice brand oil , extra virgin olive oil and shea butter and I'm using 10% cocoa butter .

So those are my oils .

I'm gonna melt all of them together .

It's winter here .

You can tell my coconut oil is quite hard .

I'm gonna melt them all together and bring them up to temperature .

So that's my oils .

That's a pretty well balanced recipe .

Actually , if you run it through soap C you'll see .

But all of the recipe details are in the description box below .

There'll be a link to the full written recipe there .

So check that out .

So I'll just get my oils melting um while I talk about the coffee .

So in goes the shea butter yum smells good .

Here we have the cocoa butter .

That's a mixture of cocoa butter chunks and some beads that I had .

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And I will put in the liquid oils now as well and just melt it over low heat slowly .

So that's my rice brown oil .

Make sure you get it all out .

If you're doing this method , generally , I would just weigh them all into the one container , but I wanted to pre weigh them to display it a bit better .

And the olive oil I'm using extra virgin olive oil .

Um , it's good to use extra virgin olive oil and a recipe like this because it's gonna be a slightly darker colored soap .

So the color of the oil won't really matter .

Um , get all of that out and I'll go and put this on the stove just on low heat .

Next , I'll talk about the coffee and how we're going to get the coffee into this soap .

Now , I just want to explain a couple of things .

This is just ground coffee .

This is just what we use to make drinking coffee out of .

And this is some instant coffee when I made coffee soap for the first time .

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What I did was I added fresh ground coffee like this into my soap and just mixed it through and that was OK .

I got coffee in my soap .

But what happens with that is the background soap doesn't get a nice uniform dark coffee color .

Uh , you get kind of a pale creamy coffee colored soap with dark bits of coffee that leach out of these little um , bits of ground coffee in the soap .

The other thing too is ground coffee is quite scratchy unless you've got it extremely , extremely finely ground .

You don't wanna have too much of that in your soap , in my opinion .

Anyway , unless you're making a mechanic soap or a gardener soap and you want a real , a really scrubby soap .

So , the best thing to do is to brew your coffee first and use that to make the lie solution for your soap recipe .

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So , what I do is I'm not gonna show you how I make coffee , but I just get my little plunger .

This is just a little uh , 1 to 2 cup one and I'll put two scoops .

So normally if I was making myself a big cup of coffee , I would just have one scoop or even , even less than a scoop in there .

But to make this brew really strong use two scoops .

So two scoops of coffee in there , fill it up with boiling water , let it brew for a really long time .

So just leave it , you know , leave it for 10 minutes , half an hour as long as you want .

And um when you come back to it just plunge it or , you know , make coffee however you want , basically , you just want some really strong coffee .

And then what you're gonna do is you're gonna pour your strong coffee into an ice cube tray and freeze it .

So just like lots of other soap recipes where you're using uh special ingredients for the lye solution .

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It is often best to freeze them and this applies with milks with purees , with aloe vera coffee is the same .

If you just pour sodium hydroxide and I've got mine measured out here .

If you just pour that straight into warm or room temperature coffee , the coffee will scald so it'll get a burnt smell to it and that will end up in your soap .

So to keep it nice and light , um nice fresh coffee scent cos you do get a tiny , little bit of the scent in with it , uh freeze your coffee .

So I've already pre frozen mine and got it measured out .

So I'll bring that out when we're ready to make the soap .

I just wanted to go through that .

Now , the other option for getting coffee in your soap , which I haven't done , but I cannot see any reason why it wouldn't work very , very well .

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And , you know , I was tempted to do it for this video , but I , I kind of wanted to do a , a proper brewed coffee for this , but you could easily , easily make a nice coffee soap using instant coffee .

If you got a couple of teaspoons of instant coffee and dissolved it in just a small amount of hot water , you know , a couple of teaspoons or two or three teaspoons of hot water , make a really strong little coffee syrup out of instant coffee .

You could easily just add that to your soap recipe after you've mixed uh a standard water lie solution in with your oils .

So that would be the other way to do it .

But today I'm doing the ground coffee version .

So that's that .

Now I did save some of the coffee grounds .

Um These are pre brewed grounds .

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If you want to add some texture to the coffee , use pre brewed grounds because you won't get as much leaching of the coffee out of the grounds into the soap and you'll get a much more uniform texture .

Also , don't add much .

It is really , really scratchy and I think just the tiniest little bit or none at all is actually ideal .

But you know , it's up to you , you make your soap however you want to .

Um But I recommend a , just a teeny , teeny , little bit of that if you're going to use any at all .

And just quickly I'll show you these , this is some coconut cream and some coffee fragrance oil .

These are old fragrance oils that I've had for a long time just stored away .

Um , you can add a little bit of coffee fragrance oil to this soap .

So I'm just adding a small amount like 1.5% of the total oils .

Um It's not a lot , it'll just give it a nice little , nice little fragrance , but that's totally optional .

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My oils are still melting .

So I'm going to make the lie solution while I'm waiting .

Now , I've got my frozen coffee here .

It's about 230 g roughly .

So this recipe has a 2.2 to 1 water to lie ratio , which is about 31% lie concentration .

Part of the reason for having uh lots of liquid in the soap is so that I can get a lot of coffee in the soap .

The other reason is that um I'm using lots of um shea butter and cocoa butter and coconut oil .

So it's gonna be a fairly fast moving recipe .

So I want to use a bit more liquid and that will kind of help slow it down a little bit , but it is not a really super excessive liquid amount .

It'll still be a nice hard soap .

So I've got my goggles on and I just took them off for you , but I've got them on , put them back on and I've got my gloves on .

So make sure you know all your soap safety stuff .

Check out the links in the description box .

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Now I'm just going to add my sodium hydroxide to this and we'll slowly dissolve it and just add a little bit by little bit and stir gently .

You want this to go nice and slow , the slower the better because you don't want that coffee to be scorched .

You want it nice and fresh coffee smelling and looking .

Yeah , it's starting to really warm up now and dissolve those ice cubes .

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Alright .

It's nearly all dissolved now .

It smells quite good .

So that is the coffee lie solution .

There's a few little bits of sodium hydroxide that aren't dissolved .

So I'm just gonna let that sit for a bit and then I'll come and stir it again .

Well , here are my oils .

They're all melted .

It's about 62 °C , 61 °C , 100 and 42 °F .

So that's quite warm .

Ideally , we want them a little bit cooler .

Um But given that my light solution is quite cool .

I think I might even leave that at that hot temperature because that's only 20 °C 68 uh Fahrenheit , which is quite cool .

I can actually feel the coolness in that .

This is a bit experimental .

I've never made this recipe before .

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So I'm pouring my oils into this jug just because I don't want to make soap in my cooking pot here because this is just one of our household sauce bins .

Uh and it's it's not big enough either if you're transferring oils from pot to pot , make sure you take care to get every little last dropout .

So that's down to 58 .

So just transferring it out of that warm pot has cooled it down slightly .

Alright , I'm gonna mix this soap now .

I don't know but I've got a funny feeling because of the butters in this that it it might set up really fast on me .

So I'm gonna add the fragrance oil into the oils now because I don't want it to go hard on me and then I won't be able to mix that in .

It smells great .

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There are a few little chunky bits in my lie solution so I'm going to strain that through this little sieve just gonna pour it all in at once if you're not sure you might have some unresolved lie or look some little coffee grains and things like that in there .

Strain your lie solution .

Now I have my stick blender ready for this but I just wanna whisk it for a little bit because I have a feeling it won't actually need the stick blender recipes that are really high in shea butter , cocoa butter , coconut oil fast sapo finding oils .

Yeah , that's coming together .

Alright .

Um they sa really fast and this is warm .

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You don't want this too warm , but it's pretty warm .

40 degrees perfect .

So , 40 °C , 100 and six °F , that's a perfect temperature .

So we kind of did a reverse heat transfer method .

Then normally with the heat transfer method , you would use a hot lie solution and cold oils .

But this time we had hot oils and a cool solution .

So the temperatures of one has kind of canceled out the other a little bit .

If you were making this soap with the instant coffee method , you would just make your soap with a normal water lie solution .

And you could add your instant coffee slurry syrup just dissolved in a tiny , little bit of water .

You could add that in .

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Now , that would be interesting to try .

I'm not gonna do that though because I've just got my brewed coffee .

The color of that is just perfect .

That's how I remember it .

This soap is thickening up beautifully without a stick blender .

So I'm always reluctant to add too much coffee grounds to my soap , but I wanna add just a tiny , little bit .

It's probably about a third of a teaspoon .

See what that looks like ?

Tiny , a bit more .

That's great .

I don't know if you can see that , but there's just a few little flecks of coffee in there , but not too much .

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So it won't be really scratchy .

So I've got a trace .

No , stick blender needed .

That's ready to pour .

This is very luscious soap .

Oh , my gosh .

It smells so good .

I gonna pour it now .

Beautiful .

My husband's gonna love this .

He loves coffee and he loves my soap .

Especially when they got a nice fragrance .

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Oh , gee , that's nice .

So see that beautiful color .

If I had , have just put coffee grounds in there and not brewed the coffee and made the lie solution .

That would be a paler colored soap and as it sapo and sets , you would end up with these leeched coffee bits from the coffee grounds .

When you do it .

This way , the lie solution , you get a nice uniform coffee colored soap .

I'm going to just do a little bit of chopstick swirling .

Well , it's not quite thick enough yet .

Oh , it's so creamy .

I like that .

That's a bit unusual , but that works for me .

Ok .

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I'm gonna wrap the soap up now just to , I hope it's , um , go through a nice full gel phase .

Just a little bit of cardboard on the top .

This soap will gel quite easily .

It doesn't need really heavy wrapping or oven processing , but it's still quite cold weather here or cool .

So , I'm gonna wrap it , um , at least for a few hours till it gels and then I'll check it later on tonight .

I might cut it later tonight or I might leave it till the morning .

We'll see how it goes .

Good morning .

It's the next day I did check on this soap late last night , but it was still a little bit too soft to cut .

I hope it's not too hard .

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Now with all the butter in this soap , it may be quite hard , but it's gonna be a lovely soap to use .

Um , if I can just get it out of the mold there it is .

It is so creamy .

You can see , I didn't get a full gel and that's my fault .

I kept sneak peeking on it .

I really wanted to see if it was jelling and of course , every time I did that I uh reduced the temperature .

So I didn't quite get a full gel .

You see , it'll be darker in the middle and there'll be some kind of lighter creamy bits on the end .

It smells absolutely gorgeous .

It's very subtle fragrance .

I don't like really strong um , fragrance oils in my soap , but a little bit is nice in this soap .

So I'm gonna cut it now .

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I just did a little ph test of this soap and it is fully sapo .

So it's safe for me to touch with my hands .

It's a lovely soft creamy soap .

I can't wait to give it a little Laver test which I'll show you .

Um , wow , it's pretty hard .

Look at that .

See how it's got .

Um , I don't know if you can see the color , there's a little bit of color , color variation around the edges .

That evens out as this soap cures .

So , yeah , you'll get some funny colors but that will even out .

So , don't worry about that if you notice that .

Oh , I've got such a good feeling about this soap .

I think it's gonna be a really great recipe .

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It's gonna be a really nice , hard , long lasting , um , bar with the cocoa butter .

Um , the shea butter and the 30% coconut oil .

Um , it's gonna have a great leather and the olive oil and the rice brown oil , um , rice brown oil gives a pretty good lather as well .

Olive oil doesn't , but um , olive oil will add to the , the gentleness of this soap .

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So it's a really nice well balanced recipe and there it is gorgeous coffee soap made with freshly brewed coffee with olive oil , rice , brown oil , coconut oil , shea butter , cocoa butter , don't think I've got anything .

Uh , it's a gorgeous soap .

Just a few little flecks of ground coffee in there , not enough to scratch you .

Um , and this will get nice and dark as it as it um cures .

And I've just got a little piece of the soap that I cut off .

I'm gonna do a bit of a lava test .

The lather of this soap will get a lot better as it .

Wow , it will get a lot better as it cures it .

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Something very fresh soap .

Make sure you cure this soap for 4 to 6 weeks as you would any other soap .

But look at that laer .

Wow .

That is just so creamy and luxurious .

Wow .

This is gonna be my favorite soap all summer .

I think that is an incredible lather .

Wow , that's probably the best lathering soap I've ever made .

Oh , gosh , that is gorgeous .

I hope you will give this a try .

Everyone .

That's a beautiful recipe .

Even if you don't make coffee soap with it , just use that recipe and make other things , other soaps with it .

It's just gorgeous .

You could just substitute the coffee just for water .

It's just a really nice recipe .

Anyway , there we go .

There we have it .

Thanks everyone .

I hope you enjoyed that video .

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Please let me know if you've got any questions or feedback or comments and I'll see you in the next video .

Enjoy your coffee soap making .

Bye .


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