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2023-08-27 08:31:47

How to Make SLIME for Beginners! 3 Satisfying Viral Slime Ideas!

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Thanks .

Hey , beautiful people .

It's Courtney .

Welcome back today .

I have another fun slime video for you guys .

I'm gonna be sharing with you three fun viral types of slime that are some of my favorite to make and thought I would share these recipes with you guys .

So give this video a like if you are excited to see that and want to see more slime videos .

And also I owe you guys some giveaway winners .

So my $100 visa gift card giveaway I did for the month of July .

I tried to do these monthly .

I did announce the winner over on my Instagram so you can check there .

And if you didn't win , I'm also having a giveaway right now .

All you have to do is be subscribed to my channel , turn on the bell notifications and follow me on Instagram because that is where I'll be announcing the winner at the end of August .

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And I also posted my school supply winner over on that video so you can go check it out , check the description box and I have reached out to the winner as so while we're on the topic of giveaways along with my monthly $100 gift card giveaways that I do on my channel .

I'm also going to start doing giveaways for my Patreon .

So I will link my Patreon down below .

Uh You could support my channel and you will also be entered into a monthly giveaway when it's like a little raffle .

So we can connect a little more like a little raffle for a giveaway as well .

So if you're interested in checking that out , I will link it down below and you can become a Patreon on there .

And anyways , that was a lot of giveaway stuff .

Let's go ahead and get into this video first up .

We're doing some chewed up bubble gum slime .

Now , if you like crunchy slimes , you will be obsessed with this .

So , all I'm doing is taking some white glue and then I'm going to add in equal parts of shaving foam .

This is optional .

You don't have to do it , but I just like the texture and fluffiness .

It gives and then I'm doing some pink paint just so it looks like bubble gum .

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Of course , you could do whatever color you want .

So I'm just stirring it all together until it's well combined and mixed up and it has this really pretty like light pink color .

Again , I've seen this done like just about every color .

So whatever is your favorite color , you could go ahead and do that or you could also use food coloring if you don't have paint .

Then I'm taking these packing peanuts which usually come in packages you get in the mail or you could just buy them at the store and I'm breaking them like a little bit with a popsicle stick .

Uh , is , which is what I'm using to mix the slime together .

Uh , as you start to like need your slime , they do break apart .

So it's not really like mandatory that you mix them up and break them .

So I'm using some stay flow for my activator .

I have a whole video on different activators you could use if you don't have stay flow .

So I'm just using that today .

And as I'm mixing , I'm kind of like stabbing them that way .

It just like makes them smaller pieces because it makes it more fun in my opinion .

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So I'm just adding more stay flow until it's not sticky anymore and still very stretchy .

So I'm just needing it with my hands and as I continue to need it , the pieces will break apart even smaller and it's just super fun to play with for this next one .

We're doing like a soft serve fluffy slime and I'm doing it like mint chocolate chip theme .

I've seen just like regular like a cookie dough theme one , but I think the mint chocolate chip is really fun .

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So all I'm doing again is adding equal parts of glue and shaving foam and then adding in some green acrylic paint uh , this green wasn't like the perfect for mint chocolate chip .

So I added some light blue to it , kind of give it like a pretty minty color .

And then the shaving foam helps lighten the paint a lot .

So I'm just stirring it till it gets to a color that I like .

So this is your classic like fluffy slime .

Now , if you want to , you could use a light brown colored paint .

That way , it's like a pretty light brown color .

That way it looks like a chocolate chip when you're done .

But again , I'm just activating this with some stay flow again , adding in a little bit at a time until it starts to like stick together and pull away from the sides of the bowl .

That's when I'll go ahead and stick my hands in and start to need it and help activate it further .

Uh So just keep adding your activator until it's no longer sticky .

And then what I'm going to do is take some clay .

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Now , this is like the baked oven clay that you can use and this is just a dark brown color .

So all you need is a small section and what I decided to do was kind of roll it out into like a log shape .

And then from there , we're just gonna cut it into like chocolate chip size pieces like so and then what you could do , you could either use them like this and this is a pretty hard clay , but I would recommend baking them that way .

They turn even more hard and they won't like get squished into your slime .

So now I'm just doing the classic slime swirl like so and adding in my chocolate chips or fake chocolate chips .

I hope nobody thinks this is edible .

Totally not edible .

But I feel like I should still throw that out there for the rare 1% .

Who thinks , oh , it's chocolate chips .

I could eat it .

No , not at all .

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Um So you can add them on top and when you're done , like looking at it or taking pictures , you could go ahead and start mixing it all together for this last slime .

It's going to be like a rose gold glitter slime .

Now , this one is so pretty .

Um Any time you're using glitter or sequins , you definitely want to use a clear glue .

Otherwise they just kind of get lost in the glue .

Now I'm stirring in equal parts of glue and water because clear slime will be very stiff and break very easy if you don't add the water to it .

So then what I'm doing is going ahead and adding in a few drops of this pretty like peachy pink color .

You don't need much otherwise it's going to take away from the clear slime .

Um But just a few drops , it could be like a better rose gold color than this .

Um I think this one's really , really pretty .

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And then I'm adding in these glitters and this is like a gold one and I'm also gonna add in some white glitter and you want to add in quite a bit because as you mix it in , they will kind of get lost in the slime .

So if you want a super glittery like glitter balm slime , uh you have to add in a lot to your slime .

So I'm adding in this really pretty white one as well and then I'm gonna stir it all together to get the glitter combined .

Look how gorgeous this is .

Um After your slime actually settles in the container like overnight , it will give you this really cool pattern as well .

If you swirl your finger through it in the morning , like it looks amazing .

It's so pretty uh for this .

I am using Borax in water as an activator .

So to do that , you need a cup of warm water and a teaspoon of Borax and you only need like the slightest slightest bit of activator for clear slime .

So definitely keep that in mind .

Otherwise your clear slime will have like no stretch to it whatsoever .

Uh So here it is , the camera does not even do it justice .

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It is so , so glittery and gorgeous .

This is one of my favorite slimes and I just think it's so beautiful .

Thank you guys so much for watching .

Don't forget to check out my last videos over here if you haven't seen them yet .

Don't forget to subscribe and check out all the giveaways I have currently going on and let me know in the comments down below what video you would like to see from me next and I'll talk to you guys really soon .

Bye .


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